;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Draw 2d plots with TV procedure ; ; @categories ; find a file ; graphic ; ; @param DATA {in}{required} ; The field we want to display can be: ; 1) an array. If the array is not a 2D array, its mean along ; the z and t direction will be automatically performed ; (as it is done in plt). ; 2) a structure respecting all criterions specified by ; litchamp cf. IDL> xhelp,'litchamp' ; ; @param MIN {in}{optional}{default=min of DATA (on non-masked points)} ; ; @param MAX {in}{optional}{default=max of DATA (on non-masked points)} ; ; @keyword BOTTOM {default=1} ; The lowest color index of the colors to be used. ; ; @keyword BOXZOOM ; Vector indicating the geographic zone on which we want to cut the map. ; If BOXZOOM has : ; 1 element : The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, 0.,boxzoom[0]] ; 2 elements: The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, boxzoom[0],boxzoom[1]] ; 4 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom, 0, max([gdept, gdepw])] ; 5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] ; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom ; ; Where lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 are global variables defined at the last ; domdef ! ; ; @keyword C_NAN {default=!d.n_colors < 255} ; The color number that should be used for the NaN values. ; ; @keyword C_MASK {default=0} ; The color number that should be used for the mask values. ; ; @keyword INV ; Reverse the color order ; ; @keyword MASKVAL {default=1.e+20} ; The mask value. Note that if abs(mask) < 1.e6, then the ; exact value of the mask is used to find the maskwd point. ; if abs(mask) > 1.e6, the test to find the masked value is ge ; abs(mask)/10. This is necessary to avoid the rounding errors ; ; @keyword NCOLORS {default=(d.n_colors < 256) - 1 - BOTTOM} ; number of colors to be used. ; ; @keyword NOINTERP ; Used this keyword if you don't want that the values ; are interpolated from BOTTOM using NCOLORS colors. ; This can be for example useful when working on byte type arrays. ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords to placedessin, TV, ; axe, legende, barrecouleur, ; terminedessin ; ; @examples ; IDL> tvplus, dist(100) ; ; @history ; Aug 2006: Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO pltv, data, min, max, BOTTOM=bottom, BOXZOOM=boxzoom $ , C_MASK=c_mask, C_NAN=c_nan, INV=inv, MININ=minin, MAXIN=maxin $ , MASKVAL=maskval, NCOLORS=ncolors, NOINTERP=nointerp $ , _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_general ; for key_performance ;-------------------------------------------------------------- tempsun = systime(1) ; for key_performance ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; I2) Reading of the field and checkup. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- IF n_elements(minin) NE 0 THEN min = minin IF n_elements(maxin) NE 0 THEN max = maxin IF size(data, /type) NE 8 THEN z2d = reform(float(data)) ELSE z2d = data IF size(z2d, /n_dimensions) NE 2 then BEGIN if keyword_set(boxzoom) then BEGIN savedbox = 1b saveboxparam, 'boxparam4pltv.dat' ENDIF z2d = checkfield(temporary(z2d), 'plt', TYPE = 'xy', direc = direc, BOXZOOM = boxzoom) if n_elements(z2d) EQ 1 AND z2d[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN IF keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4pltv.dat' return ENDIF ENDIF dtasize = size(z2d, /dimensions) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; def of ncolmax, bottom, topcol et ncolors ;------------------------------------------------------------ ncolmax = !d.n_colors < 256 IF n_elements(bottom) EQ 0 THEN bottom = 1 ELSE bottom = 0 > bottom IF NOT keyword_set(ncolors) then topcol = ncolmax - 2 ELSE topcol = (bottom + ncolors - 1) < (ncolmax - 1) ncolors = topcol - bottom + 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Do we have NaN values in z2d??? ;------------------------------------------------------------ msknan = finite(z2d, /nan) nan = total(msknan) IF keyword_set(nan) THEN nanind = where(temporary(msknan) EQ 1) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; get the mask ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF n_elements(maskval) EQ 0 THEN maskval = 1.e20 IF abs(maskval) LT 1e6 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(nan) THEN z2d[nanind] = 1.e20 msk = z2d NE maskval ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF keyword_set(nan) THEN z2d[nanind] = 0 msk = abs(z2d) LT abs(maskval)/10. ENDELSE maskind = where(msk EQ 0, masked) IF keyword_set(nan) THEN z2d[nanind] = !values.f_nan ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; get the real min/max and the user defined min/max of the array ;------------------------------------------------------------ determineminmax, z2d, msk, truemin, truemax, MININ = min, MAXIN = max, NAN = nan if n_elements(z2d) EQ 1 AND z2d[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN IF keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4pltv.dat' return ENDIF z2d = min > temporary(z2d) < max ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; apply other keywords (nointerp, c_nan, c_mask) ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF NOT keyword_set(nointerp) THEN BEGIN ; interpolation between bottom and bottom+ncolors-1 m = 1.*(ncolors-1)/(max-min) p = bottom - 1.*min*m z2d = m * temporary(z2d) + p ENDIF ; set c_nan for NaN values IF keyword_set(nan) THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(c_nan) NE 0 THEN cnan = 0 > c_nan < (ncolmax -1) ELSE cnan = (ncolmax -1) z2d[nanind] = cnan ENDIF ; c_mask for masked values IF keyword_set(masked) THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(c_mask) NE 0 THEN cmask = 0 > c_mask < (ncolmax - 1) ELSE cmask = (ncolmax -1) z2d[maskind] = cmask ENDIF ; reverse colors (from topcol to bottom instead of bottom to topcol) IF keyword_set(inv) THEN BEGIN m = float(topcol - bottom )/float(bottom - topcol) p = float(bottom^2 - topcol^2)/float(bottom - topcol) z2d = m * temporary(z2d) + p ENDIF ; avoid rounding errors z2d = round(temporary(z2d)) ; use byte type to save memory z2d = byte(temporary(z2d)) ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; . ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if NOT keyword_set(overplot) then reinitplt, /z, /invert placedessin, 'pltv', posplot, posbar, dtasize, _extra = ex ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; 3) Drawing ;-------------------------------------------------------------- xsize = !p.position[2] - !p.position[0] ysize = !p.position[3] - !p.position[1] IF !d.name EQ 'X' THEN BEGIN xsize = ceil(xsize * !d.x_size) ysize = ceil(ysize * !d.y_size) z2d = congrid(z2d, xsize, ysize) ENDIF tv, z2d, !p.position[0], !p.position[1] $ , xsize = xsize, ysize = ysize $ , /normal, _EXTRA = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; caption + display of these. ;------------------------------------------------------------ axe, 'pltv', dtasize, _EXTRA = ex legende, truemin, truemax, 'plt', DIREC = direc $ , INTERVALLE = float(max-min)/(topcol-bottom) $ , _extra = ex plot, [0], [0], /noerase, /nodata, xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1, _extra = ex IF keyword_set(masked) THEN tracemask, msk, indgen(dtasize[0]), indgen(dtasize[1]) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; color bar ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF keyword_set(inv) THEN colors = topcol - bindgen(ncolors) ELSE colors = bottom + bindgen(ncolors) barrecouleur, colors, min, max, 10, position = posbar, _extra = ex ; 4) End of drawing terminedessin, _extra=ex ; if keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4pltv.dat' if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'time pltv', systime(1)-tempsun ; return end