;+ ; @hidden ;- FUNCTION imdisp_getpos, ASPECT, POSITION=POSITION, MARGIN=MARGIN ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;- Compute a position vector given an aspect ratio (called by IMDISP_IMSIZE) ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 1) then message, 'Usage: RESULT = IMDISP_GETPOS(ASPECT)' if (n_elements(aspect) eq 0) then message, 'ASPECT is undefined' ;- Check keywords if (n_elements(position) eq 0) then position = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] if (n_elements(margin) eq 0) then margin = 0.1 ;- Get range limited aspect ratio and margin input values aspect_val = (float(aspect[0]) > 0.01) < 100.0 margin_val = (float(margin[0]) > 0.0) < 0.495 ;- Compute aspect ratio of position vector in this window xsize = (position[2] - position[0]) * !d.x_vsize ysize = (position[3] - position[1]) * !d.y_vsize cur_aspect = ysize / xsize ;- Compute aspect ratio of this window win_aspect = float(!d.y_vsize) / float(!d.x_vsize) ;- Compute height and width in normalized units if (aspect_val ge cur_aspect) then begin height = (position[3] - position[1]) - 2.0 * margin width = height * (win_aspect / aspect_val) endif else begin width = (position[2] - position[0]) - 2.0 * margin height = width * (aspect_val / win_aspect) endelse ;- Compute and return position vector xcenter = 0.5 * (position[0] + position[2]) ycenter = 0.5 * (position[1] + position[3]) x0 = xcenter - 0.5 * width y0 = ycenter - 0.5 * height x1 = xcenter + 0.5 * width y1 = ycenter + 0.5 * height return, [x0, y0, x1, y1] END ;+ ; @hidden ;- FUNCTION imdisp_imscale, IMAGE, RANGE=RANGE, BOTTOM=BOTTOM, NCOLORS=NCOLORS, $ NEGATIVE=NEGATIVE ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;- Byte-scale an image (called by IMDISP) ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 1) then message, 'Usage: RESULT = IMDISP_IMSCALE(IMAGE)' if (n_elements(image) eq 0) then message, 'Argument IMAGE is undefined' ;- Check keywords if (n_elements(range) eq 0) then begin min_value = min(image, max=max_value) range = [min_value, max_value] endif if (n_elements(bottom) eq 0) then bottom = 0B if (n_elements(ncolors) eq 0) then ncolors = !d.table_size - bottom ;- Compute the scaled image scaled = bytscl(image, min=range[0], max=range[1], top=(ncolors - 1)) ;- Create a negative image if required if keyword_set(negative) then scaled = byte(ncolors - 1) - scaled ;- Return the scaled image in the correct color range return, scaled + byte(bottom) END ; ;+ ; @hidden ;- FUNCTION imdisp_imregrid, DATA, NX, NY, INTERP=INTERP ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;- Regrid a 2D array (called by IMDISP) ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 3) then $ message, 'Usage: RESULT = IMDISP_IMREGRID(DATA, NX, NY)' if (n_elements(data) eq 0) then message, 'Argument DATA is undefined' result = size(data) ndims = result[0] dims = result[1:ndims] if (ndims ne 2) then message, 'Argument DATA must have 2 dimensions' if (n_elements(nx) eq 0) then message, 'Argument NX is undefined' if (n_elements(ny) eq 0) then message, 'Argument NY is undefined' if (nx lt 1) then message, 'NX must be 1 or greater' if (ny lt 1) then message, 'NY must be 1 or greater' ;- Copy the array if the requested size is the same as the current size if (nx eq dims[0]) and (ny eq dims[1]) then begin new = data return, new endif ;- Compute index arrays for bilinear interpolation xindex = (findgen(nx) + 0.5) * (dims[0] / float(nx)) - 0.5 yindex = (findgen(ny) + 0.5) * (dims[1] / float(ny)) - 0.5 ;- Round the index arrays if nearest neighbor sampling is required if (keyword_set(interp) eq 0) then begin xindex = round(xindex) yindex = round(yindex) endif ;- Return regridded array return, interpolate(data, xindex, yindex, /grid) END ; ;+ ; ; @hidden ; ;- PRO