;+ ; ; @hidden ; ; @file_comments ; Simplified version of CMSET_OP_UNIQ which sorts, and takes the ; "first" value, whatever that may mean. ; ; @todo ; seb ; ;- FUNCTION cmset_op_uniq, a ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; if n_elements(a) LE 1 then return, 0L ii = sort(a) & b = a[ii] wh = where(b NE shift(b, +1L), ct) if ct GT 0 then return, ii[wh] return, 0L ; end ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Performs an AND, OR, or XOR operation between two sets ; ; Description: SET_OP performs three common operations between two sets. The ; three supported functions of OP are: ; ; OP Meaning ; 'AND' - to find the intersection of A and B; ; 'OR' - to find the union of A and B; ; 'XOR' - to find the those elements who are members of A or B ; but not both; ; ; Sets as defined here is one dimensional array composed of ; numeric or string types. Comparisons of equality between elements ; are done using the IDL EQ operator. ; ; The complements of either set can be taken as well, by using the ; NOT1 and NOT2 keywords. For example, it may be desirable to find ; the elements in A but not B, or B but not A (they are different!). ; The following IDL expressions achieve each of those effects: ; ; SET = CMSET_OP(A, 'AND', /NOT2, B) ; A but not B ; SET = CMSET_OP(/NOT1, A, 'AND', B) ; B but not A ; ; Note the distinction between NOT1 and NOT2. NOT1 refers to the ; first set (A) and NOT2 refers to the second (B). Their ordered ; placement in the calling sequence is entirely optional, but the ; above ordering makes the logical meaning explicit. ; ; NOT1 and NOT2 can only be set for the 'AND' operator, and never ; simultaneously. This is because the results of an operation with ; 'OR' or 'XOR' and any combination of NOTs -- or with 'AND' and ; both NOTs -- formally cannot produce a defined result. ; ; The implementation depends on the type of operands. For integer ; types, a fast technique using HISTOGRAM is used. However, this ; algorithm becomes inefficient when the dynamic range in the data ; is large. For those cases, and for other data types, a technique ; based on SORT() is used. Thus the compute time should scale ; roughly as (A+B)*ALOG(A+B) or better, rather than (A*B) for the ; brute force approach. For large arrays this is a significant ; benefit. ; ; @categories ; Array ; ; @param A {in}{required} ; The two sets to be operated on. A one dimensional array of ; either numeric or string type. A and B must be of the same ; type. Empty sets are permitted, and are either represented ; as an undefined variable, or by setting EMPTY1 or EMPTY2. ; ; @param B {in}{required} ; See A ; ; @param OP0 {in}{required}{type=string} ; a string, the operation to be performed. Must be one of ; 'AND', 'OR' or 'XOR' (lower or mixed case is permitted). ; Other operations will cause an error message to be produced. ; ; @keyword NOT1 ; If set and OP is 'AND', then the complement of A (for ; NOT1) or B (for NOT2) will be used in the operation. ; NOT1 and NOT2 cannot be set simultaneously. ; ; @keyword NOT2 ; See NOT1 ; ; @keyword EMPTY1 ; If set, then A (for EMPTY1) or B (for EMPTY2) are ; assumed to be the empty set. The actual values ; passed as A or B are then ignored. ; ; @keyword EMPTY2 ; See EMPTY1 ; ; @keyword INDEX ; if set, then return a list of indexes instead of the array ; values themselves. The "slower" set operations are always ; performed in this case. ; ; The indexes refer to the *combined* array [A,B]. To ; clarify, in the following call: I = CMSET_OP(..., /INDEX); ; returned values from 0 to NA-1 refer to A[I], and