;+ ; ; @file_comments ; The original purpose of this function was to enable the ; user to specify one of the 16 colors supported by the ; McIDAS color map by name. Over time, however, the function ; has become a general purpose function for handling and ; supporting drawing colors in a device-independent way. ; In particular, I have been looking for ways to write color ; handling code that will work transparently on both 8-bit and ; 24-bit machines. On 24-bit machines, the code should work the ; same where color decomposition is turned on or off. ; ; (The 16 supported colors in GETCOLOR come from the McIDAS color ; table offered on the IDL newsgroup by Liam Gumley.) ; ; @categories ; Graphics, Color ; ; @param thiscolor {in}{optional} ; A string with the "name" of the color. Valid names are: ; black ; magenta ; cyan ; yellow ; green ; red ; blue ; navy ; gold ; pink ; aqua ; orchid ; gray ; sky ; beige ; white ; ; The color YELLOW is returned if the color name can't be resolved. ; Case is unimportant. ; ; @param index {in}{optional} ; The color table index where the specified color should be loaded. ; ; @returns ; If no positional parameter is present, then the return value is either a 16-by-3 ; byte array containing the RGB values of all 16 colors or it is a 16-element ; long integer array containing color values that can be decomposed into colors. ; The 16-by-3 array is appropriate for loading color tables with the TVLCT command: ; ; Device, Decomposed=0 ; colors = GetColor() ; TVLCT, colors, 100 ; ; If function is called with just this single input parameter, ; the return value is either a 1-by-3 array containing the RGB values of ; that particular color, or a 24-bit integer that can be "decomposed" into ; that particular color, depending upon the state of the TRUE keyword and ; upon whether color decomposition is turned on or off. The state of color ; decomposition can ONLY be determined if the program is being run in ; IDL 5.2 or higher. ; ; If index parameter is passed, then the return value of the function is the ; index number and not the color triple. (If color decomposition is turned ; on AND the user specifies an index parameter, the color is loaded in the ; color table at the proper index, but a 24-bit value is returned to the ; user in IDL 5.2 and higher.) ; ; ; @keyword NAMES ; If this keyword is set, the return value of the function is ; a 16-element string array containing the names of the colors. ; These names would be appropriate, for example, in building ; a list widget with the names of the colors. If the NAMES ; keyword is set, the COLOR and INDEX parameters are ignored. ; ; listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) ; ; @keyword LOAD ; If this keyword is set, all 16 colors are automatically loaded ; starting at the color index specified by the START keyword. ; Note that setting this keyword means that the return value of the ; function will be a structure, with each field of the structure ; corresponding to a color name. The value of each field will be ; an index number (set by the START keyword) corresponding to the ; associated color, or a 24-bit long integer value that creates the ; color on a true-color device. What you have as the field values is ; determined by the TRUE keyword or whether color decomposition is on ; or off in the absence of the TRUE keyword. It will either be a 1-by-3 ; byte array or a long integer value. ; ; @keyword START {default=!D.TABLE_SIZE - 17} ; The starting color index number if the LOAD keyword is set. This keyword ; value is ignored unless the LOAD keyword is also set. The keyword is also ; ignored if the TRUE keyword is set or if color decomposition in on in ; IDL 5.2 and higher. ; ; @keyword TRUE ; If this keyword is set, the specified color triple is returned ; as a 24-bit integer equivalent. The lowest 8 bits correspond to ; the red value; the middle 8 bits to the green value; and the ; highest 8 bits correspond to the blue value. In IDL 