;+ ; ; @file_comments ; read the old binary direct access file that contains the ; distance to the coast in OPA. ; ; based on the OPA subroutines dtacof and parctl ; ; @categories ; For OPA ; ; @param UNIT ; ; @param PARAMS ; ; @param NUM ; ; @returns ; a structure that contains two elements: tdistcoast (the ; distance for the t-points) and fdiscoast (the distance for the ; f-points). ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June, 2002 ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION read3fromopa, unit, params, num ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; offset=params.reclen*params.jpk*(num-1L) a=assoc(unit,dblarr(params.jpiglo,params.jpjglo,params.jpk,/nozero),offset) b = a[0] return, b end ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; For OPA ; ; @param FILENAME {in}{required} ; Filename (with the whole path if necessary) ; ; @param JPIGLO {in}{required} ; ; @param JPJGLO {in}{required} ; ; @param JPK {in}{required} ; Dimensions of the opa grid ; ; @keyword IBLOC {default=4096L} ; Ibloc size ; ; @keyword JPBYT {default=8L} ; Jpbyt size ; ; @keyword NUMREC {default=19L*jpk} ; Number of records in the file. ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June, 2002 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION readoldopadistcoast, filename, jpiglo, jpjglo, jpk $ , IBLOC=ibloc, JPBYT=jpbyt, NUMREC=numrec ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; iname_file = findfile(filename) if iname_file[0] EQ '' then begin ras = report( 'Bad file name') return, -1 ENDIF ELSE iname_file = iname_file[0] ; open the file openr,numcost , iname_file, /get_lun, /swap_if_little_endian ; check the size of the file filepamameters = fstat(numcost) ; default parameter definition for ORCA2 IF keyword_set(ibloc) THEN ibloc = long(ibloc) ELSE ibloc = 4096L jpiglo = long(jpiglo) jpjglo = long(jpjglo) jpk = long(jpk) IF keyword_set(jpbyt) THEN jpbyt = long(jpbyt) ELSE jpbyt = 8L ; record length computation reclen = ibloc*((jpiglo*jpjglo*jpbyt-1 )/ibloc+1) ; number of records IF keyword_set(numrec) THEN numrec = long(numrec) ELSE numrec = 3L*jpk ; difference between the record length and the size of the contened ; array. toomuch = reclen-jpiglo*jpjglo*jpbyt ; expected size computation size = numrec*reclen-toomuch if size NE filepamameters.size then begin ras = report(['The size of the file is not the expected one!', $ 'Check your file or the values of ibloc, jpiglo,', $ 'jpjglo, jpk, jpbyt, numrec in this program']) return, -1 endif ; first record: six 64-bit integer to read. ; default definition iimlu = long64(999) ijmlu = long64(999) ikmlu = long64(999) ; read readu, numcost, iimlu, ijmlu, ikmlu if iimlu NE jpiglo then begin ras = report( 'iimlu = '+strtrim(iimlu, 1)+' differs from jpiglo ='+strtrim(jpiglo, 1)) return, -1 endif if ijmlu NE jpjglo then begin ras = report( 'ijmlu = '+strtrim(ijmlu, 1)+' differs from jpjglo ='+strtrim(jpjglo, 1)) return, -1 endif if ikmlu NE jpk then begin ras = report( 'ikmlu = '+strtrim(ikmlu, 1)+' differs from jpk ='+strtrim(jpk, 1)) return, -1 endif ; other records params = {jpiglo:jpiglo, jpjglo:jpjglo, jpk:jpk, reclen:reclen} tdistcoast = read3fromopa(numcost, params, 2) fdistcoast = read3fromopa(numcost, params, 3) ; close, numcost free_lun, numcost return, {tdistcoast:tdistcoast, fdistcoast:fdistcoast} end