;+ ; ; @file_comments ; click on a map and find in which cell the click was ; ; @categories ; Grid ; ; @keyword CELLTYPE ; = 'T', 'W', 'U', 'V' or 'F' ; the type of point ; that is located in the center of the cell which the click is ; located. default is T type of cell (with corner defined by F ; points). ; ; @keyword DRAWCELL ; to draw the cell in which we clicked ; ; @keyword COLOR ; the color used to draw the cells (Clicking one more ; time in the same cell will draw the cell with the white color) ; ; @keyword ORIGINAL ; to get the position of the cell regarding the original ; grid (with no key_shift, ixminmesh, iyminmesh...) ; ; @keyword IJ ; see returns ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass extra keywords to inquad and ; PLOT ; (when /drawcell) ; ; @returns ; the index of the selected cells regarding to the grid which ; is in memory in the variable of the common. If /ij keyword is ; activated give 2D array (2, n) which are the i,j position of the ; n selected cells. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @examples ; IDL> res = clickincell() ; Click with the left button to select a cell. Clicking one more ; time in the same cell remove the cell from the selection. ; Click on the right button to quit. ; ; IDL> plt, findgen(jpi,jpj),/nodata,map=[90,0,0],/ortho ; IDL> print, clickincell(/draw,color=150,/xy) ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; August 2003 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION clickincell, CELLTYPE = celltype, DRAWCELL = drawcell, COLOR = color, ORIGINAL = original, IJ = ij, _EXTRA = extra ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; ; initialization cellnum = -1L selected = 0 ; ; Cell list ; get the grid parameter according to celltype oldgrid = vargrid IF NOT keyword_set(celltype) THEN celltype = 'T' CASE strupcase(celltype) OF 'T':vargrid = 'F' 'W':vargrid = 'F' 'U':vargrid = 'V' 'V':vargrid = 'U' 'F':vargrid = 'T' ENDCASE grille, -1, glam, gphi, -1, nx, ny, nz, firstx, firsty, firstz, lastx, lasty, lastz vargrid = oldgrid ; define the corner of the cells in the clockwise direction IF keyword_set(key_periodic) AND nx EQ jpi THEN BEGIN x1 = glam[*, 0:ny-2] y1 = gphi[*, 0:ny-2] x2 = glam[*, 1:ny-1] y2 = gphi[*, 1:ny-1] x3 = shift(glam[*, 1:ny-1], -1, 0) y3 = shift(gphi[*, 1:ny-1], -1, 0) x4 = shift(glam[*, 0:ny-2], -1, 0) y4 = shift(gphi[*, 0:ny-2], -1, 0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN x1 = glam[0:nx-2, 0:ny-2] y1 = gphi[0:nx-2, 0:ny-2] x2 = glam[0:nx-2, 1:ny-1] y2 = gphi[0:nx-2, 1:ny-1] x3 = glam[1:nx-1, 1:ny-1] y3 = gphi[1:nx-1, 1:ny-1] x4 = glam[1:nx-1, 0:ny-2] y4 = gphi[1:nx-1, 0:ny-2] ENDELSE glam = -1 ; free memory gphi = -1 ; free memory ; ; get mousse position on the reference map cursor, x, y, /data, /up ; while (!mouse.button ne 4) do BEGIN IF finite(x)*finite(x) EQ 0 THEN GOTO, outwhile ; case !mouse.button of 1:BEGIN ; What is the longitude? WHILE x GT !x.range[1] DO x = x-360 WHILE x LT !x.range[0] DO x = x+360 IF x GT !x.range[1] THEN GOTO, outwhile IF y GT !y.range[1] THEN GOTO, outwhile IF y LT !y.range[0] THEN GOTO, outwhile ; cell = inquad(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 $ , /onsphere, _extra = extra) ; IF cell[0] EQ -1 OR n_elements(cell) GT 1 THEN GOTO, outwhile cell = cell[0] already = (where(cellnum EQ cell))[0] IF already EQ -1 THEN BEGIN cellnum = [cellnum, cell] selected = [selected, 1] already = n_elements(selected)-1 ENDIF ELSE selected[already] = 1-selected[already] IF keyword_set(drawcell) THEN BEGIN oplot, [x1[cell], x2[cell], x3[cell], x4[cell], x1[cell]] $ , [y1[cell], y2[cell], y3[cell], y4[cell], y1[cell]] $ , color = color*selected[already] $ + (!d.n_colors < 255)*(1-selected[already]) $ , _extra = extra ENDIF END 2: ; middle button ELSE: ENDCASE ; get mousse position on the reference map outwhile: cursor, x, y, /data, /up ENDWHILE ; good = where(selected NE 0) IF good[0] EQ -1 THEN RETURN, -1 ; cellnum = cellnum[good] ; yy = cellnum/(nx-1+key_periodic*(nx EQ jpi)) xx = cellnum MOD (nx-1+key_periodic*(nx EQ jpi)) ; CASE strupcase(celltype) OF 'T':BEGIN xx = xx+firstx+1 yy = yy+firsty+1 END 'W':BEGIN xx = xx+firstx+1 yy = yy+firsty+1 END 'U':BEGIN xx = xx+firstx yy = yy+firsty+1 END 'V':BEGIN xx = xx+firstx+1 yy = yy+firsty END 'F':BEGIN xx = xx+firstx yy = yy+firsty END ENDCASE ; bad = where(xx GE jpi) IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN xx[bad] = xx[bad]-jpi yy[bad] = yy[bad]+1 ENDIF bad = where(yy GE jpj) IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN stop ; IF keyword_set(original) THEN BEGIN xx = xx-key_shift bad = where(xx LT 0) IF bad[0] NE -1 THEN xx[bad] = xx[bad]+jpi xx = xx MOD jpi xx = xx +ixminmesh yy = yy+iyminmesh ENDIF ; ncell = n_elements(xx) IF keyword_set(ij) THEN $ RETURN, [reform(xx, 1, ncell, /over) $ , reform(yy, 1, ncell, /over)] ; IF keyword_set(original) THEN RETURN, xx+jpiglo*yy $ ELSE RETURN, xx+jpi*yy END