5.2 and higher, ; if color decomposition is turned on, it is as though this keyword ; were set. ; ; @restrictions ; The TRUE keyword causes the START keyword to be ignored. ; The NAMES keyword causes the COLOR, INDEX, START, and TRUE parameters to be ; ignored. ; The COLOR parameter is ignored if the LOAD keyword is used. ; On systems where it is possible to tell the state of color decomposition ; (i.e., IDL 5.2 and higher), a 24-bit value (or values) is automatically ; returned if color decomposition is ON. ; ; @examples ; ; To load a yellow color in color index 100 and plot in yellow, type: ; ; IDL> yellow = GETCOLOR('yellow', 100) ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=yellow ; ; or, ; ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow', 100) ; ; To do the same thing on a 24-bit color system with decomposed color on, type: ; ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow', /TRUE) ; ; or in IDL 5.2 and higher, ; ; IDL> DEVICE, Decomposed=1 ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=GETCOLOR('yellow') ; ; To load all 16 colors into the current color table, starting at ; color index 200, type: ; ; IDL> TVLCT, GETCOLOR(), 200 ; ; To add the color names to a list widget: ; ; IDL> listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) ; ; To load all 16 colors and have the color indices returned in a structure: ; ; IDL> DEVICE, Decomposed=0 ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load, Start=1) ; IDL> HELP, colors, /Structure ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow ; ; To get the direct color values as 24-bit integers in color structure fields: ; ; IDL> DEVICE, Decomposed=1 ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load) ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow ; ; Note that the START keyword value is ignored if on a 24-bit device, ; so it is possible to write completely device-independent code by ; writing code like this: ; ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load) ; IDL> PLOT, data, Color=colors.yellow; IDL> DEVICE, Decomposed=0 ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load, Start=1) ; IDL> HELP, colors, /Structure ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow ; ; To get the direct color values as 24-bit integers in color structure fields: ; ; IDL> DEVICE, Decomposed=1 ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load) ; IDL> PLOT, data, COLOR=colors.yellow ; ; Note that the START keyword value is ignored if on a 24-bit device, ; so it is possible to write completely device-independent code by ; writing code like this: ; ; IDL> colors = GetColor(/Load) ; IDL> PLOT, data, Color=colors.yellow ; ; @history ; Written by: David Fanning, 10 February 96. ; Fixed a bug in which N_ELEMENTS was spelled wrong. 7 Dec 96. DWF ; Added the McIDAS colors to the program. 24 Feb 99. DWF ; Added the INDEX parameter to the program 8 Mar 99. DWF ; Added the NAMES keyword at insistence of Martin Schultz. 10 Mar 99. DWF ; Reordered the colors so black is first and white is last. 7 June 99. DWF ; Added automatic recognition of DECOMPOSED=1 state. 7 June 99. DWF ; Added LOAD AND START keywords. 7 June 99. DWF. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION getcolor, thiscolor, index, TRUE=truecolor $ , NAMES=colornames, LOAD=load, START=start ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; Set up the color vectors. names = ['Black', 'Magenta', 'Cyan', 'Yellow', 'Green'] rvalue = [ 0, 255, 0, 255, 0 ] gvalue = [ 0, 0, 255, 255, 255 ] bvalue = [ 0, 255, 255, 0, 0 ] names = [names, 'Red', 'Blue', 'Navy', 'Gold', 'Pink'] rvalue = [rvalue, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255 ] gvalue = [gvalue, 0, 0, 0, 187, 127 ] bvalue = [bvalue, 0, 255, 115, 0, 127 ] names = [names, 'Aqua', 'Orchid', 'Gray', 'Sky', 'Beige', 'White'] rvalue = [rvalue, 112, 219, 127, 0, 255, 255 ] gvalue = [gvalue, 219, 112, 127, 163, 171, 255 ] bvalue = [bvalue, 147, 219, 127, 255, 127, 255 ] ; Did