;+ ; @file_comments ; check validity of a structure and test if necessary ; fields are contained ; ; @categories ; Utilities ; ; @param STRUCTURE {in}{required}{type=struct} ; The structure to be tested. If STRUCTURE is ; not of type structure, the function will return 0 ; ; @param FIELDS {in}{required}{type=string} ; A string or string array with field names to ; be contained in STRUCTURE. CHKSTRU returns 1 (true) ; only if all field names are contained in STRUCTURE. ; The entries of FIELDS may be upper or lowercase. ; ; @keyword INDEX {type=string} ; A named variable that will contain the indices of ; the required field names in the structure. They can then ; be assessed through structure.(index[i]) . Index will ; contain -1 for all fields entries that are not in the ; structure. ; ; @keyword VERBOSE ; set this keyword to return an error message ; in case of an error. ; ; @keyword EXTRACT ; set this keyword to extract a fields from the ; structure. -1 is return is fields or structure. are ; incorrect. ; ; @returns ; CHKSTRU returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. ; ; @examples ; test = { a:1, b:2, c:3 } ; required = ['a','c'] ; if CHKSTRU(test,required) then print,'found a and c.' ; IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b') ; 1 ; IDL> print, CHKSTRU(test,'b',/extract) ; 2 ; ; @history ; mgs, 02 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 ; mgs, 07 Apr 1998: - second parameter (FIELDS) now optional ; 12 Jan 2001: EXTRACT keyword by S. Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; Copyright (C) 1998, Martin Schultz, Harvard University ; This software is provided as is without any warranty ; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed ; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be ; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall ; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package, ; please contact the author to arrange payment. ; Bugs and comments should be directed to mgs\@io.harvard.edu ; with subject "IDL routine chkstru" ;- ; FUNCTION chkstru, structure, fields, INDEX=index,VERBOSE=verbose, EXTRACT = extract ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; default index index = -1 ; first check number of parameters (must be at least 1) if (n_params() lt 1) then begin if(keyword_set(verbose)) then $ ras = report('CHKSTRU: ** invalid number of parameters ! **') if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0 endif ; check if the user really passed a structure s = size(structure) if (s[1+s[0]] ne 8) then begin if(keyword_set(verbose)) then $ ras = report('CHKSTRU: ** No structure passed ! **') if keyword_set(extract) THEN return,-1 ELSE return,0 endif ; only one parameter: then we are finished if (n_params() eq 1) then return,1 ; see if required field names are contained in the structure ; and return indices of these fields names = tag_names(structure) index = intarr(n_elements(fields)) - 1 ; default index to 'not found' for i=0,n_elements(fields)-1 do begin ind = where(names eq strupcase(fields[i])) if (ind[0] lt 0) then begin if(keyword_set(verbose)) then $ ras = report('CHKSTRU: ** Cannot find field '+fields[i]+' ! **') endif else index[i] = ind[0] endfor ; check minimum value of index field: -1 indicates error if keyword_set(extract) then BEGIN if index[0] NE -1 THEN return, structure.(index[0]) ELSE return, -1 ENDIF ELSE return,(min(index) ge 0) end