;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Construct the triangulation array. ; ; The idea is: construct a list of triangle which link points between them. ; This is automatically done by the function TRIANGULATE ; Here: ; we consider the fact that points are disposed on a grid (regular or not, ; but not unstructured, that is to say that points are written following a ; rectangular matrix). A easy way to do triangles between all points is then: ; ; for each point (i,j) of the matrix -except those of the last line and of ; the last column- we call rectangle (i,j) the rectangle made of the four ; points (i,j), (i+1,j), (i,j+1), (i+1,j+1). To trace all triangle, we just ; have to trace the 2 triangles contained in rectangles (i,j) ; ; We notice that each rectangle (i,j) have 2 diagonals (it is true... Make a ; drawing to make sure!!), so there are two possible choice for each rectangle ; we want to cut in 2 triangles... ; ; It is thanks to this choice that we will be able to trace coast with right ; angles. At each angle of coast remarkable by the existence of an unique land ; point or of an unique ocean point on one of the four summit of a rectangle (i,j), ; we have to cut the rectangle following the diagonal passing by this point. ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param MASKENTREE {in}{optional}{type=2d array} ; It is a 2d array which will serve to mask the field we will trace after with CONTOUR, ; ...TRIANGULATION=triangule(mask) ; If this argument is not specified, the function use tmask ; ; @keyword BASIC ; Specify that the mask is on a basic grid (use the triangulation for vertical cuts and hovmoellers) ; ; @keyword KEEP_CONT ; To keep the triangulation even on the continents ; ; @keyword COINMONTE {type=array} ; To obtain the array of "ascending land corner" to be treated with ; completecointerre.pro in the variable array instead of make it pass by the global ; variable twin_corners_up. ; ; @keyword COINDESCEND {type=array} ; See COINMONTE ; ; @returns ; res: tableau 2d (3,nbre de triangles). ; Each line of res represent indexes of points constituting summits of a triangle. ; See how we trace triangles in definetri.pro ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; different.pro ; definetri.pro ; ; @restrictions ; Data whose we want to do the contour must be disposed in a matrix. ; On the other hand, in the matrix, the points's arrangement can not be ; irregular. If it is, use TRIANGULE. ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 26/4/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo ; seb L.267->268 je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu voulais dire mais ; c'est la traduction de ce qu'il y avait écrit. Correction si besoin. ;- ; FUNCTION triangule_c, maskentree, COINMONTE = coinmonte, COINDESCEND = coindescend, BASIC = basic, KEEP_CONT = keep_cont ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; tempsun = systime(1) ; For key_performance ;--------------------------------------------------------- @cm_4mesh IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Is the mask given or do we have to take tmask? ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; msk = maskentree taille = size(msk) nx = taille[1] ny = taille[2] ; IF n_elements(keep_cont) EQ 0 THEN keep_cont = 1-key_irregular ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(key_periodic)*(nx EQ jpi) $ AND NOT keyword_set(basic) then BEGIN msk = [msk, msk[0, *]] nx = nx+1 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We will find the list of rectangles (i,j)(located by their left ; bottom corner) we have to cut following a descendant diagonal. ; We will call this list : pts_downward ; pts_downward = 0 ; We construct the test which allow to find this triangle : ; ; ; shift(msk, 0, -1)------------shift(msk, -1, -1) ; | | ; | | ; | | ; | | ; msk---------------------shift(msk, -1, 0) ; sum1 = msk+shift(msk, -1, 0)+shift(msk, -1, -1) ;points which surround the left top point. sum2 = msk+shift(msk, 0, -1)+shift(msk, -1, -1) ;points which surround the right bottom point. tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; The left top land point surrounded by ocean points liste = where( (4-sum1)*(1-shift(msk, 0, -1)) EQ 1 ) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN pts_downward = [pts_downward,liste ] ; The left top ocean point surrounded by land points liste = where( (1-sum1)*shift(msk, 0, -1) EQ 1) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN pts_downward = [pts_downward,liste ] ; The right bottom land point surrounded by ocean points liste = where( (4-sum2)*(1-shift(msk, -1, 0)) EQ 1) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN pts_downward = [pts_downward,liste ] ; The right bottom ocean point surrounded by land points liste = where( (1-sum2)*shift(msk, -1, 0) EQ 1) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN pts_downward = [pts_downward,liste ] undefine, liste ; IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: trouver pts_downward', systime(1)-tempdeux ; if (NOT keyword_set(basic)) OR keyword_set(coinmonte) OR keyword_set(coindescend) then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ;2 land points in ascendant diagonal with 2 ocean points in descendant diagonal. coinmont = where( (1-msk)*(1-shift(msk, -1, -1)) $ *(shift(msk, 0, -1)*shift(msk, -1, 0) EQ 1) ) if coinmont[0] NE -1 THEN pts_downward = [pts_downward, coinmont] ; IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: trouver coinmont', systime(1)-tempdeux tempdeux = systime(1) ; pour key_performance =2 ; coindesc = where( ((1-shift(msk, 