;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Overlayer contour to trace a field which can be mask. ; Elementary brick of plt, pltz and pltt. ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param Z2D {in}{required} ; The table to trace ; ; @param X {in}{required} ; Axis. Vector or array of the same size that z2d. This is the coordinate of z2d on x. ; ; @param Y {in}{required} ; Axis. Vector or array of the same size that z2d. This is the coordinate of z2d on y. ; ; @param MASK {in}{required}{type=array} ; It is the array who mask z2d (with 0s on points we want to mask and 1s on others). ; If z2d is not masked, put this argument equal to 1. ; ; @param XM {in}{required} ; Axis of the mask. Vector or array of the same size that mask. ; This is the coordinate of mask on x. ; ; @param YM {in}{required} ; Axis of the mask. Vector or array of the same size that mask. ; This is the coordinate of mask on y. ; ; @param LEVELS {in}{optional}{type=vector} ; Vectors which contain levels needed at the contour. ; If it is not given, we take 20 levels between the min and the max. ; ; @param COLORS {in}{optional}{type=vector} ; Vectors which contain colors needed at the contour. ; If it is not given, we take 20 levels between the min and the max. ; ; @keyword COLORTRICHAMP ; The color we want to use to draw the triangulation which is used to make contours of the field. ; ; @keyword COLORTRIMASK ; The color we want to use to draw the triangulation which is used to make contours of the mask. ; ; @keyword COLOR_C ; To draw the contour in color instead of in black ; with filling in color ; ; @keyword CONT_NOFILL ; Activate it not to fill the point mask to let them transparent! ; Comment: Nevertheless, we trace mask's contour. ; ; @keyword CONT_COLOR {default= (!d.n_colors - 1) < 255 =>white} ; The color of the continent. ; ; @keyword DESSTRICHAMP ; To draw the triangulation which is used to make field's contours. ; ; @keyword DESSTRIMASK ; To draw the triangulation which is used to make mask's contours. ; ; @keyword FORPLT ; To activate if we want that the drawing of coast be realized by tracecote rather than tracemask. ; ; @keyword I_COLORS {type=vector} ; It is a vector specifying the colors to use to trace contours. ; It is the same thing that c_colors which act on contours. ; ; @keyword MORE {default=10} ; Number to give to avoid style's bugs: ; % Out of range subscript encountered: . ; % Execution halted at: PLTBASE 151 ; If the bug still exist, increase the value of more! ; (The explanation and the justification of this method do not have scientific bases yet...). ; ; @keyword NOFILL ; To make just isolines with no filling ; ; @keyword NOCONTOUR ; To make just colors. ; ; @keyword UNSUR2 ; To trace one isoline on two. ; ; @keyword UNLABSUR {type=integer} ; I specify we only label one contour on two. ; ; @keyword CONTOUR ; To be used since plt, pltz or pltt. (Have a look on these routines). ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; In the case of z2d, x and y are arrays of same size, we have to put them as vectors: z2d[*], x[*], y[*]. ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ???? ; 8/2/2000 check if the tri array is not equal to ; -1. allow contour without using a triangulation. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo seb L.172 à 173 ; ;- PRO pltbase, z2d, x, y, mask, xm, ym, levels, colors, UNSUR2 = unsur2, CONTOUR = contour $ , NOCONTOUR = nocontour, NOFILL = nofill $ , TRICHAMP = trichamp, TRIMSK = trimsk $ , REALCONT = realcont, NAN = nan, USETRI = usetri $ , COLORTRICHAMP = colortrichamp, COLORTRIMASK = colortrimask $ , COLORTRINAN = colortrinan $ , COLORPOINTS = colorpoints, DRAWPOINTS = drawpoints $ , TH_TRICHAMP = th_trichamp, TH_TRIMASK = th_trimask $ , DESSTRICHAMP = desstrichamp, DESSTRIMASK = desstrimask $ , DESSTRINAN = desstrinan, COLOR_C = color_c $ , I_COLORS = i_colors, CONT_COLOR = CONT_COLOR $ , CONT_NOFILL = cont_nofill, UNLABSUR = unlabsur $ , COINMONTEMASK = coinmontemask, COINDESCENDMASK = coindescendmask $ , COINMONTENAN = coinmontenan, COINDESCENDNAN = coindescendnan $ , INDICEZOOMMASK = indicezoommask, INDICEZOOMNAN = indicezoomnan $ , MASKORG = maskorg, MASKNAN = masknan, TRINAN = trinan $ , FORPLT = forplt, REALSECTION = realsection $ , MORE = more, EXCHANGE_XY = exchange_xy $ , _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew @updatekwd ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Explanation concerning contour. This keyword is activated when we trace a ; colored contour different from the one with black trait. ; If it is activated (case n_elements(contour) NE 0), we pass 2 time in pltbase: ; 1) We trace colors then we leave, it is the case: ; n_elements(contour) NE 0 AND n_elements(contour) NE 4) ; 2) We trace contours in traits then continents, it is the case: ; n_elements(contour) NE 0 AND n_elements(contour) EQ 4) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ tempsun = systime(1) ; To key_performance if n_elements(mask) EQ 0 then mask = 1b if n_elements(masknan) EQ 0 then masknan = 1b IF total(mask) EQ n_elements(z2d) THEN mask = 1b ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If levels and colors aren't given ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- if n_params() EQ 4 then $ label, 0, min(z2d*mask), max(z2d*mask), ncontour, levels, colors ; attention bidouille inexplicable pour que tout se passe bien avec les ; postcript ds pltz!!! if n_elements(contour) LE 4 AND !x.type EQ 0 THEN $ plot, [0], [0], xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, /nodata, /noerase, title = '', subtitle = '' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Is cell_fill is a part of _extra, we desactive it if it is nt equal to 2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF chkstru(ex, 'CELL_FILL') THEN BEGIN cell_fill = ex.CELL_FILL if ex.CELL_FILL NE 2 then ex.CELL_FILL = 0 ENDIF ELSE cell_fill = 0 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I) Filling of contours in palette colors ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- if NOT keyword_set(more) then more = 10 if NOT keyword_set(nofill) AND NOT keyword_set(color_c) then begin if n_elements(contour) NE 4 THEN BEGIN if usetri EQ 2 then BEGIN IF size(x, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN x = x#replicate(1, (size(z2d))[2]) IF size(y, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN y = replicate(1, (size(z2d))[1])#y contour, [z2d[*], fltarr(more)], [x[*], fltarr(more)] $ , [y[*], fltarr(more)], levels = levels, c_color = colors $ , /noerase, /fill, TRIANGULATION = trichamp, _extra = ex ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF size(x, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN x = x[*, 0] IF size(y, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN y = reform(y[0, *]) contour, z2d, x, y, levels = levels, c_color = colors, /noerase $ , /fill, _extra = ex ENDELSE ENDIF ENDIF if n_elements(contour) NE 0 AND n_elements(contour) NE 4 THEN GOTO, fini IF chkstru(ex, 'C_ORIENTATION') THEN ex = extractstru(ex, 'C_ORIENTATION') IF chkstru(ex, 'C_SPACING') THEN ex = extractstru(ex, 'C_SPACING') IF chkstru(ex, 'C_COLORS') THEN ex = extractstru(ex, 'C_COLORS') ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; II) Drawing of contours in traits ;------------------------------------------------------------ if n_elements(contour) EQ 4 OR n_elements(contour) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; ; we put the masked values to NaN ; IF (n_elements(mask) GT 1 OR n_elements(masknan) GT 1) $ AND NOT keyword_set(cont_nofill) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(maskorg) THEN tonan = maskorg*masknan ELSE tonan = mask*masknan tonan = where(remplit(tonan, nite = 1, mask = tonan $ , /basique, fillval = 0 $ , fillxdir = keyword_set(realsection)) EQ 0, count) IF count NE 0 THEN z2d[temporary(tonan)] = !values.f_nan ENDIF ; ; We do not pass if we have to make differents contours... ; In the case of unsur2 is activated, we reduce levels if NOT keyword_set(nocontour) then begin IF keyword_set(unsur2) THEN levels = levels[where(zeroun(n_elements(levels) ) eq 1)] ; Is unlabsur activated? Does C_LABEL passed via _EXTRA? if keyword_set(unlabsur) THEN IF chkstru(ex, 'C_LABELS') THEN $ ex.C_LABELS = 1-((indgen(n_elements(ex.C_LABELS)) MOD unlabsur) < 1) ; ; Not to fill when cell_fill is imposed... IF chkstru(ex, 'CELL_FILL') THEN ex.CELL_FILL = 0 ; CASE 1 OF keyword_set(color_c):c_colors = colors keyword_set(i_colors):c_colors = i_colors ELSE: ENDCASE ; IF usetri EQ 2 THEN BEGIN IF size(x, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN x = x#replicate(1, (size(z2d))[2]) IF size(y, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN y = replicate(1, (size(z2d))[1])#y