;+ ; ; @file_comments ; use printps instead... ; ; @obsolete ; ; @param filename {in}{required} ; ; @keyword TRANS ; ; @keyword NB ; ; @uses ; printps ; ; @history ; June 2005: Sebastien Masson, english version ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO imprime, filename, TRANS=trans, NB=nb ; ; this is working only with unix/linux/osX machines ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs, obsolete ; thisOS = strupcase(strmid(!version.os_family, 0, 3)) CASE thisOS OF 'MAC':return 'WIN':return ELSE: ENDCASE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; call printps ;------------------------------------------------------------ CASE N_PARAMS() OF 0:printps 1:printps, filename ELSE: BEGIN ras = report('imprime accept only one element: psfilename') return END ENDCASE ;------------------------------------------------------------ return END