;+ ; ; @file_comments ; compute the grid parameters (cm_4mesh) common ; ; domains sizes: ; --------------- ; jpi, jpj, jpk, jpiglo, jpjglo, jpkglo, jpidta, jpjdta, jpkdta ; ; domains positions regarding to the original grid: ; -------------------------------------------------- ; ixminmesh, ixmaxmesh, iyminmesh, iymaxmesh, izminmesh, izmaxmesh ; ixmindta, ixmaxdta, iymindta, iymaxdta, izmindta, izmaxdta ; ; horizontal parameters: ; ---------------------- ; glamt, glamf, gphit, gphit, e1t, e2t ; ; additional horizontal parameters if FULLCGRID keyword is defined: ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; glamu, glamv, gphiu, gphiv, e1u, e1v, e1f, e2u, e2v, e2f ; ; verticals parameters: ; --------------------- ; gdept, gdepw, e3t, e3w ; ; masks: ; ------ ; tmask ; ; additional masks if FULLCGRID keyword is defined: ; ------------------------------------------------- ; umaskred, vmaskred, fmaskredx, fmaskredy ; ; triangles_list: ; --------------- ; triangulation ; ; key_* variables: ; ---------------- ; key_onearth, key_periodic, key_shift, key_stride, key_partialstep, ; key_yreverse, key_zreverse, key_gridtype ; ; xxx related variables: ; ---------------------- ; ccmeshparameters, ccreadparameters ; ; @categories ; Grid ; ; @param startx {in}{optional}{type=scalar} ; x starting point, optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used ; ; @param starty {in}{optional}{type=scalar} ; y starting point, optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used ; ; @param stepxin {in}{optional}{type=scalar or vector} ; x direction step, optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used, must be > 0 ; if stepxin is a vector nx is not used ; ; @param stepyin {in}{optional}{type=scalar or vector} ; y direction step, optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used, ; could be > 0 (south to north) or < 0 (north to south) ; if stepyin is a vector ny is not used ; ; @param nxin {in}{optional}{type=scalar} ; number of points in x direction, ; optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used or stepxin is a vector ; ; @param nyin {in}{optional}{type=scalar} ; number of points in y direction, ; optional if [XY]AXIS keyword is used or stepyin is a vector ; ; @keyword FULLCGRID {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Activate to specify that you want to compute all the C grid parameters: ; definition of glam[uv], gphi[uv], e1[uvf], e2[uvf], [uv]maskred and ; fmaskred[xy] will be add to the default computations ; ; @keyword GLAMBOUNDARY {default=those defined in the file}{type=2 elements vector} ; Longitude boundaries that should be used to visualize the data. ; lon2 > lon1 ; lon2 - lon1 le 360 ; By default, the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_shift will be automatically ; defined according to GLAMBOUNDARY. ; ; @keyword MASK {default=array of 1}{type=2D or 3D array} ; Specify the land(0)/sea(1) mask ; ; @keyword ONEARTH {default=1}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Force the manual definition of data localization on the earth or not ; 0) if the data are not on the earth ; 1) if the data are on earth (in that case we can for example use ; the labels 'longitude', 'latitude' in plots). ; The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_onearth ; ONEARTH=0 forces PERIODIC=0, SHIFT=0 and is cancelling GLAMBOUNDARY ; ; @keyword PERIODIC {default=computed by using the first line of glamt}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Force the manual definition of the grid zonal periodicity. ; The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_periodic ; PERIODIC=0 forces SHIFT=0 ; ; @keyword PLAIN {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Force YREVERSE=0, ZREVERSE=0, PERIODIC=0, SHIFT=0, STRIDE=[1, 1, 1] and ; suppress the automatic redefinition of the domain in case of x periodicity overlap, ; y periodicity overlap (ORCA type only) and mask border to 0. ; ; @keyword SHIFT {default=computed according to glamboundary}{type=scalar} ; Force the manual definition of the zonal shift that must be apply to the data. ; The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_shift ; Note that if key_periodic=0 then in any case key_shift=0. ; ; @keyword STRCALLING {type=string} ; a string containing the calling command used to ; call computegrid (this is used by xxx) ; ; @keyword STRIDE {default=[1, 1, 1]}{type=3 elements vector} ; Specify the stride in x, y and z direction. The resulting ; value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_stride ; ; @keyword XAXIS {type=1D or 2D array} ; Specify longitudes in this case startx, stepx and nx are not used but ; could be necessary if the y axis is not defined with yaxis. It must be ; possible to sort the first line of xaxis in the increasing order by ; shifting its elements. ; ; @keyword YAXIS {type=1D or 2D array} ; Specify latitudes in this case starty, stepy and ny are not used but ; starty and stepy could be necessary if the x axis is not defined with ; xaxis. It must be sorted in the increasing or decreasing order (along each column if 2d array). ; ; @keyword XYINDEX activate to specify that the horizontal grid should ; be simply defined by using the index of the points ; (xaxis = findgen(nx) and yaxis = findgen(ny)) ; using this keyword forces key_onearth=0 ; ; @keyword XMINMESH {default=0L}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables ixminmesh used to define the localization ; of the first point of the grid along the x direction in a zoom of the original grid ; ; @keyword YMINMESH {default=0L}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables iyminmesh used to define the localization ; of the first point of the grid along the y direction in