the user ask for a specific color? If not, return ; all the colors. If the user asked for a specific color, ; find out if a 24-bit value is required. Return to main ; IDL level if an error occurs. ON_Error, 1 np = N_Params() IF Keyword_Set(start) EQ 0 THEN start = !D.TABLE_SIZE - 17 ; User ask for the color names? IF Keyword_Set(colornames) THEN RETURN, names ELSE names = StrUpCase(names) ; If no positional parameter, return all colors. IF np EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; Did the user want a 24-bit value? If so, call COLOR24. IF Keyword_Set(trueColor) THEN BEGIN returnColor = LonArr(16) FOR j=0,15 DO returnColor[j] = Color24([rvalue[j], gvalue[j], bvalue[j]]) ; If LOAD keyword set, return a color structure. IF Keyword_Set(load) THEN BEGIN returnValue = Create_Struct('black', returnColor[0]) FOR j=1,15 DO returnValue = Create_Struct(returnValue, names[j], returnColor[j]) returnColor = returnValue ENDIF RETURN, returnColor ENDIF ; If color decomposition is ON, return 24-bit values. IF Float(!Version.Release) GE 5.2 THEN BEGIN IF (!D.Name EQ 'X' OR !D.Name EQ 'WIN' OR !D.Name EQ 'MAC') THEN BEGIN Device, Get_Decomposed=decomposedState ENDIF ELSE decomposedState = 0 IF decomposedState EQ 1 THEN BEGIN returnColor = LonArr(16) FOR j=0,15 DO returnColor[j] = Color24([rvalue[j], gvalue[j], bvalue[j]]) IF Keyword_Set(load) THEN BEGIN returnValue = Create_Struct('black', returnColor[0]) FOR j=1,15 DO returnValue = Create_Struct(returnValue, names[j], returnColor[j]) RETURN, returnValue ENDIF RETURN, returnColor ENDIF IF Keyword_Set(load) THEN BEGIN TVLCT, Reform([rvalue, gvalue, bvalue], 16, 3), start returnValue = Create_Struct('black', start) FOR j=1,15 DO returnValue = Create_Struct(returnValue, names[j], start+j) RETURN, returnValue ENDIF returnColor = REFORM([rvalue, gvalue, bvalue], 16, 3) RETURN, returnColor ENDIF IF Keyword_Set(load) THEN BEGIN TVLCT, Reform([rvalue, gvalue, bvalue], 16, 3), start returnValue = Create_Struct('black', start) FOR j=1,15 DO returnValue = Create_Struct(returnValue, names[j], start+j) RETURN, returnValue ENDIF returnColor = REFORM([rvalue, gvalue, bvalue], 16, 3) RETURN, returnColor ENDIF ; Check synonyms of colors. IF StrUpCase(thisColor) EQ 'GREY' THEN thisColor = 'GRAY' IF StrUpCase(thisColor) EQ 'CHARCOAL' THEN thisColor = 'GRAY' IF StrUpCase(thisColor) EQ 'AQUAMARINE' THEN thisColor = 'AQUA' IF StrUpCase(thisColor) EQ 'SKYBLUE' THEN thisColor = 'SKY' ; Make sure the parameter is an uppercase string. varInfo = SIZE(thisColor) IF varInfo[varInfo[0] + 1] NE 7 THEN $ ras = report('The color name must be a string.') thisColor = STRUPCASE(thisColor) ; Get the color triple for this color. colorIndex = WHERE(names EQ thisColor) ; If you can't find it. Issue an informational message, ; set the index to a YELLOW color, and continue. IF colorIndex[0] LT 0 THEN BEGIN ras= report("Can't find color. Returning YELLOW.", /INFORMATIONAL) colorIndex = 3 ENDIF ; Get the color triple. r = rvalue[colorIndex] g = gvalue[colorIndex] b = bvalue[colorIndex] returnColor = REFORM([r, g, b], 1, 3) ; Did the user want a 24-bit value? If so, call COLOR24. IF KEYWORD_SET(trueColor) THEN BEGIN returnColor = COLOR24(returnColor) RETURN, returnColor ENDIF ; If color decomposition is ON, return 24-bit value. IF Float(!Version.Release) GE 5.2 THEN BEGIN IF (!D.Name EQ 'X' OR !D.Name EQ 'WIN' OR !D.Name EQ 'MAC') THEN BEGIN Device, Get_Decomposed=decomposedState ENDIF ELSE decomposedState = 0 IF decomposedState EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; Before you change return color, load index if requested. IF N_Elements(index) NE 0 THEN BEGIN index = 0 > index < (!D.Table_Size-1) TVLCT, returnColor, index ENDIF returnColor = COLOR24(returnColor) RETURN, returnColor ENDIF ENDIF ; Did the user specify a color index? If so, load it. IF N_Elements(index) NE 0 THEN BEGIN index = 0 > index < (!D.Table_Size-1) TVLCT, returnColor, index returnColor = index ENDIF RETURN, returnColor END