;+ ; ; @file_comments ; reading grads file (except "data type station" or "grib") ; from the grads control file even if there is multiple data files. ; ; @categories ; Reading ; ; @param VAR {in}{required} ; the variable name ; ; @param DATE1 {in}{required} ; date of the beginning (yyyymmdd if TIMESTEP is not activate) ; ; @param DATE2 {in}{optional} ; last date. Optional, if not specified date2=date1 ; ; @keyword FILENAME ; the grads control file name: 'xxxx.ctl' ; ; @keyword TIMESTEP ; to specify that the dates are time steps instead of true calendar. ; ;--------------- ; NOT yet available ;--------------- ; ; @keyword BOX {type=A 4 or 6 elements 1d array, [lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2, depth1, depth2]} ; It specifies the area where data must be read ; ; @keyword EVERYTHING ; ; @keyword NOSTRUCT ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @returns ; an array ; ; @uses ; common ; ; @restrictions ; define all the grid parameters (defined in common.pro) ; associated to the data. ; ; this function call the procedure scanfile that use the ; unix commands grep and sed ; ; @examples ; IDL> a=read_grads('sst',19900101,19900131,filename='outputs.ctl') ; IDL> plt, a ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION read_grads, var, date1, date2, FILENAME = filename, BOX=box, TIMESTEP = timestep, EVERYTHING = everything, NOSTRUCT = nostruct, _EXTRA = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data @cm_4cal IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; we find the filename. ;------------------------------------------------------------ filename = isafile(FILENAME = filename, IODIRECTORY = iodir, _EXTRA = ex) if size(filename, /type) NE 7 then $ return, report('read_ncdf cancelled') ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; we scan the control file called filename ;------------------------------------------------------------ scanctl, filename, filesname, jpt1file, varsname, varslev, swapbytes, bigendian, littleendian, f77sequential, fileheader, theader, xyheader, VARFMT = varfmt, _EXTRA = ex if n_elements(varfmt) EQ 0 then varfmt = 'float' ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; check date1 and date2 and found the starting index "t1" and the ; ending index "t2" that corresponds to the time series specified by ; date1 and date2 for the time axis defined in the .ctl file. ;------------------------ ;------------------------ if n_elements(date1) EQ 0 then begin t0 = 0 t1 = 0 ENDIF if n_elements(date2) EQ 0 then date2 = date1 if keyword_set(timestep) then BEGIN if date1 GT date2 then begin ras = report( 'date2 must be larger than date1') return, -1 endif t1 = 0 > long(date1) < (jpt-1) t2 = t1 > long(date2) < (jpt-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN jdate1 = date2jul(date1, /grads) < time[jpt-1] jdate2 = time[0] > date2jul(date2, /grads) if jdate1 GT jdate2 then begin ras = report('date2 must be larger than date1') return, -1 endif t1 = (where(time GE jdate1))[0] tmp = where(time LE jdate2, t2) t2 = t2-1 ENDELSE if t2 LT t1 then begin ras = report('There is no date between date1 and date2') return, -1 endif jpt2read = t2-t1+1 ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; index of the variable ;------------------------ ;------------------------ varid = where(strlowcase(varsname) EQ strlowcase(var)) varid = varid[0] if varid EQ -1 then begin ras = report(var+' not found in the variable list of '+filename) return, -1 ENDIF varname = var if varslev[varid] EQ 1 then res = fltarr(jpi, jpj, jpt2read, /nozero) $ ELSE res = fltarr(jpi, jpj, varslev[varid], jpt2read, /nozero) ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; find the first file to be read according to the file list, the ; number of time step in each file and t1 and t2 ;------------------------ ;------------------------ indf2read = t1/jpt1file startread = t1-indf2read*jpt1file alreadyread = 0 readagain: jpt2read1file = min([jpt1file-startread, jpt2read]) f2read = filesname[indf2read] ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; opening ;------------------------ ;------------------------; ; check the existence of the file f2read = isafile(filename = f2read, iodirectory = iodir, _EXTRA = ex) ; if the file is stored on tape if !version.os_family EQ 'unix' then spawn, 'file '+f2read+' > /dev/null' ; open the file openr, unit, f2read, /get_lun, error=err $ , swap_if_little_endian = bigendian $ , swap_if_big_endian = littleendian $ , swap_endian = swapbytes if err ne 0 then begin ras = report(!err_string) return, -1 endif ;------------------------ case varfmt of 'byte':fmtsz = 1l 'uint':fmtsz = 2l 'int':fmtsz = 2l 'long':fmtsz = 4l 'float':fmtsz = 4l endcase ;------------------------ ; check its size addf77sec = long(4*2*f77sequential) xyblocsize = xyheader + addf77sec*(xyheader NE 0) + jpi*jpj*fmtsz +addf77sec nxybloc = long(total(varslev)) filesize = (fileheader + addf77sec*(fileheader NE 0)) $ +(theader+addf77sec*(theader