;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Add an axis when we do an oblique section in pltz, ; pltt ; or plt1d ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param ENDPOINTS {in}{required} ; Coordinate of extremities of the section ; ; @param TYPE {in}{required}{type=string} ; A string of two characters specifying the type of plot we do ; ; @param POSFENETRE {in}{required}{type=vector} ; The vector !p.position corresponding to the frame position of ; the drawing part of the plot. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO addaxe, endpoints, type, posfenetre, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ;--------------------------------------- IF strpos(type, 'x') NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF endpoints[1] EQ endpoints[3] THEN return IF key_onearth THEN BEGIN formeaxe0 = 'lonaxe' formeaxe1 = 'lataxe' titreaxe = 'latitude' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN formeaxe0 = '' formeaxe1 = '' titreaxe = 'j index' ENDELSE range = [endpoints[1], endpoints[3]] if endpoints[2] LT endpoints[0] THEN range = reverse(range) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF endpoints[0] EQ endpoints[2] THEN return IF key_onearth THEN BEGIN formeaxe0 = 'lataxe' formeaxe1 = 'lonaxe' titreaxe = 'longitude' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN formeaxe0 = '' formeaxe1 = '' titreaxe = 'i index' ENDELSE range = [endpoints[0], endpoints[2]] if endpoints[3] LT endpoints[1] THEN range = reverse(range) ENDELSE if type EQ 'yt' then BEGIN axis,yaxis=0,ytickformat=formeaxe0,color=0,ystyle = 1, _EXTRA = ex axis,yaxis=1,ytickformat=formeaxe1,color=0,ystyle = 1,ytitle=titreaxe, yrange = range, _EXTRA = ex ENDIF ELSE BEGIN axis,xaxis=0,xtickformat=formeaxe0,color=0,xstyle = 1,_EXTRA = ex axis,xaxis=1,xtickformat=formeaxe1,color=0,xstyle = 1,xtitle=titreaxe, xrange = range, _EXTRA = ex ENDELSE ;--------------------------------------- return end