;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; Statistics ; ; @param XD ; ; @param YD ; ; @param M ; ; @param NT ; ; @param NDIM ; ; @keyword ZERO2NAN ; ; @keyword DOUBLE ; If set to a non-zero value, computations are done in ; double precision arithmetic. ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION timecross_cov, Xd, Yd, M, nT, Ndim, Double = Double, ZERO2NAN = zero2nan ; compile_opt hidden ; ;Sample cross covariance function. case Ndim OF 1:res = TOTAL(Xd[0:nT - M - 1L] * Yd[M:nT - 1L] $ , Double = Double) 2:res = TOTAL(Xd[*, 0:nT - M - 1L] * Yd[*, M:nT - 1L] $ , Ndim, Double = Double) 3:res = TOTAL(Xd[*, *, 0:nT - M - 1L] * Yd[*, *, M:nT - 1L] $ , Ndim, Double = Double) 4:res = TOTAL(Xd[*, *, *, 0:nT - M - 1L] * Yd[*, *, *, M:nT - 1L] $ , Ndim, Double = Double) ENDCASE if keyword_set(zero2nan) then begin zero = where(res EQ 0) if zero[0] NE -1 then res[zero] = !values.f_nan ENDIF ; RETURN, res END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; This function computes the "time cross correlation" Pxy(L) or ; the "time cross covariance" between 2 arrays (this is some ; kind of c_correlate but for multidimensional arrays) as a ; function of the lag (L). ; ; @categories ; Statistics ; ; @param X {in}{required} {type=array} ; An array which last dimension is the time dimension of ; size n, float or double. ; ; @param Y {in}{required} {type=array} ; An array which last dimension is the time dimension of ; size n, float or double. ; ; @param LAG {in}{required}{type=scalar or vector} ; A scalar or n-elements vector, in the interval [-(n-2),(n-2)], ; of type integer that specifies the absolute distance(s) between ; indexed elements of X. ; ; @keyword COVARIANCE ; If set to a non-zero value, the sample cross ; covariance is computed. ; ; @keyword DOUBLE ; If set to a non-zero value, computations are done in ; double precision arithmetic. ; ; @examples ; ; Define two n-elements sample populations. ; IDL> x = [3.73, 3.67, 3.77, 3.83, 4.67, 5.87, 6.70, 6.97, 6.40, 5.57] ; IDL> y = [2.31, 2.76, 3.02, 3.13, 3.72, 3.88, 3.97, 4.39, 4.34, 3.95] ; ; Compute the cross correlation of X and Y for LAG = -5, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7 ; IDL> lag = [-5, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7] ; IDL> result = c_timecorrelate(x, y, lag) ; ; The result should be: ; [-0.428246, 0.914755, 0.674547, -0.405140, -0.403100, -0.339685] ; ; @history ; - 01/03/2000 Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; Based on the C_CORRELATE procedure of IDL ; - August 2003 Sebastien Masson ; update according to the update made in C_CORRELATE by ; W. Biagiotti and available in IDL 5.5 ; ; INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL TIME SERIES ; Wayne A. Fuller ; ISBN 0-471-28715-6 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION c_timecorrelate, X, Y, Lag, Covariance = Covariance, Double = Double ; ;Compute the sample cross correlation or cross covariance of ;(Xt, Xt+l) and (Yt, Yt+l) as a function of the lag (l). ON_ERROR, 2 xsize = SIZE(X) ysize = SIZE(Y) nt = float(xsize[xsize[0]]) NDim = xsize[0] if total(xsize[0:xsize[0]] NE ysize[0:ysize[0]]) NE 0 then $ ras = report("X and Y arrays must have the same size and the same dimensions") ;Check length. if nt lt 2 then $ ras = report("Time dimension of X and Y arrays must contain 2 or more elements.") ;If the DOUBLE keyword is not set then the internal precision and ;result are identical to the type of input. if N_ELEMENTS(Double) eq 0 then $ Double = (Xsize[Xsize[0]+1] eq 5 or ysize[ysize[0]+1] eq 5) if n_elements(lag) EQ 0 then lag = 0 nLag = N_ELEMENTS(Lag) ;Deviations if double then one = 1.0d ELSE one = 1.0 Ndim = size(X, /n_dimensions) Xd = TOTAL(X, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT Xd = X - Xd[*]#replicate(one, nT) Yd = TOTAL(Y, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT Yd = Y - Yd[*]#replicate(one, nT) if nLag eq 1 then Lag = [Lag] ;Create a 1-element vector. case NDim of 1:if Double eq 0 then Cross = FLTARR(nLag) else Cross = DBLARR(nLag) 2:if Double eq 0 then Cross = FLTARR(Xsize[1], nLag) else Cross = DBLARR(Xsize[1], nLag) 3:if Double eq 0 then Cross = FLTARR(Xsize[1], Xsize[2], nLag) $ else Cross = DBLARR(Xsize[1], Xsize[2], nLag) 4:if Double eq 0 then Cross = FLTARR(Xsize[1], Xsize[2], Xsize[3], nLag) $ else Cross = DBLARR(Xsize[1], Xsize[2], Xsize[3], nLag) endcase if KEYWORD_SET(Covariance) eq 0 then begin ;Compute Cross Crossation. for k = 0, nLag-1 do begin if Lag[k] ge 0 then BEGIN case NDim of 1: Cross[k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 2: Cross[*, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 3: Cross[*, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 4: Cross[*, *, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) endcase ENDIF else BEGIN case NDim of 1: Cross[k] = TimeCross_Cov(Yd, Xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 2: Cross[*, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Yd, Xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 3: Cross[*, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Yd, Xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) 4: Cross[*, *, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Yd, Xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) endcase ENDELSE ENDFOR div = sqrt(TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Xd, 0L, nT, Ndim, Double = Double, /zero2nan) * $ TimeCross_Cov(Yd, Yd, 0L, nT, Ndim, Double = Double, /zero2nan)) Cross = temporary(Cross)/((temporary(div))[*]#replicate(one, nLag)) endif else begin ;Compute Cross Covariance. for k = 0, nLag-1 do begin if Lag[k] ge 0 then BEGIN case NDim of 1: Cross[k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 2: Cross[*, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 3: Cross[*, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 4: Cross[*, *, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(Xd, Yd, Lag[k], nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT ENDCASE ENDIF else BEGIN case NDim of 1: Cross[k] = TimeCross_Cov(yd, xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 2: Cross[*, k] = TimeCross_Cov(yd, xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 3: Cross[*, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(yd, xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT 4: Cross[*, *, *, k] = TimeCross_Cov(yd, xd, ABS(Lag[k]), nT, Ndim, Double = Double) / nT ENDCASE ENDELSE endfor endelse if Double eq 0 then RETURN, FLOAT(Cross) else RETURN, Cross END