imdisp_imsize, IMAGE, X0, Y0, XSIZE, YSIZE, ASPECT=ASPECT, $ POSITION=POSITION, MARGIN=MARGIN ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;- Compute the size and offset for an image (called by IMDISP) ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 5) then $ message, 'Usage: IMDISP_IMSIZE, IMAGE, X0, Y0, XSIZE, YSIZE' if (n_elements(image) eq 0) then $ message, 'Argument IMAGE is undefined' if (n_elements(position) eq 0) then position = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] if (n_elements(position) ne 4) then $ message, 'POSITION must be a 4 elements vector' if (n_elements(margin) eq 0) then margin = 0.1 if (n_elements(margin) ne 1) then $ message, 'MARGIN must be a scalar' ;- Get image dimensions result = size(image) ndims = result[0] if (ndims ne 2) then message, 'IMAGE must be a 2D array' dims = result[1 : ndims] ;- Get aspect ratio for image if (n_elements(aspect) eq 0) then $ aspect = float(dims[1]) / float(dims[0]) if (n_elements(aspect) ne 1) then $ message, 'ASPECT must be a scalar' ;- Check output parameters if (arg_present(x0) ne 1) then message, 'Argument XO cannot be set' if (arg_present(y0) ne 1) then message, 'Argument YO cannot be set' if (arg_present(xsize) ne 1) then message, 'Argument XSIZE cannot be set' if (arg_present(ysize) ne 1) then message, 'Argument YSIZE cannot be set' ;- Get approximate image position position = imdisp_getpos(aspect, position=position, margin=margin) ;- Compute lower left position of image (device units) x0 = round(position[0] * !d.x_vsize) > 0L y0 = round(position[1] * !d.y_vsize) > 0L ;- Compute size of image (device units) xsize = round((position[2] - position[0]) * !d.x_vsize) > 2L ysize = round((position[3] - position[1]) * !d.y_vsize) > 2L ;- Recompute the image position based on actual image size position = fltarr(4) position[0] = x0 / float(!d.x_vsize) position[1] = y0 / float(!d.y_vsize) position[2] = (x0 + xsize) / float(!d.x_vsize) position[3] = (y0 + ysize) / float(!d.y_vsize) END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Display an image on the current graphics device. ; IMDISP is an advanced replacement for TV and ; TVSCL. ; ; - Supports WIN, MAC, X, CGM, PCL, PRINTER, PS, and Z graphics devices, ; - Image is automatically byte-scaled (can be disabled), ; - Custom byte-scaling of Pseudo color images via the RANGE keyword, ; - Pseudo (indexed) color and True color images are handled automatically, ; - 8-bit and 24-bit graphics devices are handled automatically, ; - Decomposed color settings are handled automatically, ; - Image is automatically sized to fit the display (can be disabled), ; - The !P.MULTI system variable is honored for multiple image display, ; - Image can be positioned via the POSITION keyword, ; - Color table splitting via the BOTTOM and NCOLORS keywords, ; - Image aspect ratio customization via the ASPECT keyword, ; - Resized images can be resampled (default) or interpolated, ; - Top down image display via the ORDER keyword (!ORDER is ignored), ; - Selectable display channel (R/G/B) via the CHANNEL keyword, ; - Background can be set to a specified color via the BACKGROUND keyword, ; - Screen can be erased prior to image display via the ERASE keyword, ; - Plot axes can be drawn on the image via the AXIS keyword, ; - Photographic negative images can be displayed via the NEGATIVE keyword. ; ; @categories ; Picture ; ; @param IMAGE {in}{required} ; Array containing image data. ; Pseudo (indexed) color images must have 2 dimensions. ; True color images must have 3 dimensions, in either ; [3, NX, NY], [NX, 3, NY], or [NX, NY, 3] form. ; ; @keyword RANGE {type=vector}{default=min and max array values} ; For Pseudo Color images only, a vector with two elements ; specifying the minimum and maximum values of the image ; array to be considered when the image is