; ;+ ; NAME: ; STRTRANS ; PURPOSE: ; Translate all occurences of one substring to another. ; CATEGORY: ; text/strings ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; new = strtrans(oldstr,from,to,ned) ; INPUTS: ; oldstr -- string on which to operate. in ; May be an array. ; from -- substrings to be translated. May be in ; an array. ; to -- what strings in from should be in ; translated to. May be an array. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /HELP -- Set this to print useful message and ; exit. ; OUTPUTS: ; new -- Translated string. Array if oldstr is out ; an array. ; ned -- number of substitutions performed in out ; oldstr. Array if oldstr is an array. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; NOTES: ; - Any of old, from, and to can be arrays. ; - from and to must have the same number of elements. ; EXAMPLE: ; inp='Many*bad!chars+in_here' ; from=['*','!','+','_'] ; to =[' ',' ',' ',' '] ; out = strtrans(inp,from,to,ned) ; Will produce out='Many bad chars in here', and set ned to 4. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; $Id$ ; $Log: strtrans.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2004/06/15 17:25:54 mcraig ; Fixed bug in regular expression, changed array notation to square brackets ; ; Revision 1.6 2004/01/11 01:49:00 mcraig ; Changed format of one array to newer [] style to avoidf conflict with function name in astro library. ; ; Revision 1.5 2001/11/23 21:14:35 mcraig ; Added keywords /EXTRACT, /PRESERVE_NULL, /REGEX to call to ; strsplit. This comes very close to reproducing the behavior of the ; obsolete routine str_sep. ; ; Revision 1.4 2001/11/21 19:13:23 mcraig ; Changed str_sep to strsplit. The former is now considered obsolete by RSI. ; ; Revision 1.3 1996/06/14 20:00:27 mcraig ; Updated Copyright info. ; ; Revision 1.2 1996/05/09 00:22:17 mcraig ; Sped up significantly by using str_sep to handle the translation. No longer ; relies on routines fromother user libraries. ; ; Revision 1.1 1996/01/31 18:47:37 mcraig ; Initial revision ; ; RELEASE: ; $Name: Rel_2_1_2 $ ; ; COPYRIGHT: ; Copyright (C) 1996 The Regents of the University of California, All ; Rights Reserved. Written by Matthew W. Craig. ; See the file COPYRIGHT for restrictions on distrubting this code. ; This code comes with absolutely NO warranty; see DISCLAIMER for details. ;- FUNCTION strtrans, InputString, from, to, ned, $ HELP=Help ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; Bomb out to caller if error. On_error, 2 ; Offer help if we don't have at least InputString, from, and to, or ; if the user asks for it. IF (n_params() LT 3) OR keyword_set(help) THEN BEGIN offset = ' ' print, offset+'Translate all occurences of one substring to another.' print, offset+'new = strtrans(oldstr,from,to,ned)' print, offset+'Inputs:' print, offset+offset+'oldstr -- string on which to operate. in' print, offset+offset+' May be an array.' print, offset+offset+'from -- substrings to be translated. May be in' print, offset+offset+' an array.' print, offset+offset+'to -- what strings in from should be in' print, offset+offset+' translated to. May be an array.' print, offset+'Outputs:' print, offset+offset+'new -- Translated string. Array if oldstr is out' print, offset+offset+' an array.' print, offset+offset+'ned -- number of substitutions performed in out' print, offset+offset+' oldstr. Array if oldstr is an array.' print, offset+'Notes:' print, offset+offset+'- Any of old, from, and to can be arrays. ' print, offset+offset+'- from and to must have the same number of elements.' return, -1 ENDIF strn = InputString ; Check that From/To have same number of elements. RETURN if they don't. NFrom = n_elements(from) NTo = n_elements(to) IF (NFrom EQ 0) OR (NTo EQ 0) THEN return, strn IF NFrom NE NTo THEN BEGIN print,'Error: Number of elements in from/to unequal' return,-1 ENDIF ; Make sure there are no null strings in From. RETURN if there are. FromLen = strlen(From) IF (total(FromLen EQ 0) GT 0) THEN BEGIN print, 'Error: elements of From must have nonzero length.' return, -1 ENDIF NStrings = n_elements(strn) ned = lonarr(NStrings) tmpned = 0L ; Say strn='a#b#c', from='#' and to='@'. Then the approach here is to ; first split strn at all occurances of '#', then recombine the pieces ; with '@' inserted instead. Do this for all elements of strn, and ; all elements of from. FOR i = 0L, NStrings-1 DO BEGIN ned[i] = 0L FOR j=0L, NFrom-1 DO BEGIN SepStr = strsplit(strn[i], from[j], $ /EXTRACT, /REGEX, /PRESERVE_NULL) NSubs = n_elements(SepStr) - 1 strn[i] = SepStr[0] FOR k=1L, NSubs DO strn[i] = strn[i] + To[j] + SepStr[k] ned[i] = ned[i] + NSubs ENDFOR ENDFOR return, strn END