;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Manage axes for the different drawings created by ; plt, pltz and pltt ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param COUPE {type=string} ; It designate the type of cut to which the axes we create ; must report. For example: 'xy','xt'... ; ; @param TEMPSMIN {in}{required} ; In the case where we do cut containing the time dimension, we have ; to specify the beginning of the time's axis in julian days. ; ; @param TEMPSMAX {in}{required} ; In the case where we do cut containing the time dimension, we have ; to specify the end of the time's axis in julian days. ; ; @keyword SIN ; activated when we trace in sinus of the latitude ; ; @keyword SEPDATE {type=string} ; It separate the different constituents of the date. By default, ; it is a return to the line when we do a 'yt', 'zt' or a 't'. ; In the other cases, it is a blank. ; ; @keyword DIGITSYEAR ; =2 to use %Z format (2 digits) to code years ; instead of %Y format. See help of label_date for more ; information on %Z and %Y. ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; It modify !x. and !y. ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 11/12/98 ; Eric Guilyardi types x,y,z + amelioration de ; l''axe temporel ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; PRO axe, coupe, tempsmin, tempsmax, REVERSE_X = reverse_x, REVERSE_Y = reverse_y, SIN = sin, SEPDATE = sepdate, DIGITSYEAR = digitsyear, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common tempsun = systime(1) ; pour key_performance ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Management of ticks of the time axis in the case of TEMPSMIN ; and TEMPSMAX are defined ;-------------------------------------------------------------- divday = 0 if n_params() EQ 3 then BEGIN ; if keyword_set(sepdate) then sep = sepdate ELSE $ if coupe EQ 'yt' OR coupe EQ 'zt' OR coupe EQ 't' then sep = '!C' ELSE sep = ' ' ; caldat, tempsmin, mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin, _EXTRA = ex caldat, tempsmax, mmax, dmax, ymax, hmax, mnmax, smax, _EXTRA = ex ; format used for the year (2 or 4/5 digits). IF NOT keyword_set(digitsyear) THEN digitsyear = 4 IF digitsyear EQ 2 THEN fmtyr = '%Z' ELSE fmtyr = '%Y' ; CASE 1 OF ; yearly base ymin NE 0 AND tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin + 3, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 3 years CASE 1 OF ymax-ymin+1 GT 5000: BEGIN & freq = 500. & tminor = 5 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 2000: BEGIN & freq = 200. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 1000: BEGIN & freq = 100. & tminor = 5 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 500: BEGIN & freq = 50. & tminor = 5 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 200: BEGIN & freq = 20. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 100: BEGIN & freq = 10. & tminor = 5 & datfmt = fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 50: BEGIN & freq = 5. & tminor = 5 & datfmt = '%M'+sep+fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 20: BEGIN & freq = 4. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = '%M'+sep+fmtyr & end ymax-ymin+1 GT 10: BEGIN & freq = 2. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = '%M'+sep+fmtyr & end ELSE: BEGIN & freq = 1. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = '%M'+sep+fmtyr & end ENDCASE nticks = ceil((ymax-ymin)/freq) + 2 yminf = (floor(ymin/freq))*freq ticknom = lonarr(nticks) for y = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[y] = julday(1, 1, yminf + y*freq, _EXTRA = ex) ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] END ; monthly base tempsmax GT julday(mmin + 3, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 3 months CASE 1 OF tempsmax GT julday(mmin + 30, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 30 months -> ticks every 3 months freq = 3. & tminor = 3 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin + 16, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 16 months -> ticks every 2 months freq = 2. & tminor = 2 & END else:BEGIN ; monthly ticks freq = 1. & tminor = 6 & END ENDCASE nticks = ceil((mmax + 12*(ymax - ymin) - mmin)/freq) + 2 mminf = 1 > ((floor(mmin/freq))*freq) ticknom = lonarr(nticks) for m = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[m] = julday(mminf + freq*m, 1, ymin, _EXTRA = ex) datfmt = '%M'+sep+fmtyr ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] END ; daily base tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin + 3, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 3 days CASE 1 OF tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin + 60, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 