;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Allows to read an array or a structure corresponding to a field. ; If we have in input: ; -an array, litchamp send back the array. ; -a structure, litchamp send back the first element of the structure ; which must be the field in an array. ; Litchamp profit of this to look other elements of the structure et ; update if needed global variables which refer to the field: ; vargrid, varname, varunit, vardate, varexp , valmask et time ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param STRUCT {in}{required}{type=array or struct}{type=array or structure} ; If STRUCT is a structure, it must follow following rules: ; -the first element is the array containing the field. ; -other elements are strings containing informations on the field except ; for the one about the date. This one can be either a string to designate ; a particular date (ex: 'August 1999') or a vector of julian days (of IDL) ; corresponding to the calendar to be associated with the field if it is a ; temporal series. ; -the order of elements (except the first) has not any importance. ; -the other elements (except the first) are optional. ; -they are recognize by the first letter of their names: ; g to update vargrid ; u to update varunit ; e to update varexp ; d to update vardate ; n to update varname ; m to update valmask ; ; @keyword GRID ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'g' if it exist ; and '' if it does not. ; ; @keyword UNIT ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'u' if it exist ; and '' if it does not. ; ; @keyword EXP ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'u' if it exist ; and '' if it does not. ; ; @keyword DATE ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'd' if it exist ; and '' if it does not. ; ; @keyword NAME ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'n' if it exist ; and '' if it does not. ; ; @keyword LEVEL ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'l' if it exist ; and -1 if it does not. ; ; @keyword MASK ; We activate this keyword if we want litchamp to send back the variable ; associated with the element of the structure starting by 'm' if it exist ; and -1 if it does not. ; ; @returns ; It is the array containing the field. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; Update if needed global variables vargrid, ; varname, varunit, vardate, varexp, valmask and time. ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp ; T, , , 0, ; IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), u:'C', name:'toto'}) ; INT = Array[5] ; IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp ; T, toto, C, 0, ; IDL> help, litchamp({a:indgen(5), da:'1999'}) ; INT = Array[5] ; IDL> print, vargrid,', ', varname,', ', varunit,', ', vardate,', ', varexp ; T, toto, C, 1999, ; ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 28/5/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION litchamp, struct, GRID = grid, NAME = name, UNIT = unit, EXP = exp, DATE = date $ , LEVEL = level, MASK = mask ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; if size(struct, /type) ne 8 then BEGIN ; so contour is not a structure. if keyword_set(grid) then return, '' if keyword_set(name) then return, '' if keyword_set(unit) then return, '' if keyword_set(exp) then return, '' if keyword_set(date) then return, '' if keyword_set(level) then return, -1 if keyword_set(mask) then return, -1 return, struct ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF n_tags(struct) EQ 1 then BEGIN ; The structure has only one element. if keyword_set(grid) then return, '' if keyword_set(name) then return, '' if keyword_set(unit) then return, '' if keyword_set(exp) then return, '' if keyword_set(date) then return, '' if keyword_set(level) then return, -1 if keyword_set(mask) then return, -1 return, struct.(0) ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ nomelements = tag_names(struct) for i = 1, n_tags(struct)-1 do begin case strlowcase(strmid(nomelements[i], 0, 1)) of 'g':BEGIN if keyword_set(grid) then return, strupcase(struct.(i)) vargrid = strupcase(struct.(i)) END 'n':BEGIN if keyword_set(name) then return, struct.(i) varname = struct.(i) END 'u':BEGIN if keyword_set(unit) then return, struct.(i) varunit = struct.(i) END 'e':BEGIN if keyword_set(exp) then return, struct.(i) varexp = struct.(i) END 'm':BEGIN if keyword_set(mask) then return, struct.(i) valmask = struct.(i) END 'd':BEGIN if size(struct.(i),/type) EQ 7 THEN BEGIN vardate = struct.(i) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN time = struct.(i) jpt = n_elements(time) if jpt EQ 1 then vardate = strtrim(vairdate((struct.(i))[0]), 2)$ ELSE vardate = strtrim(vairdate((struct.(i))[0]), 2)+' - ' $ +strtrim(vairdate((struct.(i))[jpt-1]), 2) ENDELSE if keyword_set(date) then return, vardate END 'h':BEGIN computehopegrid, (struct.(i)).xaxis, (struct.(i)).yaxis $ , (struct.(i)).zaxis, (struct.(i)).linetype $ , FIRSTS = (struct.(i)).firsts, LASTS = (struct.(i)).lasts $ , FORTHEMASK = struct.(0), pttype = (struct.(i)).pttype END ELSE:BEGIN ras = report('Le nom '+nomelements[i]+' ne correspont a aucun element reconnu de la structure. cf. IDL> xhelp, ''litchamp''') end endcase endfor ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(grid) then return, '' if keyword_set(name) then return, '' if keyword_set(unit) then return, '' if keyword_set(exp) then return, '' if keyword_set(date) then return, '' if keyword_set(level) then return, -1 if keyword_set(mask) then return, -1 return, struct.(0) end