NE 0) + nxybloc*xyblocsize)*jpt1file infof2read=fstat(unit) if infof2read.size NE filesize then begin ras = report('According to '+filename+' the file size must be '+strtrim(filesize, 1)+' instead of '+strtrim(infof2read.size, 1)) ras = report( 'jpi: '+strtrim(jpi, 2)) ras = report( 'jpj: '+strtrim(jpj, 2)) ras = report( 'jpt: '+strtrim(jpt, 2)) ras = report( 'format size in byte: '+strtrim(fmtsz, 2)) ras = report( 'number of xy arrays: '+strtrim(nxybloc, 2)) return, -1 endif ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; reading ;------------------------ ;------------------------; ;------------------------; ; loop on the time steps to be read in one file for i = 0, jpt2read1file-1 do begin ; computing the offset offset = (fileheader + addf77sec*(fileheader NE 0)) $ +(theader+addf77sec*(theader NE 0) + nxybloc*xyblocsize)*(startread+i) $ +theader+addf77sec*(theader NE 0) if varid NE 0 THEN $ offset = offset + long(total(varslev[0:varid-1]))*xyblocsize ; if there is only one level IF varslev[varid] EQ 1 then begin case varfmt of 'byte':a=assoc(unit, bytarr(jpi,jpj,/nozero), offset+4*f77sequential) 'uint':a=assoc(unit,uintarr(jpi,jpj,/nozero), offset+4*f77sequential) 'int':a=assoc(unit, intarr(jpi,jpj,/nozero), offset+4*f77sequential) 'long':a=assoc(unit, lonarr(jpi,jpj,/nozero), offset+4*f77sequential) 'float':a=assoc(unit,fltarr(jpi,jpj,/nozero), offset+4*f77sequential) endcase res[*, *, i+alreadyread]=a[0] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; more than 1 level to be read if f77sequential then BEGIN ; sequential access case varfmt of 'byte':a=assoc(unit, bytarr(jpi*jpj+8, varslev[varid],/nozero), offset) 'uint':a=assoc(unit,uintarr(jpi*jpj+4, varslev[varid],/nozero), offset) 'int':a=assoc(unit, intarr(jpi*jpj+4, varslev[varid],/nozero), offset) 'long':a=assoc(unit, lonarr(jpi*jpj+2, varslev[varid],/nozero), offset) 'float':a=assoc(unit,fltarr(jpi*jpj+2, varslev[varid],/nozero), offset) endcase tmp = a[0] case varfmt OF ; we cut the headers and tailers of f77 write 'byte': tmp = tmp[4:jpi*jpj+3, *] 'uint': tmp = tmp[2:jpi*jpj+1, *] 'int': tmp = tmp[2:jpi*jpj+1, *] 'long': tmp = tmp[1:jpi*jpj+0, *] 'float':tmp = tmp[1:jpi*jpj+0, *] endcase if keyword_set(key_zreverse) then res[*, *, *, i+alreadyread]=reverse(reform(tmp, jpi, jpj, varslev[varid], /over), 3) ELSE res[*, *, *, i+alreadyread]=reform(tmp, jpi, jpj, varslev[varid], /over) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; direct acces case varfmt of 'byte':a=assoc(unit, bytarr(jpi,jpj,varslev[varid],/nozero),offset) 'uint':a=assoc(unit,uintarr(jpi,jpj,varslev[varid],/nozero),offset) 'int':a=assoc(unit, intarr(jpi,jpj,varslev[varid],/nozero),offset) 'long':a=assoc(unit, lonarr(jpi,jpj,varslev[varid],/nozero),offset) 'float':a=assoc(unit,fltarr(jpi,jpj,varslev[varid],/nozero),offset) endcase if keyword_set(key_zreverse) then res[*, *, *, i+alreadyread]=reverse(a[0], 3) ELSE res[*, *, *, i+alreadyread]=a[0] ENDELSE ENDELSE endfor ;------------------------ ; close the file free_lun,unit close,unit ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; do we need to read a new file to complete the time series ? ;------------------------ ;------------------------ if jpt2read1file NE jpt2read then BEGIN indf2read = indf2read+1 startread = 0 alreadyread = alreadyread+jpt2read1file jpt2read = jpt2read-jpt2read1file GOTO, readagain ENDIF ;------------------------ ;------------------------ ; post processing ;------------------------ ;------------------------ if keyword_set(key_yreverse) then res = reverse(res, 2) if keyword_set(key_shift) then begin case (size(res))[0] of 2:res = shift(res, key_shift, 0) 3:res = shift(res, key_shift, 0, 0) 4:res = shift(res, key_shift, 0, 0, 0) endcase endif ;------------------------ ; mask ; IF varslev[varid] EQ 1 then begin ; if abs(valmask) LE 1e5 then notgood = where(res[*, *, 0] EQ valmask) $ ; ELSE notgood = where(abs(res[*, *, 0]) GE abs(valmask)/10) ; if notgood[0] NE -1 then tmask[notgood] = 0b ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; if abs(valmask) LE 1e5 then notgood = where(res[*, *, *, 0] EQ valmask) $ ; ELSE notgood = where(abs(res[*, *, *, 0]) GE abs(valmask)/10) ; if notgood[0] NE -1 then tmask[notgood] = 0b ; ENDELSE if abs(valmask) LE 1e5 then notgood = where(res EQ valmask) $ ELSE notgood = where(abs(res) GE abs(valmask)/10) if notgood[0] NE -1 THEN res[notgood] = !values.f_nan ; valmask = 1e20 ; if abs(valmask) LE 1e5 then notgood = where(res EQ valmask) $ ; ELSE notgood = where(abs(res) GE abs(valmask)/10) ; if notgood[0] NE -1 THEN res[notgood] = 1e20 ; valmask = 1e20 triangles_list = triangule() ;------------------------ ; subdomain extraction ;------------------------ ; time arguments ;------------------------ time = time[t1:t2] jpt = t2-t1+1 if keyword_set(timestep) then vardate = strtrim(time[0], 2) $ ELSE vardate = date2string(vairdate(time[0])) ;------------------------ @updateold ;------------------------ return, res end