byte-scaled ; This keyword is ignored for True Color images, ; or if the NOSCALE keyword is set. ; ; @keyword BOTTOM {default=0} ; Bottom value in the color table to be used ; for the byte-scaled image. ; This keyword is ignored if the NOSCALE keyword is set. ; ; @keyword NCOLORS {default=!D.TABLE_SIZE - BOTTOM} ; Number of colors in the color table to be used ; for the byte-scaled image ; This keyword is ignored if the NOSCALE keyword is set. ; ; @keyword MARGIN {default=0.1 or 0.025 if !P.MULTI is set to display multiple images} ; A scalar value specifying the margin to be maintained ; around the image in normal coordinates ; ; @keyword INTERP {default=nearest neighbor sampling} ; If set, the resized image will be interpolated using ; bilinear interpolation ; ; @keyword DITHER {default=no dithering} ; If set, true color images will be dithered when displayed ; on an 8-bit graphics device ; ; @keyword ASPECT {default=maintain native aspect ratio} ; A scalar value specifying the aspect ratio (height/width) ; for the displayed image ; ; @keyword POSITION {default= [0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0]} ; On input, a 4-element vector specifying the position ; of the displayed image in the form [X0,Y0,X1,Y1] in ; in normal coordinates ; See the examples below to display an image where only the ; offset and size are known (e.g. MAP_IMAGE output). ; ; @keyword OUT_POS ; On output, a 4-element vector specifying the position ; actually used to display the image. ; ; @keyword NOSCALE {default=to byte-scale the image} ; If set, the image will not be byte-scaled. ; ; @keyword NORESIZE {default=To resize the image to fit the display} ; If set, the image will not be resized. ; ; @keyword ORDER {default=To display the image from the bottom up} ; If set, the image is displayed from the top down ; Note that the system variable !ORDER is always ignored. ; ; @keyword USEPOS {default=To honor ASPECT and MARGIN when POSITION vector is supplied} ; If set, the image will be sized to exactly fit a supplied ; POSITION vector, over-riding ASPECT and MARGIN. ; ; @keyword CHANNEL ; Display channel (Red, Green, or Blue) to be written. ; 0 => All channels (the default) ; 1 => Red channel ; 2 => Green channel ; 3 => Blue channel ; This keyword is only recognized by graphics devices which ; support 24-bit decomposed color (WIN, MAC, X). It is ignored ; by all other graphics devices. However True color (RGB) ; images can be displayed on any device supported by IMDISP. ; ; @keyword BACKGROUND ; If set to a positive integer, the background will be filled ; with the color defined by BACKGROUND. ; ; @keyword ERASE ; If set, the screen contents will be erased. Note that if ; !P.MULTI is set to display multiple images, the screen is ; always erased when the first image is displayed. ; ; @keyword AXIS ; If set, plot axes will be drawn on the image. The default ; x and y axis ranges are determined by the size of the image. ; When the AXIS keyword is set, IMDISP accepts any keywords ; supported by PLOT (e.g. TITLE, COLOR, CHARSIZE etc.). ; ; @keyword NEGATIVE ; If set, a photographic negative of the image is displayed. ; The values of BOTTOM and NCOLORS are honored. This keyword ; allows True color images scanned from color negatives to be ; displayed. It also allows Pseudo color images to be displayed ; as negatives without reversing the color table. This keyword ; is ignored if the NOSCALE keyword is set. ; ; @restrictions ; The image is displayed on the current graphics device. ; ; @restrictions ; Requires IDL 5.0 or higher (square bracket array syntax). ; ; @examples ; ;;- Load test data ; ; openr, lun, filepath('ctscan.dat', subdir='examples/data'), /get_lun ;ctscan = bytarr(256, 256) ;readu, lun, ctscan ;free_lun, lun ;openr, lun, filepath('hurric.dat', subdir='examples/data'), /get_lun ;hurric = bytarr(440, 330) ;readu, lun, hurric ;free_lun, lun ;read_jpeg, filepath('rose.jpg', subdir='examples/data'), rose ;help, ctscan, hurric, rose ; ;;- Display single images ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, hurric, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ;imdisp, rose, /interp, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display multiple images without color table splitting ;;- (works on 24-bit displays only; top 2 images are garbled on 8-bit displays) ; ;!p.multi = [0, 1, 3, 0, 0] ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, ctscan, margin=0.02 ;loadct, 13 ;imdisp, hurric, margin=0.02 ;imdisp, rose, margin=0.02 ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display multiple images with color table splitting ;;- (works on 8-bit or 24-bit displays) ; ;!p.multi = [0, 1, 3, 0, 0] ;loadct, 0, ncolors=64, bottom=0 ;imdisp, ctscan, margin=0.02, ncolors=64, bottom=0 ;loadct, 13, ncolors=64, bottom=64 ;imdisp, hurric, margin=0.02, ncolors=64, bottom=64 ;imdisp, rose, margin=0.02, ncolors=64, bottom=128 ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display an image at a specific position, over-riding aspect and margin ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, hurric, position=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5], /usepos, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display an image with axis overlay ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, rose, /axis, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display an image with contour plot overlay ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, hurric, out_pos=out_pos, /erase ;contour, smooth(hurric, 10, /edge), /noerase, position=out_pos, $ ; xstyle=1, ystyle=1, levels=findgen(5)*40.0, /follow ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display a small image with correct resizing ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;loadct, 0 ;data = (dist(8))[1:7, 1:7] ;imdisp, data, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ;imdisp, data, /interp ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display a true color image without and with interpolation ; ;!p.multi = 0 ;imdisp, rose, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ;imdisp, rose, /interp ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display a true color image as a photographic negative ; ;imdisp, rose, /negative, /erase ;wait, 3.0 ; ;;- Display a true color image on PostScript output ;;- (note that color table is handled automatically) ; ;current_device = !d.name ;set_plot, 'PS' ;device, /color, bits_per_pixel=8, filename='imdisp_true.ps' ;imdisp, rose, /axis, title='PostScript True Color Output' ;device, /close ;set_plot, current_device ; ;;- Display a pseudo color image on PostScript output ; ;current_device = !d.name ;set_plot, 'PS' ;device, /color, bits_per_pixel=8, filename='imdisp_pseudo.ps' ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, hurric, /axis, title='PostScript Pseudo Color Output' ;device, /close ;set_plot, current_device ; ;;- Display an image where only the offset and size are known ; ;;- Read world elevation data ;file = filepath('worldelv.dat', subdir='examples/data') ;openr, lun, file, /get_lun ;data = bytarr(360, 360) ;readu, lun, data ;free_lun, lun ;;- Reorganize array so it spans 180W to 180E ;world = data ;world[0:179, *] = data[180:*, *] ;world[180:*, *] = data[0:179, *] ;;- Create remapped image ;map_set, /orthographic, /isotropic, /noborder ;remap = map_image(world, x0, y0, xsize, ysize, compress=1) ;;- Convert offset and size to position vector ;pos = fltarr(4) ;pos[0] = x0 / float(!d.x_vsize) ;pos[1] = y0 / float(!d.y_vsize) ;pos[2] = (x0 + xsize) / float(!d.x_vsize) ;pos[3] = (y0 + ysize) / float(!d.y_vsize) ;;- Display the image ;loadct, 0 ;imdisp, remap, pos=pos, /usepos ;map_continents ;map_grid ; ; @history ; Liam.Gumley\@ssec.wisc.edu ; ; ; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Liam E. Gumley ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO imdisp, IMAGE, RANGE=RANGE, BOTTOM=BOTTOM, NCOLORS=NCOLORS, $ MARGIN=MARGIN, INTERP=INTERP, DITHER=DITHER, ASPECT=ASPECT, $ POSITION=POSITION, OUT_POS=OUT_POS, NOSCALE=NOSCALE, NORESIZE=NORESIZE, $ ORDER=ORDER, USEPOS=USEPOS, CHANNEL=CHANNEL, $ BACKGROUND=BACKGROUND, ERASE=ERASE, $ AXIS=AXIS, NEGATIVE=NEGATIVE, _EXTRA=EXTRA_KEYWORDS ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; rcs_id = '$Id$' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- CHECK INPUT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Check arguments if (n_params() ne 1) then message, 'Usage: IMDISP, IMAGE' if (n_elements(image) eq 0) then message, 'Argument IMAGE is undefined' if (max(!p.multi) eq 0) then begin if (n_elements(margin) eq 0) then begin if (n_elements(position) eq 4) then margin = 0.0 else margin = 0.1 endif endif else begin if (n_elements(margin) eq 0) then margin = 0.025 endelse if (n_elements(order) eq 0) then order = 0 if (n_elements(channel) eq 0) then channel = 0 ;- Check position vector if (n_elements(position) gt 0) then begin if (n_elements(position) ne 4) then $ message, 'POSITION must be a 4 element vector of the form [X0, Y0, X1, Y1]' if (position[0] lt 0.0) then message, 'POSITION[0] must be GE 0.0' if (position[1] lt 0.0) then message, 'POSITION[1] must be GE 0.0' if (position[2] gt 1.0) then message, 'POSITION[2] must be LE 1.0' if (position[3] gt 1.0) then message, 'POSITION[3] must be LE 1.0' if (position[0] ge position[2]) then $ message, 'POSITION[0] must be LT POSITION[2]' if (position[1] ge position[3]) then $ message, 'POSITION[1] must be LT POSITION[3]' endif ;- Check the image dimensions result = size(image) ndims = result[0] if (ndims lt 2) or (ndims gt 3) then $ message, 'IMAGE must be a Pseudo Color (2D) or True Color (3D) image array' dims = result[1:ndims] ;- Check that 3D image array is in valid true color format true = 0 if (ndims eq 3) then begin index = where(dims eq 3L, count) if (count eq 0) then $ message, 'True Color dimensions must be [3,NX,NY], [NX,3,NY], or [NX,NY,3]' true = 1 truedim = index[0] endif ;- Check scaling range for pseudo color images if (true eq 0) then begin if (n_elements(range) eq 0) then begin min_value = min(image, max=max_value) range = [min_value, max_value] endif if (n_elements(range) ne 2) then $ message, 'RANGE keyword must be a 2-element vector' endif else begin if (n_elements(range) gt 0) then $ message, 'RANGE keyword is not used for True Color images', /continue endelse ;- Check for supported graphics devices names = ['WIN', 'MAC', 'X', 'CGM', 'PCL', 'PRINTER', 'PS', 'Z'] result = where((!d.name eq names), count) if (count eq 0) then message, 'Graphics device is not supported' ;- Get color table information if ((!d.flags and 256) ne 0) and (!d.window lt 0) then begin window, /free, /pixmap wdelete, !d.window endif if (n_elements(bottom) eq 0) then bottom = 0 if (n_elements(ncolors) eq 0) then ncolors = !d.table_size - bottom ;- Get IDL version number version = float(!version.release) ;- Check for IDL 5.2 or higher if printer device is selected if (version lt 5.2) and (!d.name eq 'PRINTER') then $ message, 'IDL 5.2 or higher is required for PRINTER device support' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- GET RED, GREEN, AND BLUE COMPONENTS OF TRUE COLOR IMAGE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (true eq 1) then begin case truedim of 0 : begin red = image[0, *, *] grn = image[1, *, *] blu = image[2, *, *] end 1 : begin red = image[*, 0, *] grn = image[*, 1, *] blu = image[*, 