;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Overprint vectors in a field traced by plt. ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param VECTEUR {in}{required}{type=vector} ; It is a structure with 2 elements containing we 2 matrices U and V of ; values of the zonal and meridian component of the field of vectors to ; be traced. ; For ex: ; vecteur={matriceu:lec('unsurface'),matricev:lec('vnsurface')} ; rq:the name of elements of vector does not have any importance. ; vecteur={u:lec('unsurface'),v:lec('vnsurface')} goes well too. ; ; @keyword UNVECTSUR {type=scalar or array} ; It is a scalar n or an array with 2 elements [n1,n2]. ; In the first case, we will trace a vector on n following x and y. ; In the second case, we will trace a vector on n1 following x and a ; vector n2 following n2 ; Comments: To trace all vectors following y and one vector on two ; following x, put unvectsur=[2,1] ; ; @keyword VECTMIN {in}{required} ; Minimum norme of vectors to be traced ; ; @keyword VECTMAX {in}{required} ; Maximum norme of vectors to be traced ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 10/3/1999 ; 11/6/1999 compatibilite avec NAN et la lecture ; des structures. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; PRO ajoutvect,vecteur, vectlegende, UNVECTSUR=unvectsur,VECTMIN=vectmin, VECTMAX=vectmax, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common tempsun = systime(1) ; For key_performance ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; u = litchamp(vecteur.(0)) u = checkfield(u, 'plt', TYPE = 'xy', /NOQUESTION) v = litchamp(vecteur.(1)) v = checkfield(v, 'plt', TYPE = 'xy', /NOQUESTION) ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; We recuperate possible informations on fields ;----------------------------------------------------------- grilleu = litchamp(vecteur.(0), /grid) if grilleu EQ '' then grilleu = 'U' grillev = litchamp(vecteur.(1), /grid) if grillev EQ '' then grillev = 'V' IF grilleu EQ 'V' AND grillev EQ 'U' THEN inverse = 1 IF grilleu EQ grillev THEN interpolle = 0 ELSE interpolle = 1 if keyword_set(inverse) then begin rien = u u = v v = rien endif ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We find common points between u and v ;------------------------------------------------------------ if interpolle then begin indicexu = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxu:firstxu+nxu-1] indicexv = (lindgen(jpi))[firstxv:firstxv+nxv-1] indicex = inter(indicexu, indicexv) indiceyu = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyu:firstyu+nyu-1] indiceyv = (lindgen(jpj))[firstyv:firstyv+nyv-1] indicey = inter(indiceyu, indiceyv) nx = n_elements(indicex) ny = n_elements(indicey) indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[indicex[0]:indicex[0]+nx-1,indicey[0]:indicey[0]+ny-1] ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; extraction of u and v on the appropriated domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ case 1 of (size(u))[0] NE 2 OR (size(v))[0] NE 2: return (size(u))[1] EQ nxu AND (size(u))[2] EQ nyu AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ nxv AND (size(v))[2] EQ nyv:BEGIN if nxu NE nx then $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxu then u = u[0:nx-1, *] ELSE u = u[1: nx, *] IF nxv NE nx THEN $ if indicex[0] EQ firstxv then v = v[0:nx-1, *] ELSE v = v[1: nx, *] IF nyu NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyu then u = u[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE u = u[*, 1: ny] IF nyv NE ny THEN $ if indicey[0] EQ firstyv then v = v[*, 0:ny-1] ELSE v = v[*, 1: ny] END (size(u))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(u))[2] EQ jpj AND $ (size(v))[1] EQ jpi AND (size(v))[2] EQ jpj:BEGIN u = u[indice2d] v = v[indice2d] END ELSE:BEGIN ras = report('problemes d''adequation entre la taille du domaine et la taille des matrices necessaires a tracer des vecteurs') return end endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We reshape u and v to make sure that none dimension has been erased. ;------------------------------------------------------------------ if ny EQ 1 then begin u = reform(u, nx, ny) v = reform(v, nx, ny) endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; construction of u and v at points T ;----------------------------------------------------------- a=u[0,*] u=(u+shift(u,1,0))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then u[0,*]=a a=v[*,0] v=(v+shift(v,0,1))/2. