;+ ; ; @file_comments ; get the land/sea mask array from a NetCDF file ; ; @categories ; Read NetCDF file ; ; @param fileid {in}{required}{type=salar string or long} ; if fileid is a scalar string then it is the name of the file (with ; the full path) to be opened (in that case, the file will be opened ; and closed within ncdf_getmask). ; if fileid is a scalar then it is the id of the file return by a call ; to ncdf_open outside of ncdf_getmask (in that case, the file will ; NOT be opened and closed within ncdf_getmask) ; ; @keyword ADDSCL_BEFORE {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; put 1 to apply add_offset ad scale factor on data before looking for ; missing values when using USEASMASK keyword ; ; @keyword INVMASK {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Inverse the land/sea mask (that should have 0/1 values for land/sea): mask = 1-mask ; ; @keyword MASKNAME {type=string} ; A string giving the name of the variable in the file ; that contains the land/sea mask ; ; @keyword MISSING_VALUE {type=scalar} ; To define (or redefine if the attribute is ; already existing) the missing values used with USEASMASK ; keyword ; ; @keyword USEASMASK {type=scalar string} ; A string giving the name of the variable in the file ; that will be used to build the land/sea mask. In this case the ; mask is based on the first record (if record dimension ; exists). The mask is build according to : ; 1 the keyword missing_value if existing ; 2 the attribute 'missing_value' if existing ; 3 NaN values if existing ; ; @keyword ; _EXTRA to be able to call ncdf_getmask with _extra keyword ; ; @returns ; the land/sea mask 2D or 3D array or -1 in case of error or mask absence ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> mask = ncdf_getmask('HadISST1_1m_187001_200702_sst_reg1m.nc',useasmask = 'sst', missing_value = -1.00000e+30) ; ; IDL> mask = ncdf_getmask('meshmaskORCA2.nc', maskname = 'tmask') ; ; @history ; August 2007: Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION ncdf_getmask, fileid, ADDSCL_BEFORE = addscl_before, MASKNAME = maskname, USEASMASK = useasmask $ , MISSING_VALUE = missing_value, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF NOT (keyword_set(maskname) OR keyword_set(useasmask)) AND keyword_set(romsgrid) THEN maskname = 'mask_rho' IF NOT (keyword_set(maskname) OR keyword_set(useasmask)) THEN return, -1 ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; should we open the file? IF size(fileid, /type) EQ 7 THEN cdfid = ncdf_open(fileid) ELSE cdfid = fileid ; what is inside the file inq = ncdf_inquire(cdfid) ; name of the variables namevar = strarr(inq.nvars) for varid = 0, inq.nvars-1 do begin invar = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) namevar[varid] = strlowcase(invar.name) ENDFOR ;---------------------------------------------------------- CASE 1 OF keyword_set(maskname):mskid = (where(namevar EQ strlowcase(maskname)))[0] keyword_set(useasmask):mskid = (where(namevar EQ strlowcase(useasmask)))[0] ENDCASE ; if mskid NE -1 THEN BEGIN mskinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, mskid) ; is the mask variable containing the record dimension? withrcd = (where(mskinq.dim EQ inq.recdim))[0] IF withrcd NE -1 THEN BEGIN ; in order to read only the first record ; we need to get the size of each dimension count = replicate(1L, mskinq.ndims) FOR d = 0, mskinq.ndims -1 DO BEGIN IF d NE withrcd THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, mskinq.dim[d], name, size count[d] = size ENDIF ENDFOR ; read the variable for the first record ncdf_varget, cdfid, mskid, mask, count = count ENDIF ELSE ncdf_varget, cdfid, mskid, mask ; check if we need to applay add_offset and scale factor ncdf_getatt, cdfid, mskid, add_offset = add, scale_factor = scl, missing_value = miss IF n_elements(missing_value) NE 0 THEN miss = missing_value IF keyword_set(addscl_before) THEN BEGIN IF scl NE 1 THEN mask = mask * scl IF add NE 0 THEN mask = mask + add ENDIF IF keyword_set(useasmask) THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(miss) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; we have to take care of the float accuracy CASE 1 OF miss GE 1.e6:mask = mask LT (miss-10) miss LE -1.e6:mask = mask GT (miss+10) abs(miss) LE 1.e-6:mask = abs(mask) GT 1.e-6 ELSE:mask = mask NE miss ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN mask = finite(mask) IF min(mask) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ras = report( 'missing or nan values not found...') mask = -1 ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF mask = byte(round(mask)) if keyword_set(invmask) then mask = 1b-mask ENDIF ELSE mask = -1 IF size(fileid, /type) EQ 7 THEN ncdf_close, cdfid return, mask END