;+ ; ; @file_comments ; This function returns the longitude and latitude [lon, lat] of ; a point a given arc distance (-pi <= Arc_Dist <= pi), and azimuth (Az), ; from a specified location Lon0, Lat0. ; Same as LL_ARC_DISTANCE but for n points without do loop. ; ; Formula from Map Projections - a working manual. USGS paper ; 1395. Equations (5-5) and (5-6). ; ; @categories ; Mapping, geography ; ; @param Lon0 {in}{required} ; An array containing the longitude of the starting point. ; Values are assumed to be in radians unless the keyword DEGREES is set. ; ; @param Lat0 {in}{required} ; An array containing the latitude of the starting point. ; Values are assumed to be in radians unless the keyword DEGREES is set. ; ; @param Arc_Dist {in}{required} ; The arc distance from Lon_lat0. The value must be between ; -!PI and +!PI. To express distances in arc units, divide ; by the radius of the globe expressed in the original units. ; For example, if the radius of the earth is 6371 km, divide ; the distance in km by 6371 to obtain the arc distance. ; ; @param Az {in}{required} ; The azimuth from Lon_lat0. The value is assumed to be in ; radians unless the keyword DEGREES is set. ; ; @keyword DEGREES ; Set this keyword to express all measurements and results in degrees. ; ; @returns ; a (2,n) array containing the longitude/latitude of the resulting points. ; Values are in radians unless the keyword DEGREES is set. ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> Lon_lat0 = [1.0, 2.0]; Initial point specified in radians ; IDL> Arc_Dist = 2.0; Arc distance in radians ; IDL> Az = 1.0; Azimuth in radians ; IDL> Result = LL_ARC_DISTANCE(Lon_lat0, Arc_Dist, Az) ; IDL> PRINT, Result ; 2.91415 -0.622234 ; ; IDL> lon0 = [-10, 20, 100] ; IDL> lat0 = [0, -10, 45] ; IDL> lon1 = [10, 60, 280] ; IDL> lat1 = [0, 10, 45] ; IDL> dist = map_npoints(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, azimuth = azi, /two_by_two) ; IDL> earthradius = 6378206.4d0 ; IDL> res = ll_narcs_distances(lon0, lat0, dist/earthradius, azi, /degrees) ; IDL> print, reform(res[0, *]) ; 10.000000 60.000000 280.00000 ; IDL> print, reform(res[1, *]) ; 1.1999280e-15 10.000000 45.000000 ; ; @history ; Based on the IDL function ll_arc_distance.pro,v 1.11 2003/02/03 ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; August 2005 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION ll_narcs_distances, lon0, lat0, arc_dist, az, DEGREES=degs ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; IF n_elements(lon0) NE n_elements(lat0) $ OR n_elements(lon0) NE n_elements(arc_dist) $ OR n_elements(lon0) NE n_elements(az) THEN return, -1 cdist = cos(arc_dist[*]) ;Arc_Dist is always in radians. sdist = sin(arc_dist[*]) if keyword_set(degs) then s = !dpi/180.0 else s = 1.0d0 ll = lat0[*] * s ;To radians sinll1 = sin(ll) cosll1 = cos(ll) azs = az[*] * s phi = asin(sinll1 * cdist + cosll1 * sdist * cos(azs)) ll = lon0[*] * s ;To radians lam = ll + atan(sdist * sin(azs), $ cosll1 * cdist - sinll1 * sdist * cos(azs)) zero = where(arc_dist eq 0, count) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN lam[zero] = lon0[zero] phi[zero] = lat0[zero] ENDIF if keyword_set(degs) then return, transpose([[lam], [phi]]) / s $ ELSE return, transpose([[lam], [phi]]) end