;+ ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June 2005 ;- ; @cm_general ; ; printer environment ; ; printer_human_names: a string array specifying the name of the ; available printers such as ['color printer', ; 'black and while'] ; printer_machine_names: a string array specifying the IP address or ; the name usable by the lpr command ; ; print_command: a scalar or array variable of string type, defining ; the command that must be used to print a postscript. ; This command must be defined/build in a way that it the ; instruction: ; print_command+printer_machine_names[i]+' '+file.ps ; or ; print_command[i]+printer_machine_names[i]+' '+file.ps ; is working. default definition is '\lpr -P' ; COMMON for_printers, printer_human_names, printer_machine_names, print_command ; ; page configuration ; ; page_size: a 2 elements array specifying the size of the page ; in cm (for example a4 pages: page_size = [21.,29.7] ; page_margins: a 4 elements array specifying the size in cm of the ; margins on left, right, bottom, up side of the page ; (where nothing is supposed to be drawn). ; default is [1., 1., 1., 1.] ; key_portrait = 1 for portrait page or 0 for landscape page ; COMMON page_setup, page_size, page_margins COMMON keys_ps, key_portrait ; ; postscript archiving ; ; archive_ps = 0 -> nothing is done ; archive_ps = 1 -> each printed ps has its name and creation date ; written in the bottom-left corner of the page ; and is gzipped in the psdir directory ; archive_ps > 1 -> question is asked to know if ps file has to be ; archived or not ; COMMON ps_archiving, archive_ps ; ; graphic window size ; ; windowsize_scale: the size of the graphic window will (should) be equal to ; windowsize_scale * page_size. default definition is ; windowsize_scale = 1. The smaller windowsize_scale ; is, the larger are the differences between the plots in ; graphic window and the corresponding plots in postscript ; mode. ; COMMON windowsize_scale, windowsize_scale