values ; from NA to NA+NB-1 refer to B[I-NA]. ; ; @keyword COUNT ; upon return, the number of elements in the result set. ; This is only important when the result set is the empty ; set, in which case COUNT is set to zero. ; ; @returns ; The resulting set as a one-dimensional array. The set may be ; represented by either an array of data values (default), or an ; array of indexes (if INDEX is set). Duplicate elements, if any, ; are removed, and element order may not be preserved. ; ; The empty set is represented as a return value of -1L, and COUNT ; is set to zero. Note that the only way to recognize the empty set ; is to examine COUNT. ; ; SEE ALSO: ; ; SET_UTILS.PRO by RSI ; ; @history ; Written, CM, 23 Feb 2000 ; Added empty set capability, CM, 25 Feb 2000 ; Documentation clarification, CM 02 Mar 2000 ; Incompatible but more consistent reworking of EMPTY keywords, CM, ; 04 Mar 2000 ; Minor documentation clarifications, CM, 26 Mar 2000 ; Corrected bug in empty_arg special case, CM 06 Apr 2000 ; Add INDEX keyword, CM 31 Jul 2000 ; Clarify INDEX keyword documentation, CM 06 Sep 2000 ; Made INDEX keyword always force SLOW_SET_OP, CM 06 Sep 2000 ; Added CMSET_OP_UNIQ, and ability to select FIRST_UNIQUE or ; LAST_UNIQUE values, CM, 18 Sep 2000 ; Removed FIRST_UNIQUE and LAST_UNIQUE, and streamlined ; CMSET_OP_UNIQ until problems with SORT can be understood, CM, 20 ; Sep 2000 (thanks to Ben Tupper) ; Still trying to get documentation of INDEX and NOT right, CM, 28 ; Sep 2000 (no code changes) ; Correct bug for AND case, when input sets A and B each only have ; one unique value, and the values are equal. CM, 04 Mar 2004 ; (thanks to James B. jbattat at cfa dot harvard dot edu) ; Add support for the cases where the input data types are mixed, ; but still compatible; also, attempt to return the same data ; type that was passed in; CM, 05 Feb 2005 ; Fix bug in type checking (thanks to "marit"), CM, 10 Dec 2005 ; Work around a stupidity in the built-in IDL HISTOGRAM routine, ; which tries to "help" you by restricting the MIN/MAX to the ; range of the input variable (thanks to Will Maddox), CM, 16 Jan 2006 ; ; Author: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 ; craigm\@lheamail.gsfc.nasa.gov ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @examples ; Utility function, similar to UNIQ, but allowing choice of taking ; first or last unique element, or non-unique elements. ; Unfortunately this doesn't work because of implementation dependent ; versions of the SORT() function. ; ; function cmset_op_uniq, a, first=first, non=non, count=ct, sort=sortit ; if n_elements(a) LE 1 then return, 0L ; sh = (2L*keyword_set(first)-1L)*(-2L*keyword_set(non)+1) ; ; if keyword_set(sortit) then begin ; ;; Sort it manually ; ii = sort(a) & b = a[ii] ; if keyword_set(non) then wh = where(b EQ shift(b, sh), ct) $ ; else wh = where(b NE shift(b, sh), ct) ; if ct GT 0 then return, ii[wh] ; endif else begin ; ;; Use the user's values directly ; if keyword_set(non) then wh = where(a EQ shift(a, sh), ct) $ ; else wh = where(a NE shift(a, sh), ct) ; if ct GT 0 then return, wh ; endelse ; ; if keyword_set(first) then return, 0L else return, n_elements(a)-1 ; end ; Simplified version of CMSET_OP_UNIQ which sorts, and takes the ; "first" value, whatever that may mean. ; ;- FUNCTION cmset_op, a, op0, b, NOT1=not1, NOT2=not2, COUNT=count, $ EMPTY1=empty1, EMPTY2=empty2, MAXARRAY=ma, INDEX=index ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; on_error, 2 ;; return on error count = 0L index0 = -1L ;; Histogram technique is used for array sizes < 32,000 elements if n_elements(ma) EQ 0 then ma = 32L*1024L ;; Check the number of arguments if n_params() LT 3 then begin ARG_ERR: message, 'USAGE: SET = CMSET_OP(A, OP, B [, COUNT=ct])', /info message, ' KEYWORDS: /NOT1, /NOT2, /EMPTY1, /EMPTY2, INDEX', /info return, -1L endif if n_elements(op0) EQ 0 then goto, ARG_ERR kind = keyword_set(index) fst = 1L if keyword_set(last) then fst = 0L if keyword_set(first) then fst = 1L ;; Check the operation sz = size(op0) if sz[sz[0]+1] NE 7 then begin OP_ERR: message, "ERROR: OP must be 'AND', 'OR' or 'XOR'" return, -1L endif op = strupcase(op0) if op NE 'AND' AND op NE 'OR' AND op NE 'XOR' then goto, OP_ERR ;; Check NOT1 and NOT2 if keyword_set(not1) AND keyword_set(not2) then begin message, "ERROR: NOT1 and NOT2 cannot be set simultaneously" return, -1L endif if (keyword_set(not1) OR keyword_set(not2)) AND $ (op EQ 'OR' OR op EQ 'XOR') then begin message, "ERROR: NOT1 and NOT2 cannot be set with 'OR' or 'XOR'" return, -1L endif ;; Special cases for empty set n1 = n_elements(a) & n2 = n_elements(b) if keyword_set(empty1) then n1 = 0L if keyword_set(empty2) then n2 = 0L if n1 EQ 0 OR n2 EQ 0 then begin ;; Eliminate duplicates if n1 GT 0 then a1 = cmset_op_uniq(a) if n2 GT 0 then b1 = cmset_op_uniq(b) n1 = n_elements(a1) < n1 & n2 = n_elements(b1) < n2 case op of 'OR': if n1 EQ 0 then goto, RET_A1 else goto, RET_B1 'XOR': if n1 EQ 0 then goto, RET_B1 else goto, RET_A1 'AND': begin if keyword_set(not1) AND n1 EQ 0 then goto, RET_B1 if keyword_set(not2) AND n2 EQ 0 then goto, RET_A1 return, -1L end endcase return, -1L RET_A1: count = n1 if kind then begin if count GT 0 then return, a1 else return, -1L endif if count GT 0 then return, a[a1] else return, -1L RET_B1: count = n2 if kind then begin if count GT 0 then return, b1+n1 else return, -1L endif if count GT 0 then return, b[b1] else return, -1L endif ;; Allow data to have different types, but they must be at least of ;; the same "base" type. That is, you can't combine a number with a ;; string, etc. ;; basetype 0:undefined 1:real number 6:complex number 7:string ;; 8:structure 10:pointer 11:object ;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 basetype = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 7, 8, 6,10,11, 1, 1, 1, 1] ;; Check types of operands sz1 = size(a) & tp1 = sz1[sz1[0]+1] sz2 = size(b) & tp2 = sz2[sz2[0]+1] if tp1 LT 0 OR tp1 GE 16 OR tp2 LT 0 OR tp2 GE 16 then begin message, 'ERROR: unrecognized data types for operands' return, -1 endif if basetype[tp1] NE basetype[tp2] then begin TYPE1_ERR: message, 'ERROR: both A and B must be of the same type' return, -1L endif if tp1 EQ 8 OR tp1 EQ 10 OR tp1 EQ 11 then begin TYPE2_ERR: message, 'ERROR: operands must be a numeric or string type' return, -1L endif ;; Now use two different kinds of algorithms: a slower but more ;; general algorithm for generic types, and the histogram technique ;; for integer types. Even for integer types, if there is too much ;; dynamic range, then the slow method is used. if tp1 GE 4 AND tp1 LE 9 then begin ;; String and real types, or large int arrays SLOW_SET_OP: case op of 'OR': begin uu = [a,b] ;; OR is simple; just take unique values index0 = cmset_op_uniq(uu) count = n_elements(index0) if kind then return, index0 return, uu[index0] end 'XOR': begin ;; Make ordered list of set union ai = cmset_op_uniq(a) & na = n_elements(ai) bi = cmset_op_uniq(b) & nb = n_elements(bi) ui = [ai, bi+n1] uu = [a,b] & uu = uu[ui] ;; Raw union... us = sort(uu) & uu = uu[us] ;; ...and sort if kind then ui = ui[temporary(us)] else ui = 0 ;; Values