;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @param ANGLE ; ; @returns ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- ; FUNCTION cv_cm2normal, angle ; ; Give the length in normal coordinates of a trait oriented of an angle ; by rapport at the x axis and which must do 1 cm on the drawing. ; Angle can be an array. ; ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; What is the length in normal coordinates of a trait which will do 1 cm ; on the paper an which is parallel to x? mipgsz = min(page_size, max = mapgsz) sizexfeuille = mipgsz*key_portrait+mapgsz*(1-key_portrait) sizeyfeuille = mapgsz*key_portrait+mipgsz*(1-key_portrait) cm_en_normal = 1./sizexfeuille ; ; If the aspect rapport of the window is not equal to 1, the length in ; normalized coordinates of a trait of 1 cm vary following the polar ; angle of this trait. ; aspect = sizexfeuille/sizeyfeuille cm_en_normal = cm_en_normal*sqrt( 1 +(aspect^2-1)*sin(angle)^2 ) ; return, cm_en_normal END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @param U ; ; @param V ; ; @param W ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- ; PRO normalise, u, v, w ; ; normalize the vector ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF n_elements(w) NE 0 THEN BEGIN norme = sqrt(u^2.+v^2.+w^2.) ind = where(norme NE 0) u[ind] = u[ind]/norme[ind] v[ind] = v[ind]/norme[ind] w[ind] = w[ind]/norme[ind] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN norme = sqrt(u^2.+v^2.) ind = where(norme NE 0) u[ind] = u[ind]/norme[ind] v[ind] = v[ind]/norme[ind] ENDELSE END ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Trace vectors (even if they are on a deformed grid) on any projection. ; In this way, all vectors have a comparable norme on the drawing (to be ; clear, a vector which measure 1 cm measure it, no matter the projection ; and is position on the sphere). ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param COMPOSANTEU {in}{required} ; It is the u component of the vector to be traced. This 2d array has the ; same dimension that reduitindice2d (see further) ; ; @param COMPOSANTEV {in}{required} ; It is the v component of the vector to be traced. This 2d array has the ; same dimension that reduitindice2d (see further) ; ; @param NORMEVECTEUR ; ; ; @param INDICE2D {in}{required} ; It in an index allowing to to pass from an jpi or jpj array to the zoom ; on which we do the drawing ; ; @param REDUITINDICE2D {in}{required} ; It is an index allowing to pass from an array defined by indice2d to the ; array for which we really have vectors to be traced (to be clear, it is ; for example when we trace only one vector on two). ; ; @keyword CMREF {default=between .5 and 1.5 cm} ; The length in cm that must measure the arrow normed normeref. By default, ; it is adjusted to other drawing and included between .5 and 1.5 cm. ; ; @keyword MISSING ; The value of a missing value. Do not use this keyword. Fixed at 1e5 by ; ajoutvect.pro ; ; @keyword NORMEREF ; The norme of the reference arrow. ; ; @keyword VECTCOLOR {default=0} ; The color of the arrow. Black by default (color 0) ; ; @keyword VECTTHICK {default=1} ; The thick of the arrow. ; ; @keyword VECTREFPOS ; Vector composed of 2 elements specifying the position on DATA coordinates ; from the beginning of the reference vector. By default at the right bottom ; of the drawing. ; ; @keyword VECTREFFORMAT ; The format to be used to specify the norme of the reference vector. ; ; @keyword NOVECTREF ; To delete the display of the reference vector. ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @history ; Creation : 13/02/98 G. Roullet (grlod\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; Modification : 14/01/99 realise la transformation ; spherique<->cartesien G. Roullet ; 12/03/99 verification de la routine G. Roullet ; 8/11/1999: ; G. Roullet et Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; adaptation pour les zoom. reverification...traitement separe de la ; direction et de la norme des vecteurs. mots cles NORMEREF et CMREF. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- PRO vecteur, composanteu, composantev, normevecteur, indice2d, reduitindice2d $ , CMREF = cmref, MISSING = missing, NORMEREF = normeref $ , VECTCOLOR = vectcolor, VECTTHICK = vectthick, VECTREFPOS = vectrefpos $ , VECTREFFORMAT = vectrefformat, NOVECTREF = novectref, _EXTRA = extra ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common tempsun = systime(1) ; For key_performance ; ; taille = size(composanteu) nx = taille[1] ny = taille[2] if n_elements(reduitindice2d) EQ 0 then reduitindice2d = lindgen(nx, ny) zu = composanteu zv = composantev norme = normevecteur taille = size(indice2d) nxgd = taille[1] nygd = taille[2] ; msk = replicate(1, nx, ny) if keyword_set(missing) then terre = where(abs(zu) GE missing/10) ELSE terre = -1 if terre[0] NE -1 then BEGIN msk[terre] = 0 zu[terre] = 0 zv[terre] = 0 norme[terre] = 0 ENDIF ; ; Stage 1: ; ; Given that the directions and the sense that the vector has on the sphere, ; we have to try to determinate this direction and the sense that the vector ; will have on the screen once it will have been projected. ; ; In theory: on the sphere, a vector in a given point has for direction the ; tangent at the circle passing by the center of the Earth and by the vector. ; So, find the direction once the projection is done, it is find the tangent ; to the curve representing the projection of the circle on the 2d plan at the ; point representing the projection of the starting point of the sphere on the ; 2d plan. ; ; In practice we do no know the definition of the curve given by the projection ; of a circle so find its tangente in a point... ; ; What we do: ; In a 3d cartesian reference, ; a) We find coordinates of the point T (starting of the arrow) situed ; on the sphere. ; b) To each point T, we determine local directions defined by the grid ; on this point and on which coordinates (u,v) of the vector refer to. ; These local directions are defined by gradients of glam and gphi. Once ; we have obtain these directions, we consider them like orthogonal and ; by norming them, we build an orthonormal reference (nu,nv) on which ; coordinates (u,v) of the vector refer to. In the starting 3d cartesian ; reference, the vector is defined by: ; V=u*nu+v*nv ; (where V, nu and nv are 3d vectors and u and v are scalars). ; c) To approximate the tangente to the circle by the chord defined by ; the beginning and the ending of the arrow, we will normalize V, and ; then divide it by 100. ; d) This allows us to determine coordinates of extremities of the chord ; in the 3d cartesian reference. We pass them in spherical coordinates in ; order to recuperate latitude and longitude position of these points on ; the sphere. ; e) We pass coordinates of these points in normalized coordinates, then ; in polar coordinates in order to find the angle and the direction they ; determine on the drawing. ; ; ; Stage 1, a) ; ; ; coordinates of the point T (beginning of the arrow) in spherical coordinates. glam = glamt[indice2d[reduitindice2d]] gphi = gphit[indice2d[reduitindice2d]] ; ; Coordinates of the point T (beginning of the arrow) in the cartesian reference. ; For the sphere, we use a sphere with a radius of 1. ; radius = replicate(1,nx*ny) coord_sphe = transpose([ [glam[*]], [gphi[*]], [radius[*]] ]) r = cv_coord(from_sphere=coord_sphe,/to_rect,/degrees) ; x0 = reform(r[0, *], nx, ny) y0 = reform(r[1, *], nx, ny) z0 = reform(r[2, *], nx, ny) ; ; Stage 1, b) ; ; Construction of a vector nu (resp. nv), vectr normed carried by the axis of ; points u[i,j] and u[i-1,j] (resp v[i,j] and v[i,j-1]) which define, for each ; point on the sphere, local directions associated with u and v. These vectors ; define a local orthonormal reference. ; These vectors are built in a cartesian reference (cv_coord). We have choose a ; unity radius of the Earth (unit). ; ; definition of nu radius = replicate(1,nxgd*nygd) IF finite(glamu[0]*gphiu[0]) NE 0 THEN $ coord_sphe = transpose([ [(glamu[indice2d])[*]], [(gphiu[indice2d])[*]], [radius[*]] ]) $ ELSE coord_sphe = transpose([ [(glamf[indice2d])[*]], [(gphit[indice2d])[*]], [radius[*]] ]) r = cv_coord(from_sphere=coord_sphe,/to_rect,/degrees) ; coordinates of points of the grid u in cartesian. ux = reform(r[0, *], nxgd, nygd) uy = reform(r[1, *], nxgd, nygd) uz = reform(r[2, *], nxgd, nygd) ; calculation of nu nux = ux-shift(ux, 1, 0) nuy = uy-shift(uy, 1, 0) nuz = uz-shift(uz, 1, 0) ; conditions at extremities. if NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) OR nxgd NE jpi then begin nux[0, *] = nux[1, *] nuy[0, *] = nuy[1, *] nuz[0, *] = nuz[1, *] ENDIF ; reduction of the grid nux = nux[reduitindice2d] nuy = nuy[reduitindice2d] nuz = nuz[reduitindice2d] ; definition of nv IF finite(glamv[0]*gphiv[0]) NE 0 THEN $ coord_sphe = transpose([ [(glamv[indice2d])[*]], [(gphiv[indice2d])[*]], [radius[*]] ]) $ ELSE coord_sphe = transpose([ [(glamt[indice2d])[*]], [(gphif[indice2d])[*]], [radius[*]] ]) r = cv_coord(from_sphere=coord_sphe,/to_rect,/degrees) ; coordinates of points of the grid in cartesian. vx = reform(r[0, *], nxgd, nygd) vy = reform(r[1, *], nxgd, nygd) vz = reform(r[2, *], nxgd, nygd) ; calcul of nv nvx = vx-shift(vx, 0, 1) nvy = vy-shift(vy, 0, 1) nvz = vz-shift(vz, 0, 1) ; conditions at extremities nvx[*, 0] = nvx[*, 1] nvy[*, 0] = nvy[*, 1] nvz[*, 0] = nvz[*, 1] ; reduction of the grid nvx = nvx[reduitindice2d] nvy = nvy[reduitindice2d] nvz = nvz[reduitindice2d] ; ; normalization ; normalise, nux, nuy, nuz normalise, nvx, nvy, nvz ; ; Stage 1, c) ; ; coordinates of the vector V in the cartesian reference ; direcx = zu*nux + zv*nvx direcy = zu*nuy + zv*nvy direcz = zu*nuz + zv*nvz ; normalization of the vector V normalise, direcx, direcy, direcz ; on divide by 100 direcx = direcx/100. direcy = direcy/100. direcz = direcz/100. ; ; Stege 1, d) ; coordinates of the point of the arrow in the cartesian reference. x1 = x0 + direcx y1 = y0 + direcy z1 = z0 + direcz ; coordinates of the point of the arrow in spherical coordinates. coord_rect = transpose([ [x1[*]], [y1[*]], [z1[*]] ]) r = cv_coord(from_rect=coord_rect,/to_sphere,/degrees) glam1 = reform(r[0, *], nx, ny) gphi1 = reform(r[1, *], nx, ny) ; ; modification of glams. Everything take place at the level of the line ; of changing of date... BEWARE, do not cut arrow which goes out of the ; window! ; test: If it goes out of the frame, but, thanks to +/- 360° it come in, ; we modify it ; ind = where(glam1 LT !x.range[0] AND glam1+360. LE !x.range[1]) if ind[0] NE -1 then glam1[ind] = glam1[ind]+360. ind = where(glam1 GT !x.range[1] AND glam1-360. GE !x.range[0]) if ind[0] NE -1 then glam1[ind] = glam1[ind]-360. ind = where(glam LT !x.range[0] AND glam+360. LE !x.range[1]) if ind[0] NE -1 then glam[ind] = glam[ind]+360. ind = where(glam GT !x.range[1] AND glam-360. GE !x.range[0]) if ind[0] NE -1 then glam[ind] = glam[ind]-360. ; ; ; Stage 1, e) ; r = convert_coord(glam,gphi,/data,/to_normal) x0 = r[0, *] ; normal coordinates of the beginning of the array. y0 = r[1, *] ; r = convert_coord(glam1,gphi1,/data,/to_normal) x1 = r[0, *] ; normal coordinates of the ending of the array (Before scaling). y1 = r[1, *] ; ; ; tests to avoid that arrows be drawing out of the domain. ; out = where(x0 LT !p.position[0] OR x0 GT !p.position[2] $ OR y0 LT !p.position[1] OR y0 GT !p.position[3]) if out[0] NE -1 THEN x0[out] = !values.f_nan ; ; Following projections, there may are points at NaN when we pass in normal coordinates. ; We delete these points. ; nan = finite(x0*y0*x1*y1) number = where(nan EQ 1) x0 = x0[number] & x1 = x1[number] y0 = y0[number] & y1 = y1[number] msk = msk[number] norme = norme[number] ; ; We define the vector direction in the normalize reference. ; dirx = x1-x0 diry = y1-y0 ; ;We pass in polar coordinates to recuperate the angle which wasb the goal of all the first stage!!! ; dirpol = cv_coord(from_rect = transpose([ [dirx[*]], [diry[*]] ]), /to_polar) dirpol = msk*dirpol[0, *] ; ; Stage 2 ; ; Now we take care of the norme... ; ; Automatic putting at the scale ; if NOT keyword_set(cmref) then BEGIN mipgsz = min(page_size, max = mapgsz) sizexfeuille = mipgsz*key_portrait+mapgsz*(1-key_portrait) sizexfeuille = 10.*sizexfeuille cmref = 5 > floor(sizexfeuille/10.) < 15 cmref = cmref/10. ENDIF if NOT keyword_set(normeref) then BEGIN value = max(norme) puissance10 = 10.^floor(alog10(value)) normeref = puissance10*floor(value/puissance10) endif cm = 1.*normeref/cmref ; ; We modify the array norme to an element having the value cm be represented ; by a trait of lenght 1 cm on the paper. Norme contain the norme of vectors ; we want to draw. ; norme = 1/(1.*cm)*norme*cv_cm2normal(dirpol) ; ; ; Stage 3 ; Now that we have the angle and the norme, we recuperate coordinates in ; rectangular and we draw arrows. ; r = cv_coord(from_polar = transpose([ [dirpol[*]], [norme[*]] ]), /to_rect) composantex = r[0, *] composantey = r[1, *] ; x1 = x0+composantex y1 = y0+composantey ; ; Drawing ; if NOT KEYWORD_SET(vectcolor) then vectcolor = 0 points = where(msk EQ 1) IF points[0] NE -1 THEN arrow, x0[points], y0[points], x1[points], y1[points], /norm $ , hsize = -.2, COLOR = vectcolor, THICK = vectthick ; ; Draw an arrow at the right bottom of the drawing as a caption. ; if NOT keyword_set(novectref) then BEGIN dx = cmref*cv_cm2normal(0) ; Length of the vector of reference in normalzed coordinates. if keyword_set(vectrefformat) then $ normelegende = strtrim(string(normeref, format = vectrefformat), 1)+' ' $ ELSE normelegende = strtrim(normeref, 1)+' ' ; if keyword_set(vectrefpos) then begin r = convert_coord(vectrefpos,/data, /to_normal) x0 = r[0] y0 = r[1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN x0 = !x.window[1]-dx r = convert_coord(!d.x_ch_size, !d.y_ch_size, /device, /to_normal) dy = 3*r[1]*!p.charsize y0 = !y.window[0]-dy ENDELSE arrow, x0, y0, x0+dx, y0, /norm, hsize = -.2, color = 0 xyouts, x0, y0, normelegende, /norm, align = 1, charsize = !p.charsize, color = 0 endif ; ; if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'temps vecteur', systime(1)-tempsun ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ return END