;+ ; ; @file_comments ; see Mini Guide for Basic Commands in the XXX Program ; ; @categories ; ; @param EVENT ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- ; PRO xxx_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = '') ; What is the type of event ? ; if event.id EQ 622 then help, event, /struct widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue=uval if (tag_names(event, /structure_name))[0] EQ 'WIDGET_TRACKING' then uval = {name:'ActiverFenetre'} if keyword_set(uval) EQ 0 then return ;help, event, /struct ;help, uval , /struct ; case on the type of event widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = top_uvalue ; If we activate the keyword separate at the call of xxx if size(top_uvalue, /type) EQ 3 then begin event.top = top_uvalue widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue = top_uvalue endif ; we delete the small widget created by notice.pro if it exists noticebase = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'noticebase') if noticebase NE 0 then BEGIN widget_control, noticebase, /destroy *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'noticebase')] = 0l endif ; options = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'options') case uval.name OF 'menubar':xxxmenubar_event, event 'ok':nouveaudessin = 1 'specifie': 'action': 'calendar1':BEGIN date2id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'calendar2') widget_control, date2id, get_value = date2 if event.value GT date2 then widget_control, date2id, set_value = event.value END 'calendar2':BEGIN date1id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'calendar1') widget_control, date1id, get_value = date1 if event.value LT date1 then widget_control, date1id, set_value = event.value END 'domain': 'varlist':BEGIN currentfile = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'currentfile') listvar = (*(extractatt(top_uvalue, 'fileparameters'))[currentfile]).listvar name = listvar[event.index] changefield, event.top, name END 'txtcmd': 'filelist':BEGIN changefile, event.top, event.index END 'ActiverFenetre':BEGIN if event.enter EQ 1 AND !d.name NE 'PS' then BEGIN ; graphid = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'graph') graphid = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'graphid') widget_control,graphid,get_value=win wset, win widget_control,event.top,get_uvalue=top_uvalue numdessinin = (extractatt(top_uvalue, 'smallin'))[2]-1 !p = (extractatt(top_uvalue, 'penvs'))[numdessinin] !x = (extractatt(top_uvalue, 'xenvs'))[numdessinin] !y = (extractatt(top_uvalue, 'yenvs'))[numdessinin] endif END 'graph':BEGIN quelclick = identifyclick(event) case quelclick.type of 'inutile':return 'long':longclickaction, event 'single':singleclickaction, event 'double':doubleclickaction, event endcase END endcase if keyword_set(nouveaudessin) then letsdraw, event.top return end ; ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; A maximum of possibilities with a minimum of clics ; ; @categories ; Widget ; ; @param DATAFILENAME ; ; @param IDLFILE ; ; @param ARGSPRO ; ; @keyword SEPARATE ; To separate the button part and the drawing part in 2 windows. ; Useful for small screens, but be careful to do not saturate the ; video memory of some antiquated Tx. ; ; @keyword RESTORE ; 'toto.dat' or toto.dat is a file created at the time of a precedent ; use of xxx thanks to the command "Widget" of the menu "save as". ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @keyword CALLERWIDID ; ; @keyword REDRAW ; ; ; @keyword SEPARATE ; ; ; @keyword UVALUE ; The user value to be associated with the widget. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo ; seb: documenter le reste des keywords ; ;- ; PRO xxx, datafilename, idlfile, argspro, CALLERWIDID = CallerWidId $ , REDRAW = redraw, SEPARATE = separate, UVALUE = uvalue $ , RESTORE = restore, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @all_cm ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; reinitialize the !p, !x, !y, !z variables ;------------------------------------------------------------ reinitplt ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; we get back the uvalue of the widget that called xxx to create a new widget if keyword_set(restore) then BEGIN restore = isafile(filename = restore, iodir = homedir, _extra = ex) if size(restore, /type) NE 7 then restore = 0 ELSE BEGIN restore, isafile(file = restore, iodir = homedir, _extra = ex) newgrid = *(extractatt(uvalue, 'meshparameters'))[0] change = changegrid(newgrid) ENDELSE endif if n_elements(CallerWidId) NE 0 THEN $ widget_control, CallerWidId, get_uvalue = uvalue ELSE CallerWidId = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; list of files we want to look at ; if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN currentfile = extractatt(uvalue, 'currentfile') filelist = extractatt(uvalue, 'filelist') fileparameters = extractatt(uvalue, 'fileparameters') readparameters = extractatt(uvalue, 'readparameters') meshparameters = extractatt(uvalue, 'meshparameters') ENDIF ELSE BEGIN newfile = selectfile(datafilename, idlfile, argspro, _extra = ex) if size(newfile, /type) NE 8 then return fileparameters = ptrarr(1, /allocate_heap) *fileparameters[0] = newfile.fileparameters readparameters = ptrarr(1, /allocate_heap) *readparameters[0] = newfile.readparameters meshparameters = ptrarr(1, /allocate_heap) *meshparameters[0] = newfile.meshparameters currentfile = 0 filelist = newfile.fileparameters.filename ENDELSE ; if keyword_set(uvalue) THEN BEGIN smallin = extractatt(uvalue, 'smallin') smallout = extractatt(uvalue, 'smallout') ENDIF ELSE BEGIN smallin = [1, 1, 1] smallout = [1, 1, 1] ENDELSE nbredessin = smallin[0]*smallin[1] numdessinin = smallin[2]-1 ; warning flg definition must be consistent with cw_pdmenu argument ; see also flag definition in cw_pagelayout if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN flag = extractatt(uvalue, 'optionsflag') key_portrait = flag[0, numdessinin] ENDIF ELSE flag = [key_portrait, 0, 0, 0, 0]#replicate(1, nbredessin) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; We start the widget definition ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; widget and screen size scrsize = get_screen_size()*0.95 windsize = givewindowsize() xxxsize = [windsize[0] * (1-keyword_set(separate)) + 350, windsize[1]] ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; The top base ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF xxxsize[0] LE scrsize[0] AND xxxsize[1] LE scrsize[1] THEN BEGIN base = widget_base(title = 'xxx', GROUP_LEADER = group, /tracking_events $ , uname = 'base', space = 0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN base = widget_base(title = 'xxx', GROUP_LEADER = group, /tracking_events $ , uname = 'base', space = 0 $ , xsize = xxxsize[0], ysize = xxxsize[1] $ , x_scroll_size = (xxxsize[0] < scrsize[0]) $ , y_scroll_size = (xxxsize[1] < scrsize[1])) ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; combobox for plots choice ;------------------------------------------------------------ xoff = 0 yoff = 0 pltlst = ['plt', 'pltv' $ , 'pltz', 'pltz diag up', 'pltz diag dn' $ , 'pltt', 'pltt diag up', 'pltt diag dn' $ , 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'xt', 'yt', 'zt' $ , 'x', 'y', 'z', 't'] actid = widget_combobox(base, value = pltlst, uname = 'action', uvalue = {name:'action'} $ , xoffset = xoff+5, yoffset = yoff+4, xsize = 90) if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN selectact = (extractatt(uvalue, 'types'))[numdessinin] selectact = (where(pltlst EQ selectact))[0] widget_control, actid, set_combobox_select = 0 > selectact ENDIF ELSE selectfile = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; menu/options ;------------------------------------------------------------ xoff = xoff + 110 if keyword_set(uvalue) then begin options = extractatt(uvalue, 'options') ENDIF ELSE options = ['Portrait/Landscape', 'Overlay', 'Vecteur' $ , 'Longitude / x index', 'Latitude / y index'] desc = [ '1\File', $ '0\Open' , $ '0\New xxx' , $ '2\Quit', $ '1\Save as' , $ '0\PostScript' , $ '0\Animated gif' , $ '0\Gif' , $ '0\IDL procedure', $ '0\RESTORE kwd of xxx', $ '2\Print to prompt', $ '1\Flag options'] descsuite = options if n_elements(descsuite) GE 2 then $ descsuite[0:n_elements(descsuite)-2] = '0\'+descsuite[0:n_elements(descsuite)-2] descsuite[n_elements(descsuite)-1] = '2\'+descsuite[n_elements(descsuite)-1] desc = [desc, descsuite] ; menu = cw_pdmenu(base, desc, /RETURN_NAME, uname = 'menubar', uvalue = {name:'menubar'} $ , xoffset = xoff, yoffset = yoff) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Ok button ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 37 xoff = 5 ; button 'OK' baseok = widget_button(base, value = ' OK ', uvalue = {name:'ok'}, uname = 'ok button' $ , /frame, xoffset = xoff, yoffset = yoff) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Page Layout ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; page layout xoff = xoff + 65 dummyid = cw_pagelayout(base, smallin, /row, /frame, xoffset = xoff, yoffset = yoff) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; List of Variables ;------------------------------------------------------------ xoff = xoff + 140 currentlistvar = (*fileparameters[currentfile]).listvar