a zoom of the original grid ; ; @keyword ZMINMESH {default=0L}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables izminmesh used to define the localization ; of the first point of the grid along the z direction in a zoom of the original grid ; ; @keyword XMAXMESH {default=jpiglo-1}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables ixmaxmesh used to define the localization ; of the last point of the grid along the x direction in a zoom of the original grid ; Note that if XMAXMESH < 0 then ixmaxmesh is defined as ixmaxmesh = jpiglo -1 + xmaxmesh ; ; @keyword YMAXMESH {default=jpjglo-1}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables iymaxmesh used to define the localization ; of the last point of the grid along the y direction in a zoom of the original grid ; Note that if YMAXMESH < 0 then iymaxmesh is defined as iymaxmesh = jpjglo -1 + ymaxmesh ; ; @keyword ZMAXMESH {default=jpkglo-1}{type=scalar} ; Define common (cm_4mesh) variables izmaxmesh used to define the localization ; of the last point of the grid along the z direction in a zoom of the original grid ; Note that if ZMAXMESH < 0 then izmaxmesh is defined as izmaxmesh = jpkglo -1 + maxmesh ; ; @keyword FBASE2TBASE ; Activate when the model is a C grid based on a F point ; (with a F point at the bottom-left corner and a T point at the ; upper-right corner). In this case, we ignore ; - the first line of F and V points ; - the last line of T and U points ; - if the grid is not x-periodic, the first column of F and U points ; - if the grid is not x-periodic, the last column of T and V points. ; => we are back to a C grid based on T point as for OPA model. ; Note that in that case, key_gridtype = 'c_f' and not 'c' (-> used in read_ncdf) ; Note that activate FBASE2TBASE forces FULLCGRID=1 ; ; @keyword UBASE2TBASE ; Activate when the model is a C grid based on a U point ; (with a U point at the bottom-left corner and a T point at the ; upper-right corner). In this case, we ignore ; - if the grid is not x-periodic, the first column of F and U points ; - if the grid is not x-periodic, the last column of T and V points. ; => we are back to a C grid based on T point as for OPA model. ; Note that in that case, key_gridtype = 'c_u' and not 'c' (-> used in read_ncdf) ; Note that activate UBASE2TBASE forces FULLCGRID=1 ; ; @keyword VBASE2TBASE ; Activate when the model is a C grid based on a V point ; (with a V point at the bottom-left corner and a T point at the ; upper-right corner). In this case, we ignore ; - the first line of F and V points ; - the last line of T and U points ; => we are back to a C grid based on T point as for OPA model. ; Note that in that case, key_gridtype = 'c_v' and not 'c' (-> used in read_ncdf) ; Note that activate VBASE2TBASE forces FULLCGRID=1 ; ; @keyword ROMSH {type=2D array} ; This array is the final bathymetry at RHO-points. It is stored in the common ; variable (cm_4mesh) romszinfos.h ; Used when the model is a ROMS C-grid with one more point ; in longitude for T and V grid and one more point in latitude ; for T and U grid. In this case, we ignore ; - the last line of T and U points ; - the last column of T and V points. ; => we are back to a C grid based on T point as for OPA model. ; Note that activate ROMSH forces FULLCGRID=1 ; ; @keyword STRCALLING {type=scalar string} ; Used by xxx... ; ; @keyword YREVERSE {default=computed according to gphit[0, 1:jpj-1] LT gphit[0, 0:jpj-2]}{type=scalar} ; Force the manual definition of the y reverse that must be apply to the data. ; The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_yreverse ; ; @keyword ZAXIS {type=1D} ; Specify the vertical axis. Must be sorted in the increasing or decreasing order ; ; @keyword ZREVERSE {default=computed according to gdept[0] GT gdept[1]}{type=scalar} ; Force the manual definition of the z reverse that must be apply to the data. ; The resulting value will be stored in the common (cm_4mesh) variable key_zreverse ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; not used in the present case ... ; ; @uses ; cm_4mesh ; cm_4data ; cm_4cal ; ; @restrictions ; if the grid has x/y periodicity overlap and/or if ; the mask has 0 everywhere at the border (like a closed sea) and ; if (we did not activate /plain and xminmesh, xmaxmesh, yminmesh, ; ymaxmesh keywords are defined to their default values), we redefine ; xminmesh, xmaxmesh, yminmesh, ymaxmesh in order to reove the ; overlapping part and/or to open the domain (avoid it be forced ; to use cell_fill = 1). ; ; FUV points definition is not exact if the grid is irregular ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 2000-04-20 ; Sept 2004, several bug fix to suit C grid type... ; Aug 2005, rewritte almost everything... ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO computegrid, startx, starty, stepxin, stepyin, nxin, nyin $ , XAXIS=xaxis, YAXIS=yaxis, ZAXIS=zaxis $ , MASK=mask, GLAMBOUNDARY=glamboundary $ , XMINMESH=xminmesh, XMAXMESH=xmaxmesh $ , YMINMESH=yminmesh, YMAXMESH=ymaxmesh $ , ZMINMESH=zminmesh, ZMAXMESH=zmaxmesh $ , ONEARTH=onearth, PERIODIC=periodic $ , PLAIN=plain, SHIFT=shift, STRIDE=stride $ , YREVERSE=yreverse, ZREVERSE=zreverse $ , FULLCGRID=fullcgrid, XYINDEX=xyindex $ , UBASE2TBASE=ubase2tbase, VBASE2TBASE=vbase2tbase $ , FBASE2TBASE=fbase2tbase $ , STRCALLING=strcalling, ROMSH=romsh, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data @cm_4cal IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew @updatekwd ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------ time1 = systime(1) ; for key_performance ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ;==================================================== ; Check input parameters ;==================================================== ; ; xaxis related parameters ; if n_elements(xaxis) NE 0 then BEGIN CASE (size(xaxis))[0] OF 0:nx = 1L 1:nx = (size(xaxis))[1] 2:nx = (size(xaxis))[1] ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF n_elements(startx) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dummy = report('If xaxis is not given, startx must be defined') return ENDIF CASE n_elements(stepxin) OF 0:BEGIN dummy = report('If xaxis is not given, stepxin must be defined') return END 1:BEGIN IF n_elements(nxin) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dummy = report('If xaxis is not given and stepxin has only one element, nx must be defined') return ENDIF ELSE nx = nxin END ELSE:nx = n_elements(stepxin) ENDCASE ENDELSE ; ; yaxis related parameters ; if n_elements(yaxis) NE 0 then BEGIN CASE (size(yaxis))[0] OF 0:ny = 1L 1:ny = (size(yaxis))[1] 2:ny = (size(yaxis))[2] ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF n_elements(starty) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dummy = report('If yaxis is not given, starty must be defined') return ENDIF CASE n_elements(stepyin) OF 0:BEGIN dummy = report('If yaxis is not given, stepyin must be defined') return END 1:BEGIN IF n_elements(nyin) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dummy = report('If yaxis is not given and stepyin has only one element, ny must be defined') return ENDIF ELSE ny = nyin END ELSE:ny = n_elements(stepyin) ENDCASE ENDELSE ; ; zaxis related parameters ; if n_elements(zaxis) NE 0 then BEGIN CASE (size(zaxis))[0] OF 0:nz = 1L 1:nz = (size(zaxis))[1] ELSE:BEGIN ras = report( 'not coded') stop END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE nz = 1L ; ;==================================================== ; Others automatic definitions... ;==================================================== ; jpiglo = long(nx) jpjglo = long(ny) jpkglo = long(nz) IF keyword_set(romsh) THEN BEGIN jpiglo = jpiglo - 1 jpjglo = jpjglo - 1 fullcgrid = 1 ENDIF ; ; impact of plain keyword: ; IF keyword_set(plain) THEN BEGIN yreverse = 0 zreverse = 0 periodic = 0 shift = 0 stride = [1, 1, 1] ENDIF ; IF n_elements(xminmesh) NE 0 THEN ixminmesh = long(xminmesh[0]) ELSE ixminmesh = 0l IF n_elements(xmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN ixmaxmesh = long(xmaxmesh[0]) ELSE ixmaxmesh = jpiglo-1 IF n_elements(yminmesh) NE 0 THEN iyminmesh = long(yminmesh[0]) ELSE iyminmesh = 0l IF n_elements(ymaxmesh) NE 0 THEN iymaxmesh = long(ymaxmesh[0]) ELSE iymaxmesh = jpjglo-1 IF n_elements(zminmesh) NE 0 THEN izminmesh = long(zminmesh[0]) ELSE izminmesh = 0l IF n_elements(zmaxmesh) NE 0 THEN izmaxmesh = long(zmaxmesh[0]) ELSE izmaxmesh = jpkglo-1 ; CASE 1 OF keyword_set(fbase2tbase):key_gridtype = 'c_f' keyword_set(ubase2tbase):key_gridtype = 'c_u' keyword_set(vbase2tbase):key_gridtype = 'c_v' else:key_gridtype = 'c' ENDCASE IF key_gridtype EQ 'c_v' OR key_gridtype EQ 'c_f' THEN BEGIN iymaxmesh = iymaxmesh-1 ENDIF IF strlen(key_gridtype) EQ 3 THEN fullcgrid = 1 ; IF ixmaxmesh LT 0 THEN ixmaxmesh = jpiglo -1 + ixmaxmesh IF iymaxmesh LT 0 THEN iymaxmesh = jpjglo -1 + iymaxmesh IF izmaxmesh LT 0 THEN izmaxmesh = jpkglo -1 + izmaxmesh ; avoid basics errors... ixmaxmesh = 0 > ixmaxmesh < (jpiglo-1) ixminmesh = 0 > ixminmesh < ixmaxmesh iymaxmesh = 0 > iymaxmesh < (jpjglo-1) iyminmesh = 0 > iyminmesh < iymaxmesh izmaxmesh = 0 > izmaxmesh < (jpkglo-1) izminmesh = 0 > izminmesh < izmaxmesh ; jpi = ixmaxmesh-ixminmesh+1 jpj = iymaxmesh-iyminmesh+1 jpk = izmaxmesh-izminmesh+1 ; jpidta = jpiglo jpjdta = jpjglo jpkdta = jpkglo ixmindta = 0 ixmaxdta = jpidta-1 iymindta = 0 iymaxdta = jpjdta-1 izmindta = 0 izmaxdta = jpkdta-1 ; key_partialstep = 0 if n_elements(stride) eq 3 then key_stride = stride $ ELSE key_stride = [1, 1, 1] ; ; check xyindex and its consequences ; if keyword_set(xyindex) then onearth = 0 ; ; check onearth and its consequences ; IF n_elements(onearth) EQ 0 THEN key_onearth = 1b $ ELSE key_onearth = keyword_set(onearth) IF NOT key_onearth THEN BEGIN periodic = 0 shift = 0 ENDIF r = 6371000. ; ;==================================================== ; X direction : glamt ;==================================================== ; ; def of glamt ; if n_elements(xaxis) NE 0 then BEGIN if keyword_set(xyindex) THEN glamt = findgen(jpiglo) ELSE glamt = xaxis ENDIF ELSE BEGIN if keyword_set(xyindex) THEN stepx = 1. ELSE stepx = stepxin CASE 1 OF n_elements(stepx):glamt = startx + findgen(jpiglo)*stepx size(stepx, /n_dimensions):glamt = startx + total(stepx, /cumulative) ELSE:BEGIN dummy = report('Wrong definition of stepx...') return END ENDCASE ENDELSE ; ; apply glamboundary ; IF keyword_set(glamboundary) AND key_onearth THEN BEGIN IF glamboundary[0] GE glamboundary[1] THEN stop IF glamboundary[1]-glamboundary[0] GT 360 THEN stop glamt = glamt MOD 360 smaller = where(glamt LT glamboundary[0]) if smaller[0] NE -1 then glamt[smaller] = glamt[smaller]+360. bigger = where(glamt GE glamboundary[1]) if bigger[0] NE -1 then glamt[bigger] = glamt[bigger]-360. ENDIF ; ; force glamt to have 2 dimensions ; CASE size(reform(glamt), /n_dimensions) OF 0:glamt = replicate(glamt, jpi, jpj) 1:glamt = glamt[ixminmesh:ixmaxmesh]#replicate(1, jpj) 2:glamt = glamt[ixminmesh:ixmaxmesh, iyminmesh:iymaxmesh] ENDCASE ; keep 2d array even with degenerated dimension IF jpj EQ 1 THEN glamt = reform(glamt, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; Y direction : gphit ;==================================================== ; ; def of gphit ; if n_elements(yaxis) NE 0 THEN BEGIN if keyword_set(xyindex) THEN gphit = findgen(jpjglo) ELSE gphit = yaxis ENDIF ELSE BEGIN if keyword_set(xyindex) THEN stepy = 1. ELSE stepy = stepyin CASE 1 OF n_elements(stepy):gphit = starty + findgen(jpjglo)*stepy size(stepy, /n_dimensions):gphit = starty + total(stepy, /cumulative) ELSE:BEGIN dummy = report('Wrong definition of stepy...') return END ENDCASE ENDELSE ; ; force gphit to have 2 dimensions ; CASE size(reform(gphit), /n_dimensions) OF 0:gphit = replicate(gphit, jpi, jpj) 1:gphit = replicate(1, jpi)#gphit[iyminmesh:iymaxmesh] 2:gphit = gphit[ixminmesh:ixmaxmesh, iyminmesh:iymaxmesh] ENDCASE ; keep 2d array even with degenerated dimension IF jpj EQ 1 THEN gphit = reform(gphit, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; check y periodicity... Only according to ORCA grid ;==================================================== ; check the periodicity if iyminmesh and iymaxmesh have the default definitions... IF NOT keyword_set(plain) AND key_onearth EQ 1 $ AND iyminmesh EQ 0l AND iymaxmesh eq jpjglo-1 AND jpj GE 3 AND jpi GE 2 THEN BEGIN CASE 1 OF ixminmesh EQ 0l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-1 $ AND array_equal(gphit[1:*, jpj-1], reverse(gphit[1:*, jpj-3])) EQ 1:BEGIN ; T pivot ymaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END ixminmesh EQ 1l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-2 $ AND array_equal(gphit[*, jpj-1], reverse(shift(gphit[*, jpj-3], -1))) EQ 1:BEGIN ; T pivot ymaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END ixminmesh EQ 0l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-1 $ AND array_equal(gphit[*, jpj-1], reverse(gphit[*, jpj-2])) EQ 1:BEGIN ; F pivot ymaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END ixminmesh EQ 1l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-2 $ AND array_equal(gphit[*, jpj-1], reverse(gphit[*, jpj-2])) EQ 1:BEGIN ; F pivot ymaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END ELSE: ENDCASE ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; check x periodicity... ;==================================================== IF n_elements(periodic) NE 0 THEN forcenoperio = 1 - keyword_set(periodic) ; check the periodicity if ixminmesh and ixmaxmesh have the default definitions... IF NOT keyword_set(plain) AND NOT keyword_set(forcenoperio) AND key_onearth EQ 1 $ AND ixminmesh EQ 0l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-1 AND jpi GE 3 THEN BEGIN CASE 0 OF total((glamt[0, *] - glamt[jpi-2, *]) MOD 360) $ + total((glamt[1, *] - glamt[jpi-1, *]) MOD 360):BEGIN xminmesh = 1 xmaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END total((glamt[0, *] - glamt[jpi-2, *]) MOD 360):BEGIN xminmesh = 1 recall = 1 END total((glamt[1, *] - glamt[jpi-1, *]) MOD 360):BEGIN xmaxmesh = -1 recall = 1 END ELSE: ENDCASE ENDIF ;==================================================== ; recall computegrid if needed... ;==================================================== IF keyword_set(recall) THEN BEGIN computegrid, XAXIS = glamt, YAXIS = gphit, ZAXIS = zaxis $ , MASK = mask, GLAMBOUNDARY = glamboundary $ , XMINMESH = xminmesh, XMAXMESH = xmaxmesh $ , YMINMESH = yminmesh, YMAXMESH = ymaxmesh $ , ZMINMESH = zminmesh, ZMAXMESH = zmaxmesh $ , PERIODIC = periodic, SHIFT = shift, STRIDE = stride $ , FULLCGRID = fullcgrid, XYINDEX = xyindex $ , STRCALLING = strcalling $ , ROMSH = romsh, _extra = ex return ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; def key_yreverse ;==================================================== ; IF n_elements(yreverse) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF total(gphit[0, 1:jpj-1] LT gphit[0, 0:jpj-2]) GT jpj/2 THEN key_yreverse = 1 ELSE key_yreverse = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_yreverse = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_yreverse = yreverse IF keyword_set(key_yreverse) THEN BEGIN gphit = reverse(gphit, 2) glamt = reverse(glamt, 2) ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; def of key_shift ;==================================================== ; ; definition of key_shift by shifting the array to have the min ; values of glamt[*, 0] in glamt[0, 0] ; IF n_elements(shift) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpi GT 1 then BEGIN xtest = glamt[*, 0] key_shift = (where(xtest EQ min(xtest)))[0] IF key_shift NE 0 THEN key_shift = jpi - key_shift ENDIF ELSE key_shift = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_shift = shift ; ;==================================================== ; def of key_periodic ;==================================================== ; IF n_elements(periodic) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN xtest = shift(glamt[*, 0], key_shift) ; check that xtest is now sorted in the increasing order IF array_equal(sort(xtest), lindgen(jpi)) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ras = report(['WARNING: we cannot sort the xaxis with a simple shift...', $ 'we force key_periodic = 0 and key_shift = 0', $ 'only horizontal plot may be ok...']) key_periodic = 0 xnotsorted = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN key_periodic = (xtest[jpi-1]+2*(xtest[jpi-1]-xtest[jpi-2])) $ GE (xtest[0]+360) ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE key_periodic = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_periodic = keyword_set(periodic) ; ; update key_shift ; key_shift = key_shift * (key_periodic EQ 1) ; IF (key_gridtype EQ 'c_u' OR key_gridtype EQ 'c_f') AND NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN ixmaxmesh = ixmaxmesh-1 jpi = jpi-1 ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; apply key_shift ;==================================================== ; if keyword_set(key_shift) then BEGIN glamt = shift(glamt, key_shift, 0) gphit = shift(gphit, key_shift, 0) IF jpj EQ 1 THEN BEGIN glamt = reform(glamt, jpi, jpj, /over) gphit = reform(gphit, jpi, jpj, /over) ENDIF ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; Are