;+ ; ; @file_comments ; slightly modified version of cw_field ... ; ; @categories ; ; @param parent {in}{required} ; The ID of the parent widget. ; ; @keyword COLUMN ; Buttons will be arranged in the number of columns specified by this keyword. ; ; @keyword ROW ; Buttons will be arranged in the number of rows specified by this keyword. ; ; @keyword EVENT_FUNC ; The name of an optional user-supplied event function for buttons. ; This function is called with the return value structure whenever a ; button is pressed, and follows the conventions for user-written event functions. ; ; @keyword FLOATING ; ; @keyword INTEGER ; ; @keyword LONG ; ; @keyword STRING ; ; @keyword FONT ; The name of the font to be used for the button titles. If this keyword ; is not specified, the default font is used. ; ; @keyword FRAME ; Specifies the width of the frame to be drawn around the base. ; ; @keyword TITLE ; The title of the window ; ; @keyword UVALUE ; The user value to be associated with the widget. ; ; @keyword VALUE ; ; @keyword RETURN_EVENTS ; ; @keyword ALL_EVENTS ; ; @keyword FIELDFONT ; ; @keyword NOEDIT ; ; @keyword TEXT_FRAME ; ; @keyword XSIZE ; The width of the base ; ; @keyword YSIZE ; The height of the base. ; ; @keyword UNAME ; The user name to be associated with the widget. ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- FUNCTION cw_field2, parent, COLUMN=column, ROW=row $ , EVENT_FUNC=efun $ , FLOATING=float, INTEGER=int, LONG=long, STRING=string $ , FONT=labelfont, FRAME=frame, TITLE=title, UVALUE=uvalue $ , VALUE=textvaluein $ , RETURN_EVENTS=returnevents, ALL_EVENTS=allupdates $ , FIELDFONT=fieldfont, NOEDIT=noedit, TEXT_FRAME=text_frame $ , XSIZE=xsize, YSIZE=ysize, UNAME=uname ; , FLOOR=vmin, CEILING=vmax ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; resolve_routine, 'cw_field', /compile_full_file, /is_function ; Examine our keyword list and set default values ; for keywords that are not explicitly set. Column = KEYWORD_SET(Column) Row = 1 - Column AllEvents = 1 - KEYWORD_SET(NoEdit) ; Enum Update { None, All, CRonly } Update = 0 IF KEYWORD_SET(AllUpdates) THEN Update = 1 IF KEYWORD_SET(ReturnEvents) THEN Update = 2 IF N_ELEMENTS(efun) LE 0 THEN efun = '' IF N_ELEMENTS(Title) EQ 0 THEN Title='Input Field:' TextValue = (N_ELEMENTS(TextValueIn) gt 0) ? TextValueIn : '' ; Convert non-string values to strings. if (SIZE(TextValue, /TNAME) ne 'STRING') then $ TextValue = STRTRIM(TextValue,2) IF N_ELEMENTS(YSize) EQ 0 THEN YSize=1 IF N_ELEMENTS(uname) EQ 0 THEN uname='CW_FIELD_UNAME' Type = 0 ; string is default IF KEYWORD_SET(Float) THEN Type = 1 IF KEYWORD_SET(Int) THEN Type = 2 IF KEYWORD_SET(Long) THEN Type = 3 ; Don't allow multiline non string widgets if (Type ne 0) then $ YSize=1 YSize = YSize > 1 ; Build Widget Base = WIDGET_BASE(parent, ROW=row, COLUMN=column, UVALUE=uvalue, $ EVENT_FUNC='CW_FIELD_EVENT', $ PRO_SET_VALUE='CW_FIELD_SET', $ FUNC_GET_VALUE='CW_FIELD_GET', $ FRAME=Frame, UNAME=uname ) FOR i = 0, n_elements(title)-1 DO $ Label = WIDGET_LABEL(Base, VALUE = Title[i], FONT = LabelFont, $ UNAME = uname+'_LABEL', /align_left) Text = WIDGET_TEXT(Base, VALUE = TextValue, $ XSIZE=XSize, YSIZE=YSize, FONT=FieldFont, $ ALL_EVENTS=AllEvents, $ EDITABLE=(AllEvents AND TYPE EQ 0), $ FRAME=Text_Frame , $ UNAME=uname+'_TEXT') ; NO_ECHO=(AllEvents AND (TYPE NE 0))) ; Save our internal state in the first child widget State = { $ efun: efun, $ TextId:Text, $ Title:Title, $ Update:Update, $ Type:Type $ } WIDGET_CONTROL, WIDGET_INFO(Base, /CHILD), SET_UVALUE=State, /NO_COPY RETURN, Base END ; ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; get back the ids of the cw_field widgets ; ; @categories ; ; @param EVENT ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO printerdef_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = cwids IF size(cwids, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN cwids = reform(cwids, 3, 1) help, cwids dims = size(cwids, /dimensions) help, dims print, dims results = strarr(dims) FOR i = 0, dims[1]-1 DO BEGIN widget_control, cwids[0, i], get_value = res & results[0, i] = res widget_control, cwids[1, i], get_value = res & results[1, i] = res widget_control, cwids[2, i], get_value = res & results[2, i] = res ENDFOR nothing = where(results EQ '', count) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN nothing = dialog_message('Some of the text box are still empty', dialog_parent = event.top, /information) return ENDIF ; now we give the result to buildinit.pro by using the pointer uvalue widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptresult *ptresult = temporary(results) ; we destroy the widget widget_control, event.top, /destroy RETURN END ; ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; get back the ids of the cw_field widgets ; ; @categories ; ; @param EVENT ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO papsize_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue = uvalue IF uvalue[0] NE 'ok' THEN return idist = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'list') id = widget_info(idist, /list_select) widget_control, idist, get_uvalue = selected selected = selected[id] selected = strsplit(selected, /extract) ; now we give the result to buildinit.pro by using the pointer uvalue widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptresult *ptresult = [float(selected[3]), float(selected[4])] ; we destroy the widget widget_control, event.top, /destroy RETURN END ; ;+ ; @file_comments ; now we give the answer to buildinit.pro by using the pointer uvalue ; ; @categories ; ; @param event ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO xask_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = ptranswer *ptranswer = event.value ; we destroy the widget widget_control, event.top, /destroy RETURN END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION xask, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; base = widget_base() field = cw_field2(base, /frame, /return_events, /column, _extra = ex) ptranswer = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) ; we realize the widget and wait for an answer widget_control, base, /realize, set_uvalue = ptranswer xmanager, 'xask', base ; we get the answer answer = *ptranswer ; we freeing the pointer ptr_free, ptranswer RETURN, answer END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @keyword TITLE ; The title of the window ; ; @keyword NOMARK ; ; @keyword NOWRITE ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION getdir, TITLE=title, NOMARK=nomark, NOWRITE=nowrite ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; REPEAT BEGIN dir = dialog_pickfile(/directory, /must_exist, title = title) ; make sure dir is ok, check read/write access and directory separator mark dir = file_search(dir, /test_directory, /test_read $ , test_write = 1 - keyword_set(nowrite) $ , mark_directory = 1 - keyword_set(nomark)) dir = dir[0] ENDREP UNTIL dir NE '' RETURN, dir END ; ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO buildinit ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF fix(strmid(!version.release, 0, 1)) LT 6 THEN BEGIN print, ' *** ***** ***' print, ' *** ERROR ***' print, ' *** ***** ***' print, 'This version of SAXO needs at least IDL version 6.0' print, ' *** ***** ***' print, ' *** ERROR ***' print, ' *** ***** ***' return ENDIF IF lmgr(/demo) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN print, 'impossible to use buildinit in demo mode' return ENDIF ; init = [';' $ , '; This is the initialisation file.' $ , '; it defines the !path and the defaut values of some of the common variables' $ , ';' $ , '; this is supposed to speed-up IDL...' $ , ';' $ , '; a = fltarr(1000,1000,100)' $ , '; a = 0' $ , ';' $ , '; path definition' $ , ';'] ; ; define "myIDL" directory myIDL = getdir(title = 'Select the home directory (my IDL)', /nomark) ; define "SAXO" directory saxodir = getdir(title = 'Select SAXO directory', /nomark, /nowrite) ; define the !path init = [init, '!path = expand_path(''+'' + '''+myIDL+''') $' $ , ' + path_sep(/search_path) + expand_path(''+'' + '''+saxodir+''') $' $ , ' + path_sep(/search_path) + expand_path(''+'' + !dir)'] ; ; should we keep the compatibility with the old version? ; yes = dialog_message(['shall we keep the compatibility' $ , 'with the old version ?'], /question, /default_no) yes = strlowcase(yes) init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; compatibility with the old version' $ , ';' $ , 'keep_compatibility, ' + strtrim(fix(yes EQ 'yes'), 2)] ; ; define all the commons ; init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; define all the commons' $ , ';' $ , '@all_cm'] ; ; define default directories ; init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; define default directories' $ , ';' $ , 'homedir = isadirectory('''+myIDL+'/'', title = ''Select the default HOME directory'')'] iodir = getdir(title = 'Select the default IO directory') init = [init $ , 'iodir = isadirectory('''+iodir+''', title = ''Select the default IO directory'')'] psdir = getdir(title = 'Select the default postscripts directory') init = [init $ , 'psdir = isadirectory('''+psdir+''', title = ''Select the default postscripts directory'')'] imagedir = getdir(title = 'Select the default images directory') init = [init $ , 'imagedir = isadirectory('''+imagedir+''', title = ''Select the default images directory'')'] animdir = getdir(title = 'Select the default animations directory') init = [init $ , 'animdir = isadirectory('''+animdir+''', title = ''Select the default animations directory'')'] ; ; number of printer ; ptnumb = xask(title = 'Number of accessible printers', value = 0, /long) ; ; define all the printer parameters ; init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; define printer parameters' $ , ';' ] ; IF ptnumb NE 0 THEN BEGIN base = widget_base(/column, /frame) cwids = lonarr(3, ptnumb) FOR i = 0, ptnumb-1 DO BEGIN subbase = widget_base(base, /row) cwids[0, i] = cw_field(subbase, /string $ , Title = 'printer_human_names['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ') cwids[1, i] = cw_field(subbase, /string $ , Title = 'printer_machine_names['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ') cwids[2, i] = cw_field(subbase, /string, value = '\lpr -P' $ , Title = 'print_command['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ') ENDFOR trash = widget_button(base, value = 'ok', uvalue = cwids) ptresult = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) ; we realize the widget and wait for an answer widget_control, base, /realize, set_uvalue = ptresult xmanager, 'printerdef', base ; init = [init $ , 'printer_human_names = strarr('+strtrim(ptnumb, 2)+')' $ , 'printer_machine_names = strarr('+strtrim(ptnumb, 2)+')' $ , 'print_command = strarr('+strtrim(ptnumb, 2)+')'] FOR i = 0, ptnumb-1 DO BEGIN init = [init $ , 'printer_human_names['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ''' $ + (*ptresult)[0, i]+'''' $ , 'printer_machine_names['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ''' $ + (*ptresult)[1, i]+'''' $ , 'print_command['+strtrim(i, 2)+'] = ''' $ + (*ptresult)[2, i]+''''] ENDFOR ; we freeing the pointer ptr_free, ptresult ENDIF ELSE BEGIN init = [init $ , 'printer_human_names = ''''' $ , 'printer_machine_names = ''''' $ , 'print_command = '''''] ENDELSE ; ; Colors ; init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; colors ...' $ , ';' $ , 'device, decomposed = 0' $ , 'device, retain = 2'] ; ; default color tables ; loadct, get_names = names ntables = 40 title = [' -------------------------------------- ' $ , ' --- Choose the default color table --- ' $ , ' -------------------------------------- ', ''] ; the following lines come from loadct procedure... nlines = (ntables + 2) / 3 ;# of lines to print nend = nlines - ((nlines*3) - ntables) for i = 0, nend-1 