vlstid = widget_combobox(base, value = currentlistvar, uvalue = {name:'varlist'} $ , uname = 'varlist', xoffset = xoff, yoffset = yoff+1) if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN selectvar = (extractatt(uvalue, 'varinfo'))[1, numdessinin] selectvar = (where(currentlistvar EQ selectvar))[0] widget_control, vlstid, set_combobox_select = 0 > selectvar ENDIF ELSE selectvar = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; List of files ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 35 flstid = widget_combobox(base, value = file_basename(filelist), uname = 'filelist' $ , xsize = 345, yoffset = yoff, uvalue = {name:'filelist'}) if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN selectfile = (extractatt(uvalue, 'varinfo'))[0, numdessinin] selectfile = (where(file_basename(filelist) EQ selectfile))[0] widget_control, flstid, set_combobox_select = 0 > selectfile ENDIF ELSE selectfile = 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Text for computation ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 32 ; computation done on the files... if keyword_set(uvalue) then txtvalue = (extractatt(uvalue, 'txtcmd'))[numdessinin] $ ELSE txtvalue = '"' + varexp + '"' dummyid = widget_text(base, value = txtvalue, uvalue = {name:'txtcmd'}, uname = 'txtcmd' $ , /editable, yoffset = yoff, xsize = 54, /frame) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Calendar ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 40 currentcalendar = (*fileparameters[currentfile]).time_counter key_caltype = (*fileparameters[currentfile]).caltype fakecal = (*fileparameters[currentfile]).fakecal if keyword_set(uvalue) then begin dates = (extractatt(uvalue, 'dates'))[*, numdessinin] date1 = date2jul(dates[0]) date2 = date2jul(dates[1]) ENDIF basecalid = widget_base(base, column = 2, space = 0, yoffset = yoff, uname = 'basecal') dummyid = cw_calendar(basecalid, currentcalendar, date1, FAKECAL = fakecal, uname = 'calendar1', uvalue = {name:'calendar1'}, /frame) dummyid = cw_calendar(basecalid, currentcalendar, date2, FAKECAL = fakecal, uname = 'calendar2', uvalue = {name:'calendar2'}, /frame) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Domain ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 60 vargrid = strupcase((*fileparameters[currentfile]).listgrid[selectvar]) IF vargrid EQ 'W' then zgrid = 'W' ELSE zgrid = 'T' if keyword_set(uvalue) then boxzoom = (extractatt(uvalue, 'domaines'))[*, numdessinin] dummyid = cw_domain(base, uname = 'domain', uvalue = {name:'domain'}, /unzoom, /frame $ , boxzoom = boxzoom, yoffset = yoff, xoffset = 15) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Plots specifications ;------------------------------------------------------------ yoff = yoff + 230 speid = cw_specifie(base, uname = 'specifie', uvalue = {name:'specifie'}, /frame, /column $ , /forxxx, yoffset = yoff) if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN exextra = *((extractatt(uvalue, 'exextra'))[numdessinin]) IF n_elements(exextra) NE 0 THEN widget_control, speid, set_value = exextra ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; drawing part ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(separate) then $ basegraph = widget_base(title = 'xxx window', group_leader = base, uvalue = base) $ ELSE basegraph = base graphid = widget_draw(basegraph, uname = 'graph', /button_events, retain = 2 $ , uvalue = {name:'graph', press:0, click:0, x:[0., 0.], y:[0., 0.]} $ , xoffset = 350*(1-keyword_set(separate)) $ , xsize = windsize[0], ysize = windsize[1]); , tooltip = 'toto') ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; realize the widget ;------------------------------------------------------------ widget_control, base, /realize if keyword_set(separate) then begin widget_control, basegraph, /realize xmanager, 'xxx', basegraph, /no_block endif ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(uvalue) then BEGIN ; ; We recopy the pointer uvalue in top_uvalue. ; Beware, we have to redefine completely top_value from variables ; pointed by uvalue. Otherwise, if we simply do top_value = uvalue, ; when we delete by uvalue and variables on which it point, we ; also delete variables on which point top_value. case 1 of keyword_set(redraw):BEGIN top_uvalue = uvalue widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue ; we find homedir homedir = isadirectory(io = homedir, title = 'Bad definition of homedir') ; We recuperae the list of instructions globalcommand = extractatt(top_uvalue, 'globalcommand') ; We complete by first and last lines of the program createpro, globalcommand, filename = myuniquetmpdir + 'xxx2ps.pro' $ , KWDLIST = ', NOERASE = noerase, POSTSCRIPT = postscript' $ +', PORTRAIT = portrait, LANDSCAPE = landscape' $ , /noerase END keyword_set(restore):begin top_uvalue = uvalue widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue widget_control, graphid, get_value = win wshow, win wset, win tv, image, /true ; widgets's state updatewidget, base ; END ELSE:BEGIN top_uvalue = ptrarr(2, 29, /allocate_heap) FOR i = 0, 28 do *top_uvalue[0, i] = *uvalue[0, i] FOR i = 0, 14 do *top_uvalue[1, i] = *uvalue[1, i] FOR i = 18, 27 do *top_uvalue[1, i] = *uvalue[1, i] numfile = n_elements(extractatt(uvalue, 'filelist')) *top_uvalue[1, 15] = ptrarr(numfile, /allocate_heap) *top_uvalue[1, 16] = ptrarr(numfile, /allocate_heap) *top_uvalue[1, 17] = ptrarr(numfile, /allocate_heap) for i = 0, numfile-1 do begin *(*top_uvalue[1, 15])[i] = *(*uvalue[1, 15])[i] *(*top_uvalue[1, 16])[i] = *(*uvalue[1, 16])[i] *(*top_uvalue[1, 17])[i] = *(*uvalue[1, 17])[i] endfor *top_uvalue[1, 28] = ptrarr(nbredessin, /allocate_heap) for i = 0, nbredessin-1 do *(*top_uvalue[1, 28])[i] = *(*uvalue[1, 28])[i] widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue ; Copy the screen of the widget of uvalue in top_value's one if keyword_set(CallerWidId) then begin widget_control, extractatt(uvalue, 'graphid'), get_value = win wshow, win wset, win image = tvrd(/true) widget_control, graphid, get_value = win wshow, win wset, win tv, image, /true ENDIF END endcase *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'graphid')] = graphid ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Otherwise we will define all elements we will hook at the widget ; thanks to the top_value which is a pointer array with 2 ; columns: names and variables. ; We initialize all these elements. ; Variables concerning the widget in its generality. if NOT keyword_set(ex) then ex = {nothing:0} ; variables se rapportant aux differents fichiers que l''on peut lire ; variables specifiques a chaque dessin ; ; creation of the pointer we will hook at the widget. top_uvalue = ptrarr(2, 29, /allocate_heap) ; variables refering to the widget *top_uvalue[0, 0] = 'options' & *top_uvalue[1, 0] = options *top_uvalue[0, 1] = 'smallin' & *top_uvalue[1, 1] = smallin *top_uvalue[0, 2] = 'smallout' & *top_uvalue[1, 2] = smallout *top_uvalue[0, 3] = 'graphid' & *top_uvalue[1, 3] = graphid *top_uvalue[0, 4] = 'alreadyvector' & *top_uvalue[1, 4] = -1 *top_uvalue[0, 5] = 'alreadyover' & *top_uvalue[1, 5] = -1 *top_uvalue[0, 6] = 'alreadyread' & *top_uvalue[1, 6] = -1 *top_uvalue[0, 7] = 'currentreadcmd' & *top_uvalue[1, 7] = '' *top_uvalue[0, 8] = 'globalcommand' & *top_uvalue[1, 8] = '' *top_uvalue[0, 9] = 'globaloldcommand' & *top_uvalue[1, 9] = '' *top_uvalue[0, 10] = 'no more used' & *top_uvalue[1, 10] = 9999 *top_uvalue[0, 11] = 'noticebase' & *top_uvalue[1, 11] = 0l *top_uvalue[0, 12] = 'extra' & *top_uvalue[1, 12] = ex ; variables refering to different files we can read *top_uvalue[0, 13] = 'currentfile' & *top_uvalue[1, 13] = currentfile *top_uvalue[0, 14] = 'filelist' & *top_uvalue[1, 14] = filelist *top_uvalue[0, 15] = 'fileparameters' & *top_uvalue[1, 15] = fileparameters *top_uvalue[0, 16] = 'readparameters' & *top_uvalue[1, 16] = readparameters *top_uvalue[0, 17] = 'meshparameters' & *top_uvalue[1, 17] = meshparameters ; variables refering to different drawing we can do *top_uvalue[0, 18] = 'penvs' & *top_uvalue[1, 18] = replicate(!p, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 19] = 'xenvs' & *top_uvalue[1, 19] = replicate(!x, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 20] = 'yenvs' & *top_uvalue[1, 20] = replicate(!y, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 21] = 'nameprocedures' & *top_uvalue[1, 21] = strarr(nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 22] = 'types' & *top_uvalue[1, 22] = strarr(nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 23] = 'varinfo' & *top_uvalue[1, 23] = strarr(2, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 24] = 'domaines' & *top_uvalue[1, 24] = fltarr(6, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 25] = 'dates' & *top_uvalue[1, 25] = lonarr(2, nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 26] = 'txtcmd' & *top_uvalue[1, 26] = strarr(nbredessin) *top_uvalue[0, 27] = 'optionsflag' & *top_uvalue[1, 27] = flag *top_uvalue[0, 28] = 'exextra' & *top_uvalue[1, 28] = ptrarr(nbredessin, /allocate_heap) ; widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue createhistory, base, smallin ; ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------ xmanager, 'xxx', base, /no_block ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ return end