we using a "regular" grid (that can be described ; with x vector and y vector)? ;==================================================== ; ; to get faster, we first test the most basic cases before ; testing the full array. ; CASE 1 OF keyword_set(xyindex):key_irregular = 0b jpi EQ 1 OR jpj EQ 1:key_irregular = 0b n_elements(xaxis) EQ 0 AND n_elements(yaxis) EQ 0:key_irregular = 0b size(reform(xaxis), /n_dimensions) EQ 1 AND size(reform(xaxis), /n_dimensions) EQ 1:key_irregular = 0b n_elements(xaxis) EQ 0 AND size(reform(yaxis), /n_dimensions) EQ 1:key_irregular = 0b n_elements(yaxis) EQ 0 AND size(reform(xaxis), /n_dimensions) EQ 1:key_irregular = 0b array_equal(glamt[*, 0], glamt[*, jpj-1]) EQ 0:key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphit[0, *], gphit[jpi-1, *]) EQ 0:key_irregular = 1b array_equal(glamt, glamt[*, 0]#replicate(1, jpj)) EQ 0:key_irregular = 1b array_equal(gphit, replicate(1, jpi)#(gphit[0, *])[*]) EQ 0:key_irregular = 1b ELSE:key_irregular = 0b ENDCASE ; ;==================================================== ; def of glamf: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i+1,j+1) ;==================================================== ; IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepxf: x distance between T(i,j) T(i+1,j+1) CASE 1 OF n_elements(stepx):stepxf = stepx size(stepx, /n_dimensions):stepxf = stepx#replicate(1, jpj) ELSE:BEGIN if (keyword_set(key_onearth) AND keyword_set(xnotsorted)) $ OR (keyword_set(key_periodic) AND key_irregular) then BEGIN stepxf = (glamt + 720) MOD 360 IF jpj EQ 1 THEN stepxf = reform(stepxf, jpi, jpj, /over) stepxf = shift(stepxf, -1, -1) - stepxf stepxf = [ [[stepxf]], [[stepxf + 360]], [[stepxf - 360]] ] stepxf = min(abs(stepxf), dimension = 3) IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepxf[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN stepxf = shift(glamt, -1, -1) - glamt IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepxf[jpi-1, *] = 360 + stepxf[jpi-1, *] $ ELSE stepxf[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDELSE IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN stepxf[*, jpj-1] = stepxf[*, jpj-2] stepxf[jpi-1, jpj-1] = stepxf[jpi-2, jpj-2] ENDIF END ENDCASE glamf = glamt + 0.5 * stepxf ENDIF ELSE glamf = glamt + 0.5 ; IF keyword_set(key_periodic) AND (max(glamf)-min(glamt)) GE 360 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(glamboundary) THEN BEGIN bigger = where(glamf GE min(glamt)+360) glamf[bigger] = glamf[bigger]-360. ENDIF ELSE glamf = glamboundary[0] > temporary(glamf) < glamboundary[1] ENDIF ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN glamf = reform(glamf, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; def of gphif: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i+1,j+1) ;==================================================== ; IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepyf: y distance between T(i,j) T(i+1,j+1) CASE 1 OF n_elements(stepy):stepyf = stepy size(stepy, /n_dimensions):stepyf = replicate(1, jpi)#stepy ELSE:BEGIN stepyf = shift(gphit, -1, -1) - gphit stepyf[*, jpj-1] = stepyf[*, jpj-2] IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepyf[jpi-1, *] = stepyf[jpi-2, *] stepyf[jpi-1, jpj-1] = stepyf[jpi-2, jpj-2] ENDIF END ENDCASE gphif = gphit + 0.5 * stepyf ENDIF ELSE gphif = gphit + 0.5 IF key_onearth THEN gphif = -90. > gphif < 90. ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN gphif = reform(gphif, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e1t: x distance between U(i-1,j) and U(i,j) ;==================================================== ; ; *-|-*---|---*---| ; IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(stepx) NE 1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(irregular) THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepxu: x distance between T(i,j) T(i+1,j) IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN stepxu = (glamt + 720) MOD 360 stepxu = shift(stepxu, -1, 0) - stepxu stepxu = [ [[stepxu]], [[stepxu + 360]], [[stepxu - 360]] ] stepxu = min(abs(stepxu), dimension = 3) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN stepxu = shift(glamt, -1, 0) - glamt stepxu[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE stepxu = stepxf IF jpj EQ 1 THEN stepxu = reform(stepxu, jpi, jpj, /over) e1t = 0.5*(stepxu+shift(stepxu, 1, 0)) IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ e1t[0, *] = e1t[1, *] ENDIF ELSE e1t = replicate(stepx, jpi, jpj) ENDIF ELSE e1t = replicate(1b, jpi, jpj) ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e1t = reform(e1t, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e2t: y distance between V(i,j-1) and V(i,j) ;==================================================== ; IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepyv: y distance between T(i,j) T(i,j+1) IF n_elements(stepy) NE 1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN BEGIN stepyv = shift(gphit, 0, -1) - gphit stepyv[*, jpj-1] = stepyv[*, jpj-2] ENDIF ELSE stepyv = stepyf e2t = 0.5*(stepyv+shift(stepyv, 0, 1)) e2t[*, 0] = e2t[*, 1] ENDIF ELSE e2t = replicate(stepy, jpi, jpj) ENDIF ELSE e2t = replicate(1b, jpi, jpj) ; IF key_onearth THEN e2t = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e2t) ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e2t = reform(e2t, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN ; ;==================================================== ; def of glamu: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i+1,j) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(irregular) THEN BEGIN glamu = glamt + 0.5 * stepxu IF keyword_set(glamboundary) AND key_onearth THEN $ glamu = glamboundary[0] > temporary(glamu) < glamboundary[1] ENDIF ELSE glamu = glamf ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN glamu = reform(glamu, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; def of gphiu: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i+1,j) ;==================================================== ; IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepyu: y distance between T(i+1,j) T(i,j) IF keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN BEGIN stepyu = shift(gphit, -1, 0) - gphit IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepyu[jpi-1, *] = stepyu[jpi-2, *] gphiu = gphit + 0.5 * stepyu ENDIF ELSE gphiu = gphit ENDIF ELSE gphiu = gphit IF key_onearth THEN gphiu = -90. > gphiu < 90. ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN gphiu = reform(gphiu, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; def of glamv: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i,j+1) ;==================================================== ; IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepxv: x distance between T(i,j) T(i,j+1) IF keyword_set(irregular) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN stepxv = (glamt + 720) MOD 360 stepxv = shift(stepxv, 0, -1) - stepxv stepxv = [ [[stepxv]], [[stepxv + 360]], [[stepxv - 360]] ] stepxv = min(abs(stepxv), dimension = 3) ENDIF ELSE stepxv = shift(glamt, 0, -1) - glamt stepxv[*, jpj-1] = stepxv[*, jpj-2] glamv = glamt + 0.5 * stepxv IF keyword_set(glamboundary) AND key_onearth THEN $ glamv = glamboundary[0] > temporary(glamv) < glamboundary[1] ENDIF ELSE glamv = glamt ENDIF ELSE glamv = glamt ; ;==================================================== ; def of gphiv: defined as the middle of T(i,j) T(i,j+1) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN $ gphiv = gphit + 0.5 * stepyv $ ELSE gphiv = gphif IF key_onearth THEN gphiv = -90. > gphiv < 90. ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN gphiv = reform(gphiv, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e1u: x distance between T(i,j) and T(i+1,j) ;==================================================== ; IF jpi GT 1 AND n_elements(stepx) NE 1 THEN $ e1u = stepxu ELSE e1u = e1t ; ;==================================================== ; e2u: y distance between F(i,j-1) and F(i,j) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN BEGIN e2u = gphif - shift(gphif, 0, 1) e2u[*, 0] = e2u[*, 1] IF key_onearth THEN e2u = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e2u) ENDIF ELSE e2u = e2t ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e2u = reform(e2u, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e1v: x distance between F(i-1,j) and F(i,j) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(irregular) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN e1v = (glamf + 720) MOD 360 e1v = e1v - shift(e1v, 1, 0) e1v = [ [[e1v]], [[e1v + 360]], [[e1v - 360]] ] e1v = min(abs(e1v), dimension = 3) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN e1v = glamf - shift(glamf, 1, 0) e1v[0, *] = stepxf[1, *] ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE e1v = e1t ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e1v = reform(e1v, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e2v: y distance between T(i,j) and T(i+1,j) ;==================================================== ; IF jpj GT 1 and n_elements(stepy) NE 1 THEN BEGIN e2v = stepyv IF key_onearth THEN e2v = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e2v) ENDIF ELSE e2v = e2t ; ;==================================================== ; e1f: x distance between V(i,j) and V(i+1,j) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(irregular) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN e1f = (glamv + 720) MOD 360 e1f = shift(e1f, -1, 0) - e1f e1f = [ [[e1f]], [[e1f + 360]], [[e1f - 360]] ] e1f = min(abs(e1f), dimension = 3) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN e1f = shift(glamv, -1, 0) - glamt e1f[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE e1f = e1u ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e1f = reform(e1f, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ;==================================================== ; e2f: y distance between U(i,j) and U(i,j+1) ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN BEGIN e2f = shift(gphiu, 0, -1) - gphiu e2f[*, jpj-1] = e2f[*, jpj-2] IF key_onearth THEN e2f = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e2f) ENDIF ELSE e2f = e2v ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN e2f = reform(e2f, jpi, jpj, /over) ; ENDIF ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; ;==================================================== ; e1[tuvf] from degree to meters ;==================================================== ; IF keyword_set(key_onearth) THEN BEGIN e1t = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e1t) * cos(!pi/180.*gphit) IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN e1u = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e1u) * cos(!pi/180.*gphiu) e1v = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e1v) * cos(!pi/180.*gphiv) e1f = r * !pi/180. * temporary(e1f) * cos(!pi/180.