2, *] end 2 : begin red = image[*, *, 0] grn = image[*, *, 1] blu = image[*, *, 2] end endcase red = reform(red, /overwrite) grn = reform(grn, /overwrite) blu = reform(blu, /overwrite) endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- COMPUTE POSITION FOR IMAGE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Save first element of !p.multi multi_first = !p.multi[0] ;- Establish image position if not defined if (n_elements(position) eq 0) then begin if (max(!p.multi) eq 0) then begin position = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] endif else begin plot, [0], /nodata, xstyle=4, ystyle=4, xmargin=[0, 0], ymargin=[0, 0] position = [!x.window[0], !y.window[0], !x.window[1], !y.window[1]] endelse endif ;- Erase and fill the background if required if (multi_first eq 0) then begin if keyword_set(erase) then erase if (n_elements(background) gt 0) then begin polyfill, [-0.01, 1.01, 1.01, -0.01, -0.01], $ [-0.01, -0.01, 1.01, 1.01, -0.01], /normal, color=background[0] endif endif ;- Compute image aspect ratio if not defined if (n_elements(aspect) eq 0) then begin case true of 0 : result = size(image) 1 : result = size(red) endcase dims = result[1:2] aspect = float(dims[1]) / float(dims[0]) endif ;- Save image xrange and yrange for axis overlays xrange = [0, dims[0]] yrange = [0, dims[1]] if (order eq 1) then yrange = reverse(yrange) ;- Set the aspect ratio and margin to fill the position window if requested if keyword_set(usepos) then begin xpos_size = float(!d.x_vsize) * (position[2] - position[0]) ypos_size = float(!d.y_vsize) * (position[3] - position[1]) aspect_value = ypos_size / xpos_size margin_value = 0.0 endif else begin aspect_value = aspect margin_value = margin endelse ;- Compute size of displayed image and save output position pos = position case true of 0 : imdisp_imsize, image, x0, y0, xsize, ysize, position=pos, $ aspect=aspect_value, margin=margin_value 1 : imdisp_imsize, red, x0, y0, xsize, ysize, position=pos, $ aspect=aspect_value, margin=margin_value endcase out_pos = pos ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- BYTE-SCALE THE IMAGE IF REQUIRED ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Choose whether to scale the image or not if (keyword_set(noscale) eq 0) then begin ;- Scale the image case true of 0 : scaled = imdisp_imscale(image, bottom=bottom, ncolors=ncolors, $ range=range, negative=keyword_set(negative)) 1 : begin scaled_dims = (size(red))[1:2] scaled = bytarr(scaled_dims[0], scaled_dims[1], 3) scaled[0, 0, 0] = imdisp_imscale(red, bottom=0, ncolors=256, $ negative=keyword_set(negative)) scaled[0, 0, 1] = imdisp_imscale(grn, bottom=0, ncolors=256, $ negative=keyword_set(negative)) scaled[0, 0, 2] = imdisp_imscale(blu, bottom=0, ncolors=256, $ negative=keyword_set(negative)) end endcase endif else begin ;- Don't scale the image case true of 0 : scaled = image 1 : begin scaled_dims = (size(red))[1:2] scaled = replicate(red[0], scaled_dims[0], scaled_dims[1], 3) scaled[0, 0, 0] = red scaled[0, 0, 1] = grn scaled[0, 0, 2] = blu end endcase endelse ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- DISPLAY IMAGE ON PRINTER DEVICE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!d.name eq 'PRINTER') then begin ;- Display the image case true of 0 : begin device, /index_color tv, scaled, x0, y0, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, order=order end 1 : begin device, /true_color tv, scaled, x0, y0, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, order=order, true=3 end endcase ;- Draw axes if required if keyword_set(axis) then $ plot, [0], /nodata, /noerase, position=out_pos, $ xrange=xrange, xstyle=1, yrange=yrange, ystyle=1, $ _extra=extra_keywords ;- Return to caller return endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- DISPLAY IMAGE ON