;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @keyword IMAGE ; ; @examples ; ; To run test with Levitus temperature on a regular 1x1 grid : ; IDL> @tst_initlev ; IDL> tst_plt ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO tst_plt, IMAGE=image ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh ; ; figure 2: regular grid ; CASE jpi*key_stride[0]+jpj*key_stride[1] OF 180+148:file = 'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc' 360+180:file = 'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_1x1.nc' 720+510:file = 'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA05.nc' ENDCASE file = isafile(file, title = 'Where is '+file+' ?', /lookalldir) IF size(file, /type) NE 7 THEN return ; dummy = '' cnt = 1 ; domdef domdef, gdept[0], gdept[0], gridtype = 'T' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) ; plt, temp, /landscape if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, -2, 31, int = .5, /nocontour, format = '(i3)' if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, -2, 31, int = 1, /color_c if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, -2, 31, int = 1, /nofill, c_thick = 1, coast_thick = 2 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, cell_fill = 1 + (jpi EQ 180) ; we must use cell_fill = 2 for ORCA2 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; zoom IF key_onearth THEN box = [40, 375, -20, 20] $ ELSE box = [jpi/4, 3*jpi/4, jpj/4, 3*jpj/4] plt, temp, boxzoom = box, /landscape if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; projections IF key_onearth THEN BEGIN ; plt, temp, boxzoom = [20, 380, 60, 90], /stereo, map = [90, 0, 0], /portrait if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, boxzoom = [20, 380, -90, 50], /ortho, map = [-90, 180, 0], /portrait if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; plt, temp, /ortho, map = [0, 0, 21], /portrait, /realcont if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; ENDIF ; deep plot ; domdef, 150, 150 ; => warning message domdef, gdept[jpk/2], gdept[jpk/2], gridtype = 'T' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) plt, temp, realcont = 2*(key_onearth), /land if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_plt_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format='(i2.2)')+'.png', /png cnt = cnt + 1 return end