; ; Copyright (c) 1993-1998, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; This function labels axes with dates and times. ; ; @categories ; Plotting ; ; @param AXIS {in}{required} ; ; @param INDEX {in}{required} ; ; @param X {in}{required} ; ; @keyword DATE_FORMAT ; a format string which may contain the following: ; %M for month (3 character abbr) ; %N for month (2 digit abbr) ; %D for day of month, ; %Y for 4 digit year. ; %Z for last two digits of year. ; For time: ; %H for Hours, 2 digits. ; %I for Minutes, 2 digits. ; %S for Seconds, 2 digits. ; %% is %. ; Other characters are passed directly thru. ; For example, '%M %D, %Y' prints DEC 11, 1993 ; '%M %2Y' yields DEC 93 ; '%D-%M' yields 11-DEC ; '%D/%N/%Y' yields 11/12/1993 ; '%M!C%Y' yields DEC on the top line, 1993 on ; the bottom (!C is the new line graphic command). ; ; @keyword MONTHS ; The names of the months, a twelve element string array. ; If omitted, use Jan, Feb, ..., Dec. ; ; @keyword OFFSET ; An optional starting offset of the plot. ; Unfortunately, single precision floating point is not accurate ; enough to properly represent Julian times. This offset, which ; may be double precision, contains an offset that is added to ; all x values, before conversion to Julian date and time. ; ; @uses ; LABEL_DATE_COM. ; ; @restrictions ; Only one date axis may be simultaneously active. ; ; @examples ; For example, to plot from Jan 1, 1993, to July 12, 1994: ; Start_date = julday(1, 1, 1993) ; End_date = julday(7, 12, 1994) ; Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%N/%D') ;Simple mm/dd ; x = findgen(end_date+1 - start_date) + start_date ;Time axis ; PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 ; (Plot with X axis style set to exact.) ; ; Example with times: ; For example, to plot from 3PM, Jan 1, 1993, to 5AM, Jan 3, ; 1993: ; Start_date = Julday(1,1,1993) ;Also starting offset ; Start_time = (3+12)/24. ;Starting_time less offset ; End_time = (Julday(1,3,1993) - Start_date) + 5./24. ;Ending ; ;date/time - offset, note that the order of operations is ; ; important to avoid loss of precision. ; Dummy = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT='%D %M!C%H:%I', $ ; offset=Start_date) ;MMM NN HH:MM format ; x = findgen(20) * (End_time - Start_time) / 19 + start_time ;Time axis ; PLOT, x, sqrt(x), XTICKFORMAT = 'LABEL_DATE', XSTYLE=1 ; ; @history ; DMS, RSI. April, 1993. Written. ; DMS, RSI. March, 1997. Added Time format. ; ; Copyright (c) 1993-1998, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION label_date, axis, index, x, DATE_FORMAT=format, MONTHS=months $ , OFFSET=offs, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; COMMON label_date_com, fmt, month_chr, offset if keyword_set(format) then begin ;Save format string? if n_elements(offs) ne 0 then offset = double(offs) else offset = 0.0d0 if keyword_set(months) then month_chr = months $ else month_chr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', $ 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] fmt = format return, 0 endif if n_elements(month_chr) ne 12 or n_elements(fmt) le 0 $ or n_elements(offset) eq 0 then $ message,' Not initialized.' x1 = x + offset caldat, long(x1), month, day, year, _EXTRA = ex;Get the calendar date from julian frac = x1 - long(x1) ;time of day, from 0 to 1. n = strlen(fmt) out = '' for i=0, n-1 do begin ;Each format character... c = strmid(fmt, i, 1) ;The character. if c eq '%' then begin i = i + 1 c = strmid(fmt, i, 1) ;The function case c of ;format character? 'M' : out = out + month_chr[month-1] 'N' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', month) 'D' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', day) 'Y' : out = out + string(format='(i4)', year) 'Z' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', year mod 100) 'H' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', floor(24*frac)) 'I' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', floor(1440 * frac mod 60)) 'S' : out = out + string(format='(i2.2)', 86400L * frac mod 60) '%' : out = out + '%' else : message, 'Illegal character in date format string: '+fmt endcase endif else out = out + c endfor return, out end