;+ ; @file_comments ; This concatenation function exist in IDL so long ; as we do not try to stick with a dimension superior or equal at 4. ; ; @categories ; Utilities ; ; @param a0 {in}{required} ; ; @param a1 {in}{required} ; ; @param a2 {in}{required} ; ; @param a3 {in}{required} ; ; @param a4 {in}{required} ; ; @param a5 {in}{required} ; ; @param a6 {in}{required} ; ; @param a7 {in}{required} ; ; @param a8 {in}{required} ; ; @param a9 {in}{required} ; ; @param a10 {in}{required} ; ; @param a11 {in}{required} ; ; @param a12 {in}{required} ; ; @param a13 {in}{required} ; ; @param a14 {in}{required} ; ; @param a15 {in}{required} ; ; @param a16 {in}{required} ; ; @param a17 {in}{required} ; ; @param a18 {in}{required} ; ; @param a19 {in}{required} ; ; @param a20 {in}{required} ; ; @keyword SAUVE ; force to save the pointer array and arrays to be stuck ; ; @returns ; matrice resultat ; ; @examples ; IDL> print, colle(replicate(1,2,2,2),indgen(2,2,2),2) ; 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 0 1 ; 2 3 ; ; 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 4 5 ; 6 7 ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 13/1/98 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION colle, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 $ , a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20 $ , SAUVE=sauve ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; res = -1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We put in place ptrtab and direc in function of input arguments ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of n_params() EQ 2:BEGIN ; case where we directly give the pointer array ptrtab = a0 direc = a1 if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then undefine, a0 ; on recuperate the number of array to be pasted. nbretab = (size(ptrtab))[1] end n_params() GT 2:BEGIN ; on recuperate the number of array to be pasted. nbretab = n_params()-1 bidon = execute('direc = a'+strtrim(n_params()-1, 2)) ; We write the pointer array whose each element point on an array. ptrtab=ptrarr(nbretab,/allocate_heap) for n = 0,nbretab-1 do begin bidon = execute('*ptrtab[n]=a'+strtrim(n, 2)) if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then bidon = execute('undefine, a'+strtrim(n, 2)) endfor sauve = 0 end ELSE: endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; case on the direct's value. ;------------------------------------------------------------ case direc of 1:BEGIN ; we paste following the dimension 1 res = *ptrtab[0] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[0] FOR n = 1,nbretab-1 DO BEGIN res = [temporary(res), *ptrtab[n]] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[n] ENDFOR END 2:BEGIN ; we paste following the dimension 2 res = *ptrtab[0] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[0] FOR n = 1,nbretab-1 DO BEGIN res = [[temporary(res)], [*ptrtab[n]]] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[n] ENDFOR END 3:BEGIN ; we paste following the dimension 3 res = *ptrtab[0] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[0] FOR n = 1,nbretab-1 DO BEGIN res = [[[temporary(res)]], [[*ptrtab[n]]]] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[n] ENDFOR END ELSE:BEGIN ; We transpose res in order to put the dimension to be pasted number 1 ; To this, we contain the permuter vector which give the place that dimension ; in the transposed matrix must take. siz = (size(*ptrtab[0]))[0] if siz LT direc then $ *ptrtab[0] = reform(*ptrtab[0], [(size(*ptrtab[0]))[1:siz], replicate(1, direc-siz)], /over) permute = indgen((size(*ptrtab[0]))[0]) permute[0] = direc-1 permute[direc-1] = 0 res = transpose(*ptrtab[0], permute) if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[0] FOR n = 1,nbretab-1 DO BEGIN ; we paste following the dimension 1on colle suivant la dimension 1 if (size(*ptrtab[n]))[0] LT direc then $ *ptrtab[n] = reform(*ptrtab[n], [(size(*ptrtab[n]))[1:siz], replicate(1, direc-siz)]) res = [temporary(res), transpose(*ptrtab[n], permute)] if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then ptr_free, ptrtab[n] ENDFOR res = transpose(temporary(res), permute) END ENDCASE ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(sauve) then undefine, ptrtab sortie: return, res END