;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Similar to grille. ; Here, when vargrid is not 'T' or 'W', we have to ; recuperate tmask, glamt, gphit and the array of triangulation on the ; considered sub-domain for the drawing. ; The specificity of decoupeterre, in comparaison with grille, is ; that we take, if possible, a sub-domain just a little bit bigger than the ; one defined by domdef in order to be ; sure that the mask we draw will cover over all the drawing. ; ; @categories ; Grid ; ; @param MASK ; ; @param GLAM ; ; @param GPHI ; ; @param GDEP ; ; @keyword TYPE ; ; @keyword INDICEZOOM ; ; @keyword COINMONTE ; ; @keyword COINDESCEND ; ; @keyword REALSECTION ; ; @keyword USETRI ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @keyword TRI ; This keyword serve to obtain, thanks to grille, the triangulation which ; refer to the grid but only on the part of the zoom. This array of triangulation ; is passed in the variable we have equate at TRI. ; For example: grille,...,tri=triangulation_reduite. ; This keyword is used in plt. ; ; @keyword WDEPTH ; To specify that the field is at W depth instead of T ; depth (automatically activated if vargrid eq 'W') ; ; @uses ; common ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 24/2/99 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo ; seb : manque tous les param et plein de keywords. ; ;- PRO decoupeterre, mask, glam, gphi, gdep $ , TYPE=type, TRI=tri, INDICEZOOM=indicezoom $ , COINMONTE=coinmonte, COINDESCEND=coindescend $ , WDEPTH=wdepth, REALSECTION=realsection, USETRI=usetri $ , _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------- tempsun = systime(1) ; For key_performance ;------------------------------------------------------------ if vargrid EQ 'W' then wdepth = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; horizontal parameters ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; if possible extent the domain according to the grid type ; default case case vargrid of 'U':BEGIN firstx = 0 > (min([firstxt, firstxu])-1) lastx = (max([lastxt, lastxu])+1) < (jpi-1) firsty = 0 > (min([firstyt, firstyu])-1) lasty = (max([lastyt, lastyu])+1) < (jpj-1) end 'V':BEGIN firstx = 0 > (min([firstxt, firstxv])-1) lastx = (max([lastxt, lastxv])+1) < (jpi-1) firsty = 0 > (min([firstyt, firstyv])-1) lasty = (max([lastyt, lastyv])+1) < (jpj-1) end 'F':BEGIN firstx = 0 > (min([firstxt, firstxf])-1) lastx = (max([lastxt, lastxf])+1) < (jpi-1) firsty = 0 > (min([firstyt, firstyf])-1) lasty = (max([lastyt, lastyf])+1) < (jpj-1) END ELSE:BEGIN firstx = firstxt lastx = lastxt firsty = firstyt lasty = lastyt END ENDCASE ; however for the vertical section we don''t want to extent the domain ; in the direction perpendicular to the vertical section if type EQ 'xz' then begin case vargrid of 'U':BEGIN firsty = firstyu lasty = lastyu END 'V':BEGIN firsty = firstyv lasty = lastyv END 'F':BEGIN firsty = firstyf lasty = lastyf END ELSE: ENDCASE endif ; if type EQ 'yz' then begin case vargrid of 'U':BEGIN firstx = firstxu lastx = lastxu END 'V':BEGIN firstx = firstxv lastx = lastxv END 'F':BEGIN firstx = firstxf lastx = lastxf END ELSE: ENDCASE endif ; nx = lastx-firstx+1 ny = lasty-firsty+1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; horizontal grid ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; default case glam = glamt[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] gphi = gphit[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ; for the vertical section, 2 cases: ; 1) keyword_set(realsection) eq 1: then we use drawsectionbottom.pro ; that directly draw the bottom using polyfill and plot. In this case, ; the position of the mask must given by the edge of the mask ; cells. As we are considering the edges of the mask cells, glam or ; gphi as one more point than the mask (if it is possible) ; 2) keyword_set(realsection) eq 0: then we draw the mask by contouring ; the mask with contour (contouring the level=.5). In this case, the ; mask position must be given by the middle on the mask cells. CASE type OF 'xz':BEGIN if keyword_set(realsection) EQ 0 then begin if vargrid EQ 'V' OR vargrid EQ 'F' then $ glam = glamv[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; to drawsectionbottom if vargrid EQ 'V' OR vargrid EQ 'F' OR finite(glamu[0]) EQ 0 then $ glam = glamf[0 > (firstx-1):lastx, firsty:lasty] $ ELSE glam = glamu[0 > (firstx-1):lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDELSE END 'yz':BEGIN if keyword_set(realsection) EQ 0 then begin if vargrid EQ 'U' OR vargrid EQ 'F' then $ gphi = gphiu[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; to drawsectionbottom if vargrid EQ 'U' OR vargrid EQ 'F' OR finite(gphiv[0]) EQ 0 then $ gphi = gphif[firstx:lastx, 0 > (firsty-1):lasty] $ ELSE gphi = gphiv[firstx:lastx, 0 > (firsty-1):lasty] ENDELSE END ELSE: ENDCASE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; vertical boundaries ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(wdepth) then begin firstz = 0 > (min([firstzt, firstzw])-1) lastz = (max([lastzt, lastzw])+1) < (jpk-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN firstz = firstzt lastz = lastzt ENDELSE nz = lastz-firstz+1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; mask ;------------------------------------------------------------ case type of 'xy':BEGIN mask = tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz] profond = firstz NE 0 END ; for the vertical section, we have to choose the right mask according ; to the grid point and to the direction of the section 'xz':BEGIN if vargrid EQ 'V' OR vargrid EQ 'F' then begin mask = (vmask())[firstx:lastx, firstyv:lastyv, firstz:lastz] ENDIF ELSE mask = tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] END 'yz':BEGIN if vargrid EQ 'U' OR vargrid EQ 'F' then begin mask = (umask())[firstxu:lastxu, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] ENDIF ELSE mask = tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] END ELSE:mask = tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; vertical axis ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; when we do a real section we directly plot the gdepw ; (in drawsectionbottom.pro) instead of contouring the mask at 0.5 at ; gdept IF keyword_set(realsection) EQ 0 then gdep = gdept[firstz:lastz] $ ELSE BEGIN ; if lastz EQ jpk-1 then $ ; we add some fictive very deep level that will not be used but that is ; necessary to avoid array size bugs in draw bottom section ; gdep = [gdepw[firstz+1:lastz], 2*gdept[jpk-1]] $ ; ELSE gdep = gdepw[firstz+1:lastz+1] gdep = gdepw[firstz:lastz] ; special case when we are using the partial steps in the vertical ; section that are only 1 point wide. ; in that case, the z axis is a 2d array and we modify the depth of ; the last level ocean with hdepw that is the real depth of the bottom. CASE 1 OF keyword_set(key_partialstep) and type EQ 'xz' $ AND ny EQ 1 AND keyword_set(realsection):BEGIN bottom = total(mask, 3) good = where(bottom NE 0 AND bottom NE nz+1) bottom = lindgen(nx)+(bottom)*nx IF good[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN bottom = bottom[good] gdep = replicate(1, nx)#gdep truegdep = hdepw[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] gdep[bottom] = truegdep[good] ENDIF END keyword_set(key_partialstep) and type EQ 'yz' $ AND nx EQ 1 AND keyword_set(realsection):BEGIN bottom = total(mask, 3) good = where(bottom NE 0 AND bottom NE nz+1) bottom = lindgen(ny)+(bottom)*ny IF good[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN bottom = bottom[good] gdep = replicate(1, ny)#gdep truegdep = hdepw[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] gdep[bottom] = truegdep[good] ENDIF END ELSE: ENDCASE ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Triangulation vector when TRI is activated. ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF arg_present(TRI) then $ if triangles_list[0] EQ -1 OR usetri LT 1 then tri = -1 ELSE BEGIN ; If we are tracing a deep level, we redo the triangulation if keyword_set(profond) then begin tri = triangule(mask, coinmonte = coinmonte, coindescend = coindescend, _extra = ex) indicezoom = (lindgen(jpi, jpj))[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Otherwise, we recuperate the part of triangulation that interest us and we number them well!! if nx EQ jpi AND ny EQ jpj then tri = triangles_list ELSE BEGIN msk = bytarr(jpi, jpj) msk[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] = 1 ind = where( msk[triangles_list[0, *]] EQ 1 $ AND msk[triangles_list[1, *]] EQ 1 $ AND msk[triangles_list[2, *]] EQ 1 ) tri = triangles_list[*, ind]-(firstx+firsty*jpi) y = tri/jpi x = tri-y*jpi tri = x+y*nx ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps decoupeterre', systime(1)-tempsun ;------------------------------------------------------------ return end