
idldoc, root=string[, output=string][, overview=string][, footer=string][, log_file=string][, /user][, /quiet][, /silent][, /embed][, /nonavbar][, title=string][, subtitle=string][, /statistics][, n_warnings=variable][, /browse_routines][, /preformat][, /assistant]

Calling routine for IDLdoc.


root        in required type: string

root directory for IDLdoc's recursive search for .pro files. IDLdoc will find any files with the '.pro' suffix and include them in its file listings. Only directories with '.pro' files in them are included in the directory listings.

output        in optional type: string default: same as root

directory in which to create the HTML output and possible subdirectories

overview        in optional type: string

filepath to a file containing the summary of the package information about each directory in the package.
filename for a footer to be placed at the bottom of files; this file can contain any valid HTML

log_file        in optional type: string

set to a filename of a file to contain the error messages generated by the IDLdoc run; useful for automated runs of IDLdoc

user        in optional type: boolean

set to create a listing appropriate for users of the given library hierarchy; the default is to create documentation suited to developers. If set private routines are not shown in the documentation.

quiet        in optional type: boolean

if set, print only warnings

silent        in optional type: boolean

if set, print no messages

embed        in optional type: boolean

if set, embeds style sheet in each HTML document; if this is not set, each HTML file will be looking for the cascading style sheet idldoc.css in the directory specified for the ROOT keyword

nonavbar        in optional type: boolean

set to exclude the navigation bar at the top of each page

title        in optional type: string default: Research Systems

title of the library

subtitle        in optional type: string default: IDL version

subtitle of the library

statistics        in optional type: boolean

set to calculate several McCabe statistics for each routine

n_warnings        out optional type: integer

set to a named variable to contain the total number of warnings issued during the run

browse_routines        in optional type: boolean

set to include a frame to browse through the routines of the current file

preformat        in optional type: boolean

set to produce output that will look like it does in the code files (line for line)

assistant        in optional type: boolean

set to produce output for the IDL assistant help system instead of optimized for a web browser


To run IDLdoc, try:
idldoc, root='C:\mycode'
where C:\mycode is the root of a directory tree containing IDL .pro files.

Version history


Michael D. Galloy


RSI, 2002

Other attributes

Requires IDL version

IDL 6.0