Routines for IDL NetCDF access. =============================== WRITING NETCDF FILES ==================== * ncdf_quickwrite/ Contains routines for writing NetCDF files from IDL namespace in a minimum of commands. See the README file in that directory, but simple example is: ncfile = '' ncfields = 'latitude[]; longitude[]; pressure[longitude,latitude]' @ncdf_quickwrite READING NETCDF FILES ==================== * ncdf_quickread/ Contains routines for reading variables from NetCDF files into IDL namespace in a minimum of commands -- based on cdf2idl. See the README file in that directory, but simple example is: ncfile = '' @ncdf_quickread * Procedure which reads NetCDF file contents into a number of named arrays. e.g. ncdf_read,'',info,diminfo,varinfo,globalatts,varatts,data * * Function which returns a structure containing entire contents of a specified NetCDF file. e.g. mystruct = ncdf_struct('') ... ncdf_struct_free(mystruct) MISCELLANEOUS ============= * * Simple routines which returns arrays of dimension names and variable names in an opened NetCDF file. e.g. ncid=ncdf_open('') vars=ncdf_listvars(ncid) dims=ncdf_listdims(ncid) ------------------------- Contributed by Alan Iwi 2 October 2003 -------------------------