in one set only will not have duplicates wh1 = where(uu NE shift(uu, -1), count1) if count1 EQ 0 then return, -1L wh = where(wh1[1:*]-wh1 EQ 1, count) if wh1[0] EQ 0 then begin if count GT 0 then wh = [-1L, wh] else wh = [-1L] count = n_elements(wh) endif if count EQ 0 then return, -1 if kind then return, ui[wh1[wh+1]] return, uu[wh1[wh+1]] end 'AND': begin ;; Make ordered list of set union ai = cmset_op_uniq(a) & na = n_elements(ai) bi = cmset_op_uniq(b) & nb = n_elements(bi) ui = [ai, bi+n1] uu = [a,b] & uu = uu[ui] ;; Raw union... us = sort(uu) & uu = uu[us] ;; ...and sort if kind then ui = ui[us] else ui = 0 if NOT keyword_set(not1) AND NOT keyword_set(not2) then begin ;; Special case: if there is one in each set, and ;; they are equal, then the SHIFT() technique below ;; fails. Do this one by hand. if na EQ 1 AND nb EQ 1 AND uu[0] EQ uu[1] then begin count = 1L if kind then return, 0L return, [uu[0]] endif ;; If neither "NOT" is set, then find duplicates us = 0L ;; Save memory wh = where(uu EQ shift(uu, -1L), count) ;; Find non-unique if count EQ 0 then return, -1L ;; This should always select the element from A ;; rather than B (the smaller of the two) if kind then return, (ui[wh] < ui[wh+1]) return, uu[wh] endif ;; For "NOT" cases, we need to identify by set ii = make_array(na+nb, value=1b) if keyword_set(not1) then ii[0:na-1] = 0 if keyword_set(not2) then ii[na:*] = 0 ii = ii[temporary(us)] ;; Remove any duplicates wh1 = where(uu EQ shift(uu, -1L), count1) ;; Find non-unique if count1 GT 0 then ii[wh1, wh1+1] = 0 ;; Remainder is the desired set wh = where(ii, count) if count EQ 0 then return, -1L if kind then return, ui[wh] return, uu[wh] end endcase return, -1L ;; DEFAULT CASE endif else begin ;; INDEX keyword forces the "slow" operation if kind then goto, SLOW_SET_OP ;; Integer types - use histogram technique if the data range ;; is small enough, otherwise use the "slow" technique above min1 = min(a, max=max1) & min2 = min(b, max=max2) minn = min1 < min2 & maxx = max1 > max2 nbins = maxx-minn+1 if (maxx-minn) GT floor(ma[0]) then goto, SLOW_SET_OP ;; Work around a stupidity in the built-in IDL HISTOGRAM routine if (tp1 EQ 2 OR tp2 EQ 2) AND (minn LT -32768 OR maxx GT 32767) then $ goto, SLOW_SET_OP ;; Following operations create a histogram of the integer values. ha = histogram(a, min=minn, max=maxx) < 1 hb = histogram(b, min=minn, max=maxx) < 1 ;; Compute NOT cases if keyword_set(not1) then ha = 1b - ha if keyword_set(not2) then hb = 1b - hb case op of ;; Boolean operations 'AND': mask = temporary(ha) AND temporary(hb) 'OR': mask = temporary(ha) OR temporary(hb) 'XOR': mask = temporary(ha) XOR temporary(hb) endcase wh = where(temporary(mask), count) if count EQ 0 then return, -1L result = temporary(wh+minn) if tp1 NE tp2 then return, result szr = size(result) & tpr = szr[szr[0]+1] ;; Cast to the original type if necessary if tpr NE tp1 then begin fresult = make_array(n_elements(result), type=tp1) fresult[0] = temporary(result) result = temporary(fresult) endif return, result endelse return, -1L ;; DEFAULT CASE end ; Here is how I did the INDEX stuff with fast histogramming. It ; works, but is complicated, so I forced it to go to SLOW_SET_OP. ; ha = histogram(a, min=minn, max=maxx, reverse=ra) < 1 ; rr = ra[0:nbins] & mask = rr NE rr[1:*] & ra = ra[rr]*mask-1L+mask ; hb = histogram(b, min=minn, max=maxx, reverse=rb) < 1 ; rr = rb[0:nbins] & mask = rr NE rr[1:*] & rb = rb[rr]*mask-1L+mask ; ... AND/OR/XOR NOT masking here ... ; ra = ra[wh] & rb = rb[wh] ; return, ra*(ra GE 0) + (rb+n1)*(ra LT 0) ;; is last 'ra' right?