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then v[*,0]=a ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays. ; We recuperate the complete grid to establish a big mask extensive ; in the four directions to cover points for which a land point has ; been considerated (do a small drawing) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vargrid='T' msku = (umask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] mskv = (vmask())[indice2d+jpi*jpj*firstzt] glam = glamt[indice2d] gphi = gphit[indice2d] if ny EQ 1 then begin msku = reform(msku, nx, ny) mskv = reform(mskv, nx, ny) ; glam = reform(glam, nx, ny) ; gphi = reform(gphi, nx, ny) endif ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; We mask u and v et v the long of coasts (the place where we ; can not calculate the average) ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; extention of the mask u = u*msku*shift(msku,1,0) v = v*mskv*shift(mskv,0,1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN u = u*tmask[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt,firstzt] v = v*tmask[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt,firstzt] indice2d = lindgen(jpi, jpj) indice2d = indice2d[firstxt:lastxt, firstyt:lastyt] nx = nxt ny = nyt endelse tabnorme=sqrt(u^2+v^2) nan = where(finite(u, /nan) EQ 1) if nan[0] NE -1 then u[nan] = 1e5 nan = where(finite(v, /nan) EQ 1) if nan[0] NE -1 then v[nan] = 1e5 if keyword_set(vectmin) then BEGIN toosmall=where(tabnorme lt vectmin) if toosmall[0] NE -1 then begin u[toosmall] = 1e5 v[toosmall] = 1e5 ENDIF endif if keyword_set(vectmax) then BEGIN toobig=where(tabnorme gt vectmax) if toobig[0] NE -1 then begin u[toobig] = 1e5 v[toobig] = 1e5 ENDIF ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Put back of a big value on all points for which we can do the calculation. ;----------------------------------------------------------- if interpolle then t2 = msku*shift(msku,1,0)*mskv*shift(mskv,0,1) $ ELSE t2 = tmask[firstxt:lastxt,firstyt:lastyt,firstzt] if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nx NE jpi then t2[0, *]=0. t2[*,0]=0. terre=where(t2 eq 0) if terre[0] ne -1 then begin u[terre]=1e5 v[terre]=1e5 ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; trace only one vector one two ;----------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(unvectsur) then BEGIN ; ; indx is a vector containing number of columns to be selected. ; indy is a vector containing number of lines to be selected. if n_elements(unvectsur) EQ 1 then begin indx = where((lindgen(nx) MOD unvectsur[0]) eq 0) indy = where((lindgen(ny) MOD unvectsur[0]) eq 0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN indx = where((lindgen(nx) MOD unvectsur[0]) eq 0) indy = where((lindgen(ny) MOD unvectsur[1]) eq 0) ENDELSE ; From indx and indy, we will construct an array which will give indexes ; of intersections points of columns specified by indx. indicereduit = indx#replicate(1,n_elements(indy))+nx*replicate(1,n_elements(indx))#indy ; We reduce arrays which will be passed to vecteur. u = u[indicereduit] v = v[indicereduit] tabnorme = tabnorme[indicereduit] t2 = t2[indicereduit] ; endif ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(inverse) then begin rien = u u = v v = rien endif ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Drawing of vectors. ;---------------------------------------------------------- vecteur, u, v, tabnorme, indice2d, indicereduit, missing=1e5, _extra = ex ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; We complete the caption. ;----------------------------------------------------------- if terre[0] ne -1 then mini = min(tabnorme[where(t2 eq 1)], max = maxi, /nan) $ ELSE mini = min(tabnorme, max = maxi, /nan) if litchamp(vecteur.(0), /u) NE '' then $ vectlegende = {minmax:[mini, maxi], unite:litchamp(vecteur.(0), /u)} $ ELSE vectlegende = {minmax:[mini, maxi], unite:varunit} sortie: if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'temps ajoutvect', systime(1)-tempsun return end