do $ ;Print each line title = [title $ , string(format = "(i2,'- ',a17, 3x, i2,'- ',a17, 3x, i2,'- ',a17)" $ , i, names[i], i+nlines, names[i+nlines] $ , i+2*nlines < (ntables-1) $ , names[i+2*nlines < (ntables-1)])] if (nend lt nlines) then begin for i = nend, nlines-1 do $ title = [title $ , string(format = "(i2,'- ',a17, 3x, i2,'- ',a17)", $ i, names[i], i+nlines, names[i+nlines])] ENDIF title = [title, ''] ctnumb = 0 > xask(title = title, value = 39, /long) < 39 ; init = [init $ , 'lct, '+strtrim(ctnumb, 2)] ; ; postscript position ; yes = dialog_message(['the default postscript position', 'is landscape?'], /question) init = [init $ , ';' $ , '; postscript parameters ...' $ , ';' $ , 'key_portrait = '+strtrim(fix(strlowcase(yes) NE 'yes'), 2)] ; ; paper size ; list = ['a0 33.0556 46.7778 83.9611 118.816' $ , 'a1 23.3889 33.0556 59.4078 83.9611' $ , 'a2 16.5278 23.3889 41.9806 59.4078' $ , 'a3 11.6944 16.5278 29.7039 41.9806' $ , 'a4 8.26389 11.6944 20.9903 29.7039' $ , 'a5 5.84722 8.26389 14.8519 20.9903' $ , 'a6 4.125 5.84722 10.4775 14.8519' $ , 'a7 2.91667 4.125 7.40833 10.4775' $ , 'a8 2.05556 2.91667 5.22111 7.40833' $ , 'a9 1.45833 2.05556 3.70417 5.22111' $ , 'a10 1.02778 1.45833 2.61056 3.70417' $ , 'b0 39.3889 55.6667 100.048 141.393' $ , 'b1 27.8333 39.3889 70.6967 100.048' $ , 'b2 19.6944 27.8333 50.0239 70.6967' $ , 'b3 13.9167 19.6944 35.3483 50.0239' $ , 'b4 9.84722 13.9167 25.0119 35.3483' $ , 'b5 6.95833 9.84722 17.6742 25.0119' $ , 'archA 9 12 22.86 30.48' $ , 'archB 12 18 30.48 45.72' $ , 'archC 18 24 45.72 60.96' $ , 'archD 24 36 60.96 91.44' $ , 'archE 36 48 91.44 121.92' $ , 'flsa 8.5 13 21.59 33.02' $ , 'flse 8.5 13 21.59 33.02' $ , 'halfletter 5.5 8.5 13.97 21.59' $ , 'note 7.5 10 19.05 25.4' $ , 'letter 8.5 11 21.59 27.94' $ , 'legal 8.5 14 21.59 35.56' $ , '11x17 11 17 27.94 43.18' $ , 'ledger 17 11 43.18 27.94'] base = widget_base(/column) trash = widget_label(base, value = '--- Select the paper size ---') trash = widget_label(base, value = '') trash = widget_label(base, value = 'PAPERSIZE X inches Y inches X cm Y cm', /align_left, uvalue = 'dummy') listid = widget_list(base, value = list, uvalue = list, uname = 'list', ysize = n_elements(list) < 15) widget_control, listid, set_list_select = 4 trash = widget_button(base, value = 'ok', uvalue = 'ok') ptresult = ptr_new(/allocate_heap) ; we realize the widget and wait for an answer widget_control, base, /realize, set_uvalue = ptresult xmanager, 'papsize', base ; papsize = *ptresult ; we freeing the pointer ptr_free, ptresult init = [init $ , 'page_size = [' + strtrim(papsize[0], 2) $ + ', ' +strtrim(papsize[1], 2) + ']'] ; ; window size ; title = [' --- Size of the Window ---', '' $ , 'The size of window (in cm) is given by:' $ , 'windowsize_scale * page_size, with ' $ , 'page_size = [' + strtrim(papsize[0], 2)+ ', ' +strtrim(papsize[1], 2) + ']' $ , 'Please select a value for windowsize_scale '] wsize_scale = xask(title = title, value = 1, /floating) init = [init, 'windowsize_scale = ' + strtrim(wsize_scale, 2)] ; ; postscript archiving... ; title = [' --- Select the default postscript archiving method ---', ''$ , '0 : never archive the postscript' $ , '1 : always archive the postscript when printed' $ , '2 : ask if the postscript must be archived each time its printed', ''] archive_ps = 0 > xask(title = title, value = 0, /long) < 2 init = [init $ , 'archive_ps = '+strtrim(archive_ps, 2) $ , ';' $ , ';========================================================' $ , '; end of the part that should be modified by the users...' $ , ';========================================================' $ , ';' $ , '; if needed, keep compatibility with the old version' $ , ';' $ , '@updateold' $ , ';' ] filename = xask(title = ['name of the init file', '(written in homedir: ' + myIDL + ')'], value = 'init.pro', /string) journal, myIDL + '/' + filename FOR i = 0, n_elements(init)-1 DO journal, init[i] journal RETURN END