60 days -> ticks every 7 days freq = 7. & tminor = 2 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin + 30, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 30 days -> ticks every 5 days freq = 5. & tminor = 5 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin + 16, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 16 days -> ticks every 2 days freq = 2. & tminor = 2 & END ELSE:BEGIN ; daily ticks freq = 1. & tminor = 2 & END ENDCASE nticks = ceil((tempsmax - tempsmin)/freq) + 2 dminf = 1 > ((floor(dmin/freq))*freq) ticknom = lonarr(nticks) for d = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[d] = julday(mmin, dminf + freq*d, ymin, _EXTRA = ex) datfmt = '%D'+sep+'%M' ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] END ; hourly base tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin + 3, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 3 hours CASE 1 OF tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin + 48, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 48 hours -> ticks every 6 hours freq = 6. & tminor = 3 & datfmt = '%D'+sep+'%H:00' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin + 30, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 30 hours -> ticks every 4 hours freq = 4. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%D'+sep+'%H:00' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin + 16, mnmin, smin):BEGIN ; more than 16 hours -> ticks every 2 hours freq = 2. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:00' & END ELSE:BEGIN ; ticks every hour freq = 1. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:00' & END ENDCASE nticks = ceil((hmax + 24*(dmax - dmin) - hmin)/freq) + 2 hminf = (floor(hmin/freq))*freq ticknom = dblarr(nticks) for h = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[h] = julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hminf + freq*h, 0, 0, _EXTRA = ex) ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] END ; minute base tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin + 3, smin):BEGIN ; more than 3 minutes CASE 1 OF tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin + 120, smin):BEGIN ; more than 120 minutes -> ticks every 10 minutes freq = 10. & tminor = 2 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin + 60, smin):BEGIN ; more than 60 minutes -> ticks every 6 minutes freq = 6. & tminor = 3 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin + 30, smin):BEGIN ; more than 30 minutes -> ticks every 4 minutes freq = 4. & tminor = 2 & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin + 15, smin):BEGIN ; more than 15 minutes -> ticks every 2 minutes freq = 2. & tminor = 2 & END ELSE:BEGIN ; ticks every minutes freq = 1. & tminor = 2 & END ENDCASE nticks = ceil((mnmax + 60*(hmax - hmin) - mnmin)/freq) + 2 mnminf = (floor(mnmin/freq))*freq ticknom = dblarr(nticks) for mn = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[mn] = julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnminf + freq*mn, 0, _EXTRA = ex) ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] datfmt = '%H:%I' END ; second base ELSE:BEGIN ; less than 3 minutes CASE 1 OF tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin + 120):BEGIN ; more than 120 seconds -> ticks every 20 seconds freq = 20. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin + 60):BEGIN ; more than 60 seconds -> ticks every 15 seconds freq = 15. & tminor = 3 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin + 30):BEGIN ; more than 30 seconds -> ticks every 10 seconds freq = 10. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin + 15):BEGIN ; more than 15 seconds -> ticks every 4 seconds freq = 4. & tminor = 4 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END tempsmax GT julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, smin + 7):BEGIN ; more than 7 seconds -> ticks every 2 seconds freq = 2. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END ELSE:BEGIN ; ticks every minutes freq = 1. & tminor = 2 & datfmt = '%H:%I:%S' & END ENDCASE nticks = ceil((smax + 60*(mnmax - mnmin) - smin)/freq) + 2 sminf = (floor(smin/freq))*freq ticknom = dblarr(nticks) for s = 0, nticks-1 do ticknom[s] = julday(mmin, dmin, ymin, hmin, mnmin, sminf + freq*s, _EXTRA = ex) ticknom = ticknom[where(ticknom GE tempsmin AND ticknom LE tempsmax, nticks)] END ENDCASE dummy = label_date(0, 0, 0, DATE_FORMAT = datfmt, _EXTRA = ex) if chkstru(ex, 'DATE_FORMAT') then ex.DATE_FORMAT = '' ENDIF ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Definition of axes parameters case by case ;-------------------------------------------------------------- case coupe of 'pltv':BEGIN dtasize = tempsmin !x.range = [-0.5, dtasize[0] - 0.5] !y.range = [-0.5, dtasize[1] - 0.5] if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range=reverse(!x.range) if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=reverse(!y.range) !x.title = 'nx' !y.title = 'ny' END 'xy':BEGIN if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range=[lon2,lon1] ELSE !x.range=[lon1,lon2] if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[lat2,lat1] ELSE !y.range=[lat1,lat2] IF key_onearth THEN !x.tickformat='lonaxe' IF key_onearth THEN !y.tickformat='lataxe' END 'yz':BEGIN if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range=[lat2,lat1] ELSE !x.range=[lat1,lat2] if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[0, -1] ELSE !y.range = [-1, 0] if keyword_set(sin) then BEGIN ; number of ticks by default plot, [0], [0], /noerase, /nodata, xtick_get = xaxe ; We increase this number to it be around 10 ticks = n_elements(xaxe)-1 ticks = ticks*[1, 2, 4, 8] ticks = ticks[(sort(abs(ticks-10)))[0]] ; We recuperate the x axis for this new number of ticks plot, [0], [0],xticks = ticks, /noerase, /nodata, xtick_get = xaxe !x.ticks = ticks !x.tickv = sin(!pi/180.*xaxe) tickname = strarr(ticks+1) for i = 0,ticks do tickname[i] = lataxe(0, 0, xaxe[i]) !x.tickname = tickname !x.range = sin(!pi/180.*!x.range) endif end 'xz':BEGIN if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range=[lon2,lon1] ELSE !x.range=[lon1,lon2] if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[0, -1] ELSE !y.range = [-1, 0] end 'xt' : begin if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range = [lon2,lon1] ELSE !x.range=[lon1,lon2] if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[tempsmax, tempsmin]-tempsmin $ ELSE !y.range=[tempsmin,tempsmax]-tempsmin IF key_onearth THEN !x.tickformat='lonaxe' ; result = LABEL_DATE(DATE_FORMAT = '%M'+sep+fmtyr) ; !y.tickformat='LABEL_DATE' !y.tickname = LABEL_DATE(1, 0,ticknom,_EXTRA = ex) !y.ticklen=1. !y.gridstyle=2 !y.ticks=nticks-1 !y.tickv=ticknom-tempsmin !y.minor=tminor IF divday GT 0 THEN !y.title = 'Time from '+strtrim(dmin,1)+' ' $ +def_month('1m', strtrim(mmin, 1))+' '+strtrim(ymin,1) end 'yt' : begin if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range = [tempsmax,tempsmin]-tempsmin $ ELSE !x.range=[tempsmin,tempsmax]-tempsmin if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[lat2, lat1] ELSE !y.range=[lat1,lat2] IF key_onearth THEN !y.tickformat='lataxe' !x.tickname = LABEL_DATE(0, 0,ticknom,_EXTRA = ex) !x.ticklen=1. !x.gridstyle=2 !x.ticks=nticks-1 !x.tickv=ticknom-tempsmin !x.minor=tminor IF divday GT 0 THEN !y.title = 'Time from '+strtrim(dmin,1)+' ' $ +def_month('1m', strtrim(mmin, 1))+' '+strtrim(ymin,1) end 'zt' : begin if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range = [tempsmax,tempsmin]-tempsmin $ ELSE !x.range=[tempsmin,tempsmax]-tempsmin if vargrid EQ 'W' then gdep=gdepw[0:nzw-1] ELSE gdep=gdept[0:nzt-1] !x.tickname = LABEL_DATE(0, 0,ticknom,_EXTRA = ex) !x.ticklen=1. !x.gridstyle=2 !x.ticks=nticks-1 !x.tickv=ticknom-tempsmin !x.minor=tminor IF divday GT 0 THEN !y.title = 'Time from '+strtrim(dmin,1)+' ' $ +def_month('1m', strtrim(mmin, 1))+' '+strtrim(ymin,1) end 't' : BEGIN if keyword_set(reverse_x) then !x.range = [tempsmax,tempsmin]-tempsmin $ ELSE !x.range=[tempsmin,tempsmax]-tempsmin !x.tickname = LABEL_DATE(0, 0,ticknom,_EXTRA = ex) !x.ticklen=1. !x.gridstyle=2 !x.ticks=nticks-1 !x.tickv=ticknom-tempsmin !x.minor=tminor IF divday GT 0 THEN !y.title = 'Time from '+strtrim(dmin,1)+' ' $ +def_month('1m', strtrim(mmin, 1))+' '+strtrim(ymin,1) end 'x' : begin !x.range=[lon1,lon2] IF key_onearth THEN !x.tickformat='lonaxe' END 'y' : begin if keyword_set(sin) then BEGIN ; Number of ticks by default plot, [0], [0], /nodata, /noerase, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, xtick_get = xaxe ; We increase this number to it be around 10 ticks = n_elements(xaxe)-1 ticks = ticks*[1, 2, 4, 8] ticks = ticks[(sort(abs(ticks-10)))[0]] ; We recuperate the x axis for this new number of ticks plot, [0], [0],xticks = ticks,/nodata,/noerase,xstyle=5,ystyle=5,xtick_get=xaxe !x.ticks = ticks !x.tickv = sin(!pi/180.*xaxe) tickname = strarr(ticks+1) for i = 0,ticks do tickname[i] = lataxe(0, 0, xaxe[i]) !x.tickname = tickname !x.range = sin(!pi/180.*!x.range) ENDIF ELSE !x.range=[lat1,lat2] IF key_onearth THEN !x.tickformat='lataxe' END 'z' : begin ; if vargrid EQ 'W' then gdep=gdepw[0:nzw-1] ELSE gdep=gdept[0:nzt-1] ; if keyword_set(reverse_y) then !y.range=[gdep[0], gdep[n_elements(gdep)-1]] $ ; ELSE !y.range=[gdep[n_elements(gdep)-1], gdep[0]] END endcase if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps axe', systime(1)-tempsun return end