*gphif) ENDIF ENDIF ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN BEGIN e1t = reform(e1t, jpi, jpj, /over) IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN e1u = reform(e1u, jpi, jpj, /over) e1v = reform(e1v, jpi, jpj, /over) e1f = reform(e1f, jpi, jpj, /over) ENDIF ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; if not fullcgrid: make sure we don't use glam[uv], gphi[uv], e[12][uvf] ;==================================================== ; IF NOT keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN glamu = !values.f_nan & glamv = !values.f_nan gphiu = !values.f_nan & gphiv = !values.f_nan e1u = !values.f_nan & e1v = !values.f_nan & e1f = !values.f_nan e2u = !values.f_nan & e2v = !values.f_nan & e2f = !values.f_nan firstxu = !values.f_nan & lastxu = !values.f_nan & nxu = !values.f_nan firstyu = !values.f_nan & lastyu = !values.f_nan & nyu = !values.f_nan firstxv = !values.f_nan & lastxv = !values.f_nan & nxv = !values.f_nan firstyv = !values.f_nan & lastyv = !values.f_nan & nyv = !values.f_nan ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; Z direction ;==================================================== ; ; z axis ; CASE n_elements(zaxis) OF 0:BEGIN gdept = 0. key_zreverse = 0 END 1:BEGIN gdept = zaxis key_zreverse = 0 END ELSE:BEGIN gdept = zaxis[izminmesh:izmaxmesh] IF n_elements(zreverse) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpk GT 1 THEN BEGIN if gdept[0] GT gdept[1] then key_zreverse = 1 ELSE key_zreverse = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_zreverse = 0 ENDIF ELSE key_zreverse = zreverse IF keyword_set(key_zreverse) THEN gdept = reverse(gdept) END ENDCASE ; if n_elements(gdept) GT 1 then BEGIN stepz = shift(gdept, -1)-gdept stepz[jpk-1] = stepz[jpk-2] gdepw = 0. > (gdept-stepz/2.) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN stepz = 1. gdepw = gdept ENDELSE IF keyword_set(romsh) THEN gdepw = gdept ; ;==================================================== ; e3[tw]: ;==================================================== ; e3t = stepz IF n_elements(stepz) GT 1 THEN BEGIN e3w = 0.5*(stepz+shift(stepz, 1)) e3w[0] = 0.5*e3t[0] ENDIF ELSE e3w = e3t ; ;==================================================== ; Mask ;==================================================== ; ; default mask eq 1 if NOT keyword_set(mask) then tmask = -1 ELSE tmask = mask ; if tmask[0] NE -1 then BEGIN IF keyword_set(romsh) THEN tmask = tmask[0:jpiglo-1, 0:jpjglo-1] IF n_elements(mask) EQ jpiglo*jpjglo AND jpkglo GT 1 THEN BEGIN tmask = tmask[*]#replicate(1, jpkglo) tmask = reform(tmask, jpiglo, jpjglo, jpkglo, /overwrite) ENDIF IF jpiglo EQ 1 OR jpjglo EQ 1 THEN tmask = reform(tmask, jpiglo, jpjglo, jpkglo, /overwrite) tmask = byte(tmask[ixminmesh:ixmaxmesh, iyminmesh:iymaxmesh, izminmesh:izmaxmesh]) tmask = reform(tmask, jpi, jpj, jpk, /over) if key_shift NE 0 then tmask = shift(tmask, key_shift, 0, 0) ; because tmask = reverse(tmask, 2) is not working if the 3rd ; dimension of tmask = 1, we call reform. IF jpk EQ 1 THEN tmask = reform(tmask, /over) IF key_yreverse EQ 1 THEN tmask = reverse(tmask, 2) IF jpk EQ 1 THEN tmask = reform(tmask, jpi, jpj, jpk, /over) IF key_zreverse EQ 1 THEN tmask = reverse(tmask, 3) IF jpk EQ 1 THEN tmask = reform(tmask, jpi, jpj, jpk, /over) IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN BEGIN msk = tmask*shift(tmask, -1, 0, 0) umaskred = msk[jpi-1, *, *] ENDIF ELSE umaskred = tmask[jpi-1, *, *] vmaskred = tmask[*, jpj-1, *] ENDIF fmaskredy = tmask[jpi-1, *, *] fmaskredx = tmask[*, jpj-1, *] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tmask = replicate(1b, jpi, jpj, jpk) IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN umaskred = replicate(1b, jpj, jpk) vmaskred = replicate(1b, jpi, jpk) ENDIF fmaskredy = replicate(1b, jpj, jpk) fmaskredx = replicate(1b, jpi, jpk) ENDELSE ; IF jpi GT 2 AND jpj GT 2 AND NOT keyword_set(plain) $ AND ixminmesh EQ 0l AND ixmaxmesh eq jpiglo-1 $ AND iyminmesh EQ 0l AND iymaxmesh eq jpjglo-1 $ AND total(tmask[*, 0, *]) EQ 0 AND total(tmask[*, jpj-1, *]) EQ 0 $ AND total(tmask[0, *, *]) EQ 0 AND total(tmask[jpi-1, *, *]) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN xminmesh = 1 xmaxmesh = -1 yminmesh = 1 ymaxmesh = -1 computegrid, XAXIS = glamt, YAXIS = gphit, ZAXIS = zaxis $ , MASK = mask, GLAMBOUNDARY = glamboundary $ , XMINMESH = xminmesh, XMAXMESH = xmaxmesh $ , YMINMESH = yminmesh, YMAXMESH = ymaxmesh $ , ZMINMESH = zminmesh, ZMAXMESH = zmaxmesh $ , ONEARTH = onearth, PERIODIC = periodic $ , PLAIN = plain, SHIFT = shift, STRIDE = stride $ , FULLCGRID = fullcgrid, XYINDEX = xyindex $ , UBASE2TBASE = ubase2tbase, VBASE2TBASE = vbase2tbase $ , FBASE2TBASE = fbase2tbase, STRCALLING = strcalling $ , ROMSH = romsh, _extra = ex return ENDIF ; IF NOT keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN umaskred = !values.f_nan vmaskred = !values.f_nan ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; stride... ;==================================================== ; IF total(key_stride) GT 3 THEN BEGIN IF key_shift NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; for explanation, see header of read_ncdf_varget.pro jpiright = key_shift jpileft = jpi - key_shift - ( (key_stride[0]-1)-((key_shift-1) MOD key_stride[0]) ) jpi = ((jpiright-1)/key_stride[0]+1) + ((jpileft-1)/key_stride[0]+1) ENDIF ELSE jpi = (jpi-1)/key_stride[0]+1 jpj = (jpj-1)/key_stride[1]+1 jpk = (jpk-1)/key_stride[2]+1 ; glamt = (temporary(glamt))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] gphit = (temporary(gphit))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e1t = (temporary(e1t))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e2t = (temporary(e2t))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] tmask = (temporary(tmask))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1], 0:*:stride[2]] gdept = gdept[0:*:stride[2]] gdepw = gdepw[0:*:stride[2]] e3t = e3t[0:*:stride[2]] e3w = e3w[0:*:stride[2]] ; we must recompute glamf and gphif... IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN if (keyword_set(key_onearth) AND keyword_set(xnotsorted)) $ OR (keyword_set(key_periodic) AND key_irregular) then BEGIN stepxf = (glamt + 720) MOD 360 stepxf = shift(stepxf, -1, -1) - stepxf stepxf = [ [[stepxf]], [[stepxf + 360]], [[stepxf - 360]] ] stepxf = min(abs(stepxf), dimension = 3) IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepxf[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN stepxf = shift(glamt, -1, -1) - glamt IF keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepxf[jpi-1, *] = 360 + stepxf[jpi-1, *] $ ELSE stepxf[jpi-1, *] = stepxf[jpi-2, *] ENDELSE IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN stepxf[*, jpj-1] = stepxf[*, jpj-2] stepxf[jpi-1, jpj-1] = stepxf[jpi-2, jpj-2] ENDIF glamf = glamt + 0.5 * stepxf ENDIF ELSE glamf = glamt + 0.5 IF keyword_set(key_periodic) AND (max(glamf)-min(glamt)) GE 360 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(glamboundary) THEN BEGIN bigger = where(glamf GE min(glamt)+360) glamf[bigger] = glamf[bigger]-360. ENDIF ELSE glamf = glamboundary[0] > temporary(glamf) < glamboundary[1] ENDIF IF jpj GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; we must compute stepyf: y distance between T(i,j) T(i+1,j+1) stepyf = shift(gphit, -1, -1) - gphit stepyf[*, jpj-1] = stepyf[*, jpj-2] IF jpi GT 1 THEN BEGIN if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) THEN $ stepyf[jpi-1, *] = stepyf[jpi-2, *] stepyf[jpi-1, jpj-1] = stepyf[jpi-2, jpj-2] ENDIF gphif = gphit + 0.5 * stepyf ENDIF ELSE gphif = gphit + 0.5 ; IF jpj EQ 1 THEN BEGIN glamt = reform(glamt, jpi, jpj, /over) gphit = reform(gphit, jpi, jpj, /over) glamf = reform(glamf, jpi, jpj, /over) gphif = reform(gphif, jpi, jpj, /over) e1t = reform(e1t, jpi, jpj, /over) e2t = reform(e2t, jpi, jpj, /over) ENDIF ; IF keyword_set(fullcgrid) THEN BEGIN glamu = (temporary(glamu))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] gphiu = (temporary(gphiu))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e1u = (temporary(e1u))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e2u = (temporary(e2u))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] glamv = (temporary(glamv))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] gphiv = (temporary(gphiv))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e1v = (temporary(e1v))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e2v = (temporary(e2v))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e1f = (temporary(e1f))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] e2f = (temporary(e2f))[0:*:stride[0], 0:*:stride[1]] umaskred = (temporary(umaskred))[0, 0:*:stride[1], 0:*:stride[2]] vmaskred = (temporary(vmaskred))[0:*:stride[0], 0, 0:*:stride[2]] fmaskredy = (temporary(fmaskredy))[0, 0:*:stride[1], 0:*:stride[2]] fmaskredx = (temporary(fmaskredx))[0:*:stride[0], 0, 0:*:stride[2]] IF jpj EQ 1 THEN BEGIN glamu = reform(glamu, jpi, jpj, /over) gphiu = reform(gphiu, jpi, jpj, /over) e1u = reform(e1u, jpi, jpj, /over) e2u = reform(e2u, jpi, jpj, /over) glamv = reform(glamv, jpi, jpj, /over) gphiv = reform(gphiv, jpi, jpj, /over) e1v = reform(e1v, jpi, jpj, /over) e2v = reform(e2v, jpi, jpj, /over) e1f = reform(e1f, jpi, jpj, /over) e2f = reform(e2f, jpi, jpj, /over) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; ;==================================================== ; apply all the grid parameters ;==================================================== ; @updateold domdef ; ;==================================================== ; Triangulation ;==================================================== ; IF total(tmask) EQ jpi*jpj*jpk $ AND NOT keyword_set(key_irregular) THEN triangles_list = -1 $ ELSE BEGIN ; are we using ORCA2 ? IF jpiglo EQ 182 AND jpi EQ 180 AND jpjglo EQ 149 AND jpj EQ 148 THEN $ triangles_list = triangule() ELSE triangles_list = triangule(/keep_cont) ENDELSE ; ;==================================================== ; time axis (default definition) ;==================================================== ; IF n_elements(time) EQ 0 OR n_elements(jpt) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN jpt = 1 time = 0 ENDIF ; IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updateold ENDIF ;==================================================== ; grid parameters used by xxx ;==================================================== ; IF NOT keyword_set(strcalling) THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(ccmeshparameters) EQ 0 THEN strcalling = 'computegrid' $ ELSE strcalling = ccmeshparameters.filename ENDIF IF n_elements(glamt) GE 2 THEN BEGIN glaminfo = moment(glamt) IF finite(glaminfo[2]) EQ 0 THEN glaminfo = glaminfo[0:1] gphiinfo = moment(gphit) IF finite(gphiinfo[2]) EQ 0 THEN gphiinfo = gphiinfo[0:1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN glaminfo = glamt gphiinfo = gphit ENDELSE IF keyword_set(romsh) THEN $ romszinfos = {h:romsh[ixminmesh:ixmaxmesh, iyminmesh:iymaxmesh], zeta:replicate(0., jpi, jpj), theta_s:-1, theta_b:-1, hc:-1} $ ELSE romszinfos = {h:-1, zeta:-1, theta_s:-1, theta_b:-1, hc:-1} ccmeshparameters = {filename:strcalling $ , glaminfo:float(string(glaminfo, format = '(E11.4)')) $ , gphiinfo:float(string(gphiinfo, format = '(E11.4)')) $ , jpiglo:jpiglo, jpjglo:jpjglo, jpkglo:jpkglo $ , jpi:jpi, jpj:jpj, jpk:jpk $ , ixminmesh:ixminmesh, ixmaxmesh:ixmaxmesh $ , iyminmesh:iyminmesh, iymaxmesh:iymaxmesh $ , izminmesh:izminmesh, izmaxmesh:izmaxmesh $ , key_shift:key_shift, key_periodic:key_periodic $ , key_stride:key_stride, key_gridtype:key_gridtype $ , key_yreverse:key_yreverse, key_zreverse:key_zreverse $ , key_partialstep:key_partialstep, key_onearth:key_onearth} ccreadparameters = {funclec_name:'read_ncdf' $ , jpidta:jpidta, jpjdta:jpjdta, jpkdta:jpkdta $ , ixmindta:ixmindta, ixmaxdta:ixmaxdta $ , iymindta:iymindta, iymaxdta:iymaxdta $ , izmindta:izmindta, izmaxdta:izmaxdta} ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF keyword_set(key_performance) EQ 1 THEN $ print, 'time computegrid', systime(1)-time1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ return end