;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: isafile ; ; PURPOSE: same as find.pro except that as long as the file is 'NOT FOUND', ; isafile calls dialog_pickfile, to ask the user to select a file. ; ; CATEGORY: io ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE:filename = isafile([filein]) ; ; INPUTS:optional:a proposed name. If neither filein ; input parameter of filename keyword are defined, ; the ask the user to choose a file. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; FILENAME: a proposed filename. ; ; IODIRECTORY: a directory where we look for the file. this ; keyword is taken into account only if the dirmame ; of filein or filename is '.' ; ; /NEW:to specify that filename is a new file and that ; we should check only its path ; ; RECURSIVE: performs recursive searching of directory hierarchies. ; In a recursive search, find looks recursively for any and all ; subdirectories in the file hierarchy rooted at the IODIRECTORY ; argument. ; ; all find, file_search and dialog_pickfile keywords (like title) ; ; OUTPUTS:the filename with its path ; ; COMMON BLOCKS:none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IDL> print, isafile('/Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro') ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro ; IDL> print, isafile('cm_4mesh.pro', iodir = '/Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons') ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro ; IDL> print, isafile('cm_4mesh.pro', iodir = !path) ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro ; IDL> print, isafile('cm_4mesh.pro', iodir = '/Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD', /recursive) ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro ; IDL> print, isafile('cm_4mesh.pro', iodir = getenv('HOME'), /recursive) ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Commons/cm_4mesh.pro ; IDL> print, isafile('fake_file.pro') ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY:Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 11/2/2000 ; June 2005: Sebastien Masson: cleaning, use for file_* functions ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION isafile, filein, FILENAME = filename, IODIRECTORY = iodirectory $ , NEW = new, RECURSIVE = RECURSIVE, _extra = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ CASE 1 OF (size(filein, /type))[0] EQ 7:fileout = filein keyword_set(filename):fileout = filename ELSE:fileout = 'file that is not existing' ENDCASE if size(fileout, /type) NE 7 THEN return, -1 ; basename = file_basename(fileout) dirname = file_dirname(fileout) ; should we redefine dirname? if keyword_set(iodirectory) AND dirname EQ '.' then dirname = iodirectory ; if keyword_set(new) then return, dirname + path_sep() + basename ; fileout = find(basename, iodirectory = dirname $ , recursive = recursive, /unique, /firstfound, _extra = ex) WHILE fileout[0] EQ 'NOT FOUND' DO BEGIN fileout = dialog_pickfile(path = dirname[0], _extra = ex) if fileout EQ '' THEN RETURN, report('check/find file canceled') ; check again everything... basename = file_basename(fileout) dirname = file_dirname(fileout) ; check if the name of the dirname is ok dirname = isadirectory(dirname, title = 'choose a directory for the file ' $ + basename) ; if we cancel the check IF size(dirname, /type) NE 7 THEN return, report('check/find file canceled') fileout = find(basename, iodirectory = dirname $ , recursive = recursive, /unique, /firstfound, _extra = ex) ENDWHILE ; RETURN, fileout END