;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Save the current graphics window to an output file (GIF by default). ; ; The output formats supported are: ; GIF 8-bit with color table, ; BMP 8-bit with color table, ; PNG 8-bit with color table, ; PICT 8-bit with color table, ; JPEG 24-bit true color, ; TIFF 24-bit true-color. ; ; Any conversions necessary to convert 8-bit or 24-bit images onscreen to ; 8-bit or 24-bit output files are done automatically. ; ; @categories ; Input/Output ; ; @param FILE {in}{required}{default=format GIF} ; Name of the output file ; ; @keyword BMP ; Set this keyword to create BMP format (8-bit with color table). ; ; @keyword PNG ; Set this keyword to create PNG format (8-bit with color table). ; ; @keyword PICT ; Set this keyword to create PICT format (8-bit with color table). ; ; @keyword JPEG ; Set this keyword to create JPEG format (24-bit true color). ; ; @keyword TIFF ; Set this keyword to create TIFF format (24-bit true color). ; ; @keyword QUALITY {default=75} ; If set to a named variable, specifies the quality for ; JPEG output. Ranges from 0 ("terrible") to ; 100 ("excellent"). Smaller quality values yield higher ; compression ratios and smaller output files. ; ; @keyword DITHER {default=no dithering} ; If set, dither the output image when creating 8-bit output ; which is read from a 24-bit display. ; ; @keyword CUBE {default=to use statistical method) ; If set, use the color cube method to quantize colors when ; creating 8-bit output which is read from a 24-bit display. ; This may improve the accuracy of colors in the output image, ; especially white. ; ; @keyword QUIET {default=to print an information message} ; Set this keyword to suppress the information message. ; ; @restrictions ; The output file is overwritten if it exists. ; ; requires IDL 5.0 or higher (square bracket array syntax). ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> openr, lun, filepath('hurric.dat', subdir='examples/data'), /get_lun ; IDL> image = bytarr(440, 330) ; IDL> readu, lun, image ; IDL> free_lun, lun ; IDL> loadct, 13 ; IDL> tvscl, image ; IDL> saveimage, 'hurric.gif' ; ; @history ; Liam.Gumley\@ssec.wisc.edu ; ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO saveimage, FILE, BMP=BMP, PNG=PNG, PICT=PICT, JPEG=JPEG, TIFF=TIFF, $ QUALITY=QUALITY, DITHER=DITHER, CUBE=CUBE, QUIET=QUIET, MULTIPLE=multiple ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; rcs_id = '$Id$' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- CHECK INPUT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 1) then message, 'Usage: SAVEIMAGE, FILE' if (n_elements(file) eq 0) then message, 'Argument FILE is undefined' if (n_elements(file) gt 1) then message, 'Argument FILE must be a scalar string' ;- Check keywords output = 'GIF' if keyword_set(bmp) then output = 'BMP' if keyword_Set(png) then output = 'PNG' if keyword_set(pict) then output = 'PICT' if keyword_set(jpeg) then output = 'JPEG' if keyword_set(tiff) then output = 'TIFF' if (n_elements(quality) eq 0) then quality = 75 ;- Check for TVRD capable device if ((!d.flags and 128)) eq 0 then message, 'Unsupported graphics device' ;- Check for open window if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then begin if (!d.window lt 0) then message, 'No graphics windows are open' endif ;- Get display depth depth = 8 if (!d.n_colors gt 256) then depth = 24 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- GET CONTENTS OF GRAPHICS WINDOW ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Handle window devices (other than the Z buffer) if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then begin ;- Copy the contents of the current display to a pixmap current_window = !d.window xsize = !d.x_size ysize = !d.y_size window, /free, /pixmap, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, retain=2 device, copy=[0, 0, xsize, ysize, 0, 0, current_window] ;- Set decomposed color mode for 24-bit displays version = float(!version.release) if (depth gt 8) then begin if (version gt 5.1) then device, get_decomposed=entry_decomposed device, decomposed=1 endif endif ;- Read the pixmap contents into an array if (depth gt 8) then begin image = tvrd(order=0, true=1) endif else begin image = tvrd(order=0) endelse ;- Handle window devices (other than the Z buffer) if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then begin ;- Restore decomposed color mode for 24-bit displays if (depth gt 8) then begin if (version gt 5.1) then begin device, decomposed=entry_decomposed endif else begin device, decomposed=0 if (keyword_set(quiet) eq 0) then $ print, 'Decomposed color was turned off' endelse endif ;- Delete the pixmap wdelete, !d.window wset, current_window endif ;- Get the current color table tvlct, r, g, b, /get ;- If an 8-bit image was read, reduce the number of colors if (depth le 8) then begin reduce_colors, image, index r = r[index] g = g[index] b = b[index] endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- WRITE OUTPUT FILE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 1 of ;- Save the image in 8-bit output format (output eq 'GIF') or (output eq 'BMP') or $ (output eq 'PICT') or (output eq 'PNG') : begin if (depth gt 8) then begin ;- Convert 24-bit image to 8-bit case keyword_set(cube) of 0 : image = color_quan(image, 1, r, g, b, colors=256, $ dither=keyword_set(dither)) 1 : image = color_quan(image, 1, r, g, b, cube=6) endcase ;- Sort the color table from darkest to brightest table_sum = total([[long(r)], [long(g)], [long(b)]], 2) table_index = sort(table_sum) image_index = sort(table_index) r = r[table_index] g = g[table_index] b = b[table_index] oldimage = image image[*] = image_index[temporary(oldimage)] endif ;- Save the image case output of 'GIF' : write_gif, file, image, r, g, b, MULTIPLE = multiple 'BMP' : write_bmp, file, image, r, g, b 'PNG' : write_png, file, image, r, g, b 'PICT' : write_pict, file, image, r, g, b endcase end ;- Save the image in 24-bit output format (output eq 'JPEG') or (output eq 'TIFF') : begin ;- Convert 8-bit image to 24-bit if (depth le 8) then begin info = size(image) nx = info[1] ny = info[2] true = bytarr(3, nx, ny) true[0, *, *] = r[image] true[1, *, *] = g[image] true[2, *, *] = b[image] image = temporary(true) endif ;- If TIFF format output, reverse image top to bottom if (output eq 'TIFF') then image = reverse(temporary(image), 3) ;- Write the image case output of 'JPEG' : write_jpeg, file, image, true=1, quality=quality 'TIFF' : write_tiff, file, image, 1 endcase end endcase ;- Print information for the user if (keyword_set(quiet) eq 0) then $ print, file, output, format='("Created ",a," in ",a," format")' END