0, -1))*(1-shift(msk, -1, 0)) $ *msk*shift(msk, -1, -1) EQ 1) ) ; ;2 land points in descendant diagonal with 2 ocean points in ascendant diagonal. IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: trouver coindesc', systime(1)-tempdeux ; ENDIF ; if n_elements(pts_downward) EQ 1 then BEGIN tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; triang = definetri(nx, ny) ; IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: definetri', systime(1)-tempdeux coinmont = -1 coindesc = -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 pts_downward = pts_downward[1:n_elements(pts_downward)-1] pts_downward = pts_downward[uniq(pts_downward, sort(pts_downward))] ; None rectangle can have an element of the last column or of the ; last line as left bottom corner. ; so we have to remove these points if they has been selected in pts_downward. derniere_colonne = (lindgen(ny)+1)*nx-1 derniere_ligne = lindgen(nx)+(ny-1)*nx pts_downward =different(pts_downward,derniere_colonne ) pts_downward =different(pts_downward,derniere_ligne ) if (NOT keyword_set(basic)) OR keyword_set(coinmonte) OR keyword_set(coindescend) then begin if coinmont[0] NE -1 then begin coinmont =different(coinmont,derniere_colonne ) coinmont =different(coinmont,derniere_ligne ) endif if coindesc[0] NE -1 then begin coindesc =different(coindesc,derniere_colonne ) coindesc =different(coindesc,derniere_ligne ) endif ENDIF ELSE BEGIN coinmont = -1 coindesc = -1 ENDELSE IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: menage ds pts_downward coinmont et coindesc', systime(1)-tempdeux ; tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 if pts_downward[0] EQ -1 then triang = definetri(nx, ny) $ ELSE triang = definetri(nx, ny, pts_downward) IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: definetri', systime(1)-tempdeux ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We delete land points which only contain land points. ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; if (NOT keyword_set(basic)) AND (NOT keyword_set(keep_cont)) then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; We delete rectangles which are entirely in the land. recdsterre = where((1-msk)*(1-shift(msk, -1, 0))*(1-shift(msk, 0, -1))*(1-shift(msk, -1, -1)) EQ 1) IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: tous les recdsterre', systime(1)-tempdeux ; We do an other sort : ; We have to do not remove rectangles which only have one common summit. ; t1 = systime(1) indice = intarr(nx, ny) trimask = intarr(nx, ny) trimask[0:nx-2, 0:ny-2] = 1 IF recdsterre[0] NE -1 then BEGIN tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 indice[recdsterre] = 1 if NOT keyword_set(basic) then begin vire1 = 0 vire2 = 0 while (vire1[0] NE -1 OR vire2[0] NE -1) ne 0 do begin ; Delete rectangles we have to remove from recsterre (in fact those we have ; to keep although they are entirely in the land). vire1 = where( (indice*shift(indice, -1, -1) $ *(1-shift(indice, 0, -1))*(1-shift(indice, -1, 0))*trimask) EQ 1) if vire1[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN indice[vire1] = 0 ; indice[vire1+nx+1] = 0 endif vire2 = where( ((1-indice)*(1-shift(indice, -1, -1)) $ *shift(indice, 0, -1)*shift(indice, -1, 0)*trimask) EQ 1) if vire2[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN indice[vire2+1] = 0 ; indice[vire2+nx] = 0 endif endwhile IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: trier les recdsterre', systime(1)-tempdeux endif indice[*, ny-1] = 1 ; The last column and the last line indice[nx-1, *] = 1 ; can not define any rectangle. ; tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 recgarde = where(indice EQ 0) ; We recuperate numbers of triangles we will keep. trigarde = 2*[recgarde-recgarde/nx] trigarde = transpose(temporary(trigarde)) trigarde = [trigarde, trigarde+1] ; triang = triang[*, temporary(trigarde[*])] IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: virer les triangle de la liste', systime(1)-tempdeux endif endif ; print, 'temps tri triangles', systime(1)-t1 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; When key_periodic equal 1, triang is a list of indexes's array which ; have a surplus column. ; We have to put it back to the initial matrix by putting indexes of ; the last column equal to these of the last column... ;------------------------------------------------------------ tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 if keyword_set(key_periodic)*(nx-1 EQ jpi) $ AND NOT keyword_set(basic) then BEGIN indicey = triang/nx indicex = triang-indicey*nx nx = nx-1 liste = where(indicex EQ nx) if liste[0] NE -1 then indicex[liste] = 0 triang = indicex+nx*indicey nx = nx+1 if coinmont[0] NE -1 then begin indicey = coinmont/nx indicex = coinmont-indicey*nx nx = nx-1 liste = where(indicex EQ nx) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN indicex[liste] = 0 coinmont = indicex+nx*indicey nx = nx+1 endif if coindesc[0] NE -1 then begin indicey = coindesc/nx indicex = coindesc-indicey*nx nx = nx-1 liste = where(indicex EQ nx) if liste[0] NE -1 THEN indicex[liste] = 0 coindesc = indicex+nx*indicey nx = nx+1 endif endif IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps triangule: finitions', systime(1)-tempdeux ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(coinmonte) THEN coinmonte = coinmont ELSE twin_corners_up = coinmont if keyword_set(coindescend) THEN coindescend = coindesc ELSE twin_corners_dn = coindesc ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updateold ENDIF IF keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps triangule', systime(1)-tempsun return, triang END