;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Calculate the vertical component of the curl of a field of horizontal vectors ; ; @categories ; Calculation ; ; @param UU ; Matrix representing the zonal coordinates (U point) of a field of vectors ; A 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt) or a structure readable by litchamp and containing ; a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt) array (4D case is not coded yet). ; Note that the dimension of the array must suit the domain dimension. ; ; @param VV ; Matrix representing the meridional coordinates (V point) of a field of vectors ; A 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt) or a structure readable by litchamp and containing ; a 2D (xy), 3D (xyz or yt) array (4D case is not coded yet). ; Note that the dimension of the array must suit the domain dimension. ; ; @keyword DIREC {type=scalar string} ; Use if you want to call moyenne or ; grossemoyenne after the div computation ; with a mean done in the DIREC direction ; ; @returns ; the vertical component of the curl of the input data (with the same size) ; ; @uses ; cm_4cal ; cm_4data ; cm_4mmesh ; ; @restrictions ; ; - Works only for Arakawa C-grid. ; - UU must be on U grid, VV must be on V grid ; - 4D case is not coded yet ; - the common variable jpt is used to differ xyz (jpt=1) and xyt (jpt\=1) cases. ; - U and V arrays are cut in the same geographic domain. Because of the shift between ; T, U, V and F grids, it is possible that these two arrays do not have the same ; size and refer to different indexes. In this case, arrays are re-cut on ; common indexes. To avoid these re-cuts, use the keyword /memeindice in ; domdef ; - When computing the divergence, we update, vargrid, varname, varunits and the ; grid position parameters (firstxf, lastxf, nxf, firstyf, lastyf, nyf). ; - points that cannot be computed (domain boundaries, coastline) are set to NaN ; ; @examples ; IDL> \@tst_initorca2 ; IDL> plt, curl(dist(jpi,jpj), dist(jpi,jpj)) ; ; @history ; Guillaume Roullet (grlod\@ipsl.jussieu.fr) ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; adaptation to work with a reduce domain ; 21/5/1999: missing values at !values.f_nan ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo ; code the 4D case ; ;- ; FUNCTION curl, uu, vv, DIREC = DIREC ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4cal ; for jpt @cm_4data ; for varname, vargrid, vardate, varunit, valmask @cm_4mesh ; tempsun = systime(1) ; To key_performance ; IF finite(glamu[0])*finite(gphiu[0])*finite(glamv[0])*finite(gphiv[0]) EQ 0 THEN $ return, report(['This version of curl is based on Arakawa C-grid.' $ , 'U and V grids must therefore be defined']) ; u = litchamp(uu) v = litchamp(vv) szu = size(u) szv = size(v) if szu[0] NE szv[0] then return, report('U and V input data must have the same number of dimensions') ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We find common points between U and V ;------------------------------------------------------------ indicexu = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxu:firstxu+nxu-1] indicexv = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxv:firstxv+nxv-1] indicex = inter(indicexu, indicexv) indiceyu = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyu:firstyu+nyu-1] indiceyv = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyv:firstyv+nyv-1] indicey = inter(indiceyu, indiceyv) nx = n_elements(indicex) ny = n_elements(indicey) indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vargrid = 'F' varname = 'vorticity' varunits = 's-1' if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 THEN valmask = 1e20 firstxt = indicex[0] & lastxt = indicex[0]+nx-1 & nxt = nx firstyt = indicey[0] & lastyt = indicey[0]+ny-1 & nyt = ny ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 1 of ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyz ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- szu[0] EQ 3 AND jpt EQ 1:BEGIN ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of U and V on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of szu[1] EQ nxu AND szu[2] EQ nyu AND $ szv[1] EQ nxv AND szv[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN case 1 of nxu NE nx:if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *] nxv NE nx:if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *] nyu NE ny:if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *] nyv NE ny:if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *] ELSE : endcase END szu[1] EQ jpi AND szu[2] EQ jpj AND $ szv[1] EQ jpi AND szv[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] END ELSE:return, -1 endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; curl computation ;------------------------------------------------------------ coefu = ((e1u[indice2d])[*]#replicate(1., nzt)) $ * (umask())[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt] landu = where(coefu EQ 0) if landu[0] NE -1 then coefu[temporary(landu)] = !values.f_nan coefv = ((e2v[indice2d])[*]#replicate(1., nzt)) $ *(vmask())[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt] landv = where(coefv