;+ ; ; @file_comments ; replace one (or more) character(s)/string(s) in a string ; --- OBSOLETE --- you should better use strsed ; ; @categories ; String ; ; @param STR {in}{required} ; the string to be changed ; ; @param ARG2 {in}{required} ; position of the character(s) to be replaced or a string to be changed in STR. ; ; @param RCHAR {in}{required} ; replacement character/string ; ; @returns ; another string ; ; @restrictions ; Known shortcoming: if index is an array, it must contain all ; valid elements (only the first entry is checked). ; ; @examples ; ; Convert one letter into upper case ; ; IDL> abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ; IDL> print,strrepl(abc,strpos(abc,'m'),'M') ; abcdefghijklMnopqrstuvwxyz ; ; ; Use with strwhere function ; IDL> a = 'abcabcabc' ; IDL> print,strrepl(a,strwhere(a,'a'),'#') ; #bc#bc#bc#bc#bc ; ; IDL> print, strrepl(a,'bc','!eeee!') ; a!eeee!a!eeee!a!eeee! ; IDL> print, strrepl(a,'b','0000') ; a0000ca0000ca0000 ; IDL> print, strrepl(a,'toto','0000') ; abcabcabc ; ; @history ; mgs, 02 Jun 1998: VERSION 1.00 ; Copyright (C) 1998, Martin Schultz, Harvard University ; This software is provided as is without any warranty ; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed ; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be ; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall ; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package, ; please contact the author to arrange payment. ; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs\@io.harvard.edu ; with subject "IDL routine strrepl" ; ; sebastien Masson (smlod\@ipsl.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION strrepl,str,arg2,rchar ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs, obsolete ; if (n_elements(str) eq 0) then return,'' ; convert strign and replace character to byte BStr = byte(str) new = byte(rchar) if size(arg2, /type) EQ 7 then begin old = byte(arg2) index = strpos(str, arg2) pos = index while strpos(str, arg2, pos+1) NE -1 do BEGIN pos = strpos(str, arg2, pos+1) index = [index, pos] ENDWHILE ; make sure index is in range if (index[0] lt 0 OR index[0] ge n_elements(BStr)) THEN return,Str ENDIF ELSE BEGIN index = arg2 if (index[0] lt 0 OR index[0] ge n_elements(BStr)) then return,Str old = BStr[index[0]] ENDELSE ; replace indexed characters in string nelenew = n_elements(new) neleold = n_elements(old) nindex = n_elements(index) if nelenew*neleold NE 1 then begin if index[0] EQ 0 then $ BStr = [NEW, BStr[index[0]+neleold: n_elements(BStr)-1] ] ELSE $ BStr = [BStr[0:index[0]-1], NEW, BStr[index[0]+neleold: n_elements(BStr)-1] ] if nindex EQ 1 then return,string(BStr) if nindex GT 2 then $ for i = 1, nindex-2 do $ BStr = [BStr[0:index[i]+i*(nelenew-neleold)-1], NEW $ , BStr[index[i]+i*(nelenew-neleold)+neleold: n_elements(BStr)-1] ] BStr = [BStr[0:index[n_elements(index)-1]+(nindex-1)*(nelenew-neleold)-1], NEW] ENDIF ELSE BStr[index] = NEW ; return result as string return,string(BStr) end