GRAPHICS DEVICES WHICH HAVE SCALEABLE PIXELS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((!d.flags and 1) ne 0) then begin ;- Display the image case true of 0 : tv, scaled, x0, y0, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, order=order 1 : begin tvlct, r, g, b, /get loadct, 0, /silent tv, scaled, x0, y0, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, order=order, true=3 tvlct, r, g, b end endcase ;- Draw axes if required if keyword_set(axis) then $ plot, [0], /nodata, /noerase, position=out_pos, $ xrange=xrange, xstyle=1, yrange=yrange, ystyle=1, $ _extra=extra_keywords ;- Return to caller return endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- RESIZE THE IMAGE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Resize the image if (keyword_set(noresize) eq 0) then begin if (true eq 0) then begin resized = imdisp_imregrid(scaled, xsize, ysize, interp=keyword_set(interp)) endif else begin resized = replicate(scaled[0], xsize, ysize, 3) resized[0, 0, 0] = imdisp_imregrid(reform(scaled[*, *, 0]), xsize, ysize, $ interp=keyword_set(interp)) resized[0, 0, 1] = imdisp_imregrid(reform(scaled[*, *, 1]), xsize, ysize, $ interp=keyword_set(interp)) resized[0, 0, 2] = imdisp_imregrid(reform(scaled[*, *, 2]), xsize, ysize, $ interp=keyword_set(interp)) endelse endif else begin resized = temporary(scaled) x0 = 0 y0 = 0 endelse ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- GET BIT DEPTH FOR THIS DISPLAY ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- If this device supports windows, make sure a window has been opened if (!d.flags and 256) ne 0 then begin if (!d.window lt 0) then begin window, /free, /pixmap wdelete, !d.window endif endif ;- Set default display depth depth = 8 ;- Get actual bit depth on supported displays if (!d.name eq 'WIN') or (!d.name eq 'MAC') or (!d.name eq 'X') then begin if (version ge 5.1) then begin device, get_visual_depth=depth endif else begin if (!d.n_colors gt 256) then depth = 24 endelse endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- SELECT DECOMPOSED COLOR MODE (ON OR OFF) FOR 24-BIT DISPLAYS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!d.name eq 'WIN') or (!d.name eq 'MAC') or (!d.name eq 'X') then begin if (depth gt 8) then begin if (version ge 5.2) then device, get_decomposed=entry_decomposed else $ entry_decomposed = 0 if (true eq 1) or (channel gt 0) then device, decomposed=1 else $ device, decomposed=0 endif endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- DISPLAY THE IMAGE ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- If the display is 8-bit and the image is true color, ;- convert image from true color to indexed color if (depth le 8) and (true eq 1) then begin resized = color_quan(temporary(resized), 3, r, g, b, $ colors=ncolors, dither=keyword_set(dither)) + byte(bottom) tvlct, r, g, b, bottom true = 0 endif ;- Set channel value for supported devices if (!d.name eq 'WIN') or (!d.name eq 'MAC') or (!d.name eq 'X') then begin channel_value = channel endif else begin channel_value = 0 endelse ;- Display the image case true of 0 : tv, resized, x0, y0, order=order, channel=channel_value 1 : tv, resized, x0, y0, order=order, true=3 endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- RESTORE THE DECOMPOSED COLOR MODE FOR 24-BIT DISPLAYS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((!d.name eq 'WIN') or (!d.name eq 'MAC') or (!d.name eq 'X')) and $ (depth gt 8) then begin device, decomposed=entry_decomposed if (!d.name eq 'MAC') then tv, [0], -1, -1 endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- DRAW AXES IF REQUIRED ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(axis) then $ plot, [0], /nodata, /noerase, position=out_pos, $ xrange=xrange, xstyle=1, yrange=yrange, ystyle=1, $ _extra=extra_keywords END