contour, [z2d[*], fltarr(more)], [x[*], fltarr(more)] $ , [y[*], fltarr(more)], levels = levels $ , overplot = 1-keyword_set(nofill), noerase = keyword_set(nofill) $ , c_colors = c_colors, TRIANGULATION = trichamp, _extra = ex ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF size(x, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN x = x[*, 0] IF size(y, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN y = reform(y[0, *]) contour, z2d, x, y, levels = levels $ , overplot = 1-keyword_set(nofill), noerase = keyword_set(nofill) $ , c_colors = c_colors, _extra = ex ENDELSE ENDIF ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; III) Filling of colored continents. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF chkstru(ex, 'CELL_FILL') THEN ex.CELL_FILL = cell_fill < 1 IF chkstru(ex, 'LEVELS') THEN ex = extractstru(ex, 'LEVELS') IF chkstru(ex, 'NODATA') THEN ex = extractstru(ex, 'NODATA') IF NOT keyword_set(cont_color) THEN cont_color = (!d.n_colors-1) < 255 ; ; If there is points at NaN ; We trace points in white at NaN before drawing coasts with a trait. ; if keyword_set(trinan) AND NOT keyword_set(nofill) THEN BEGIN IF size(x, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN x = x#replicate(1, (size(masknan))[2]) IF size(y, /n_dimensions) EQ 1 THEN y = replicate(1, (size(masknan))[1])#y contour, [1b-masknan[*], fltarr(more)], [x[*], fltarr(more)] $ , [y[*], fltarr(more)], levels = 0.5, /overplot, /fill $ , c_colors = cont_color, TRIANGULATION = trinan, _extra = ex IF keyword_set(forplt) THEN $ completecointerre, COINMONTE = coinmontenan $ , COINDESCEND = coindescendnan, INDICEZOOM = indicezoomnan $ , CONT_COLOR = cont_color, _EXTRA = ex $ ELSE fillcornermask, x[*, 0], y[0, *], COINMONTE = coinmontenan $ , COINDESCEND = coindescendnan, CONT_COLOR = cont_color, _extra = ex ENDIF ; ; Filling of continents ; if keyword_set(realcont) then if realcont EQ 1 then mask = 1b if n_elements(mask) NE 1 then BEGIN ; If mask=1 we gap it. ; if NOT keyword_set(cont_nofill) then BEGIN ; ; mask filling ; case 1 of keyword_set(realsection):drawsectionbottom, mask, xm, ym $ , CONT_NOFILL = cont_nofill, CONT_COLOR = cont_color, _EXTRA = ex usetri GE 1:BEGIN if n_elements(trimsk) eq 0 then trimsk = trichamp IF size(xm, /N_DIMENSIONS) EQ 1 THEN xm = xm#replicate(1, (size(mask))[2]) IF size(ym, /N_DIMENSIONS) EQ 1 THEN ym = replicate(1, (size(mask))[1])#ym contour, [1b-mask[*], fltarr(more)], [xm[*], fltarr(more)] $ , [ym[*], fltarr(more)], LEVELS = 0.5, /OVERPLOT, /FILL $ , C_COLORS = cont_color, TRIANGULATION = trimsk, _extra = ex IF keyword_set(forplt) THEN $ completecointerre, COINMONTE = coinmontemask $ , COINDESCEND = coindescendmask, INDICEZOOM = indicezoommask $ , CONT_COLOR = cont_color, _EXTRA = ex $ ELSE fillcornermask, xm[*, 0], ym[0, *], COINMONTE = coinmontemask $ , COINDESCEND = coindescendmask, CONT_COLOR = cont_color, _extra = ex END ELSE:BEGIN IF size(xm, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN xm = xm[*, 0] IF size(ym, /n_dimensions) EQ 2 THEN ym = reform(ym[0, *]) contour, 1b-mask, xm, ym, LEVELS = 0.5, /OVERPLOT $ , /FILL, C_COLORS = cont_color, _EXTRA = ex END ENDCASE ENDIF ; NOT keyword_set(cont_nofill) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; IV) Trace coast in traits ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of keyword_set(realsection) AND NOT keyword_set(cont_nofill): keyword_set(realsection) AND keyword_set(cont_nofill): $ drawsectionbottom, mask, xm, ym $ , CONT_NOFILL = cont_nofill, _extra = ex (keyword_set(forplt) AND (!map.projection GT 0 OR key_irregular)) $ OR keyword_set(nan):tracecote, _extra = ex ELSE:tracemask, mask, xm, ym, _extra = ex endcase ; ENDIF ; n_elements(mask) NE 1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; draw the triangulations ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(desstrichamp) then $ dessinetri, trichamp, x, y, color = colortrichamp, thick = th_trichamp if keyword_set(desstrimask) then $ dessinetri, trimsk, xm, ym, color = colortrimask, thick = th_trimask if keyword_set(desstrinan) then $ dessinetri, trinan, x, y, color = colortrinan if keyword_set(drawpoints) then $ tracegrille, x, y, color = colorpoints ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; fini: IF keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps pltbase', systime(1)-tempsun return end