EQ 0) if landv[0] NE -1 then coefv[temporary(landv)] = !values.f_nan tabf = (fmask())[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, firstzt:lastzt] $ / ((e1f[indice2d]*e2f[indice2d])[*]#replicate(1., nzt)) landf = where(tabf EQ 0) ; zu = temporary(u) * temporary(coefu) zv = temporary(v) * temporary(coefv) psi = (shift(zv, -1, 0, 0)-zv) + (zu-shift(zu, 0, -1, 0)) psi = temporary(tabf) * temporary(psi) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Edging put at !values.f_nan ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then begin psi[0, *, *] = !values.f_nan psi[nx-1, *, *] = !values.f_nan endif psi[*, 0, *] = !values.f_nan psi[*, ny-1, *] = !values.f_nan ; if landf[0] NE -1 then psi[temporary(landf)] = valmask if keyword_set(direc) then psi = moyenne(psi, direc, /nan) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyt ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- szu[0] EQ 3 AND jpt GT 1:BEGIN ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of U and V on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of szu[1] EQ nxu AND szu[2] EQ nyu AND $ szv[1] EQ nxv AND szv[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *, *] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *, *] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny, *] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1, *] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny, *] END szu[1] EQ jpi AND szu[2] EQ jpj AND $ szv[1] EQ jpi AND szv[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] v = v[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1, indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1, *] END ELSE:BEGIN print, 'problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs' return, -1 end endcase ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; curl computation ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- coefu = e1u[indice2d]*(umask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] landu = where(coefu EQ 0) if landu[0] NE -1 then coefu[temporary(landu)] = !values.f_nan coefu = temporary(coefu[*])#replicate(1., jpt) ; coefv = e2v[indice2d]*(vmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] landv = where(coefv EQ 0) if landv[0] NE -1 then coefv[temporary(landv)] = !values.f_nan coefv = temporary(coefv[*])#replicate(1., jpt) ; tabf = (fmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt]/(e1f[indice2d]*e2f[indice2d]) tabf = reform(temporary(tabf[*])#replicate(1., jpt), nx, ny, jpt, /overwrite) landf = where(tabf EQ 0) ; zu = temporary(u) * temporary(coefu) zv = temporary(v) * temporary(coefv) ; psi = (shift(zv, -1, 0, 0)-zv) + (zu-shift(zu, 0, -1, 0)) psi = temporary(tabf) * temporary(psi) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of U and V on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then begin psi[0, *, *] = !values.f_nan psi[nx-1, *, *] = !values.f_nan endif psi[*, 0, *] = !values.f_nan psi[*, ny-1, *] = !values.f_nan if landf[0] NE -1 then psi[temporary(landf)] = valmask if keyword_set(direc) then psi = grossemoyenne(psi, direc, /nan) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xyzt ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- szu[0] EQ 4:BEGIN return, report('Case not coded contact saxo team or make a do loop!') END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;xy ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- szu[0] EQ 2:BEGIN ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of szu[1] EQ nxu AND szu[2] EQ nyu AND $ szv[1] EQ nxv AND szv[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny] END szu[1] EQ jpi AND szu[2] EQ jpj AND $ szv[1] EQ jpi AND szv[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indice2d] v = v[indice2d] END ELSE:return, -1 endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; curl computation ;------------------------------------------------------------ coefu = e1u[indice2d]*(umask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] landu = where(coefu EQ 0) if landu[0] NE -1 then coefu[temporary(landu)] = !values.f_nan coefv = e2v[indice2d]*(vmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] landv = where(coefv EQ 0) if landv[0] NE -1 then coefv[temporary(landv)] = !values.f_nan tabf = (fmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt]/(e1f[indice2d]*e2f[indice2d]) landf = where(tabf EQ 0) ; zu = temporary(u) * temporary(coefu) zv = temporary(v) * temporary(coefv) psi = (shift(zv, -1, 0)-zv) + (zu-shift(zu, 0, -1)) psi = temporary(tabf) * temporary(psi) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Edging put at !values.f_nan ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then begin psi[0, *] = !values.f_nan psi[nx-1, *] = !values.f_nan endif psi[*, 0] = !values.f_nan psi[*, ny-1] = !values.f_nan ; if landf[0] NE -1 then psi[temporary(landf)] = valmask if keyword_set(direc) then psi = moyenne(psi, direc, /nan) END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE:return, report('U and V input arrays must have 2, 3 or 4 dimensions') ENDCASE ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps curl', systime(1)-tempsun return, psi end