;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Choose the best foreground and background colors for ; the current color maps and set !P appropriately. ; ; @returns ; 1 if the colors changed, 0 otherwise. r; ; @hidden ; ;- ; function xp_new_colors ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state res = 0 junk = CT_LUMINANCE(dark=dark_col, bright=bright_col) if (bright_col ne !p.color) then begin !p.color = bright_col res = 1 endif if (dark_col ne !p.background) then begin !p.background = dark_col res = 1 endif return, res end ;+ ; @hidden ;- pro xp_alert_caller ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state ErrorStatus = 0 CATCH, ErrorStatus if (ErrorStatus NE 0) then begin CATCH, /CANCEL v = DIALOG_MESSAGE(['Unexpected error in XPAL:', $ '!ERR_STRING = ' + !ERR_STRING], $ /ERROR) return endif if (STRLEN(state.updt_callback) gt 0) then begin if (PTR_VALID(state.p_updt_cb_data)) then begin CALL_PROCEDURE, state.updt_callback, DATA=*(state.p_updt_cb_data) endif else begin CALL_PROCEDURE, state.updt_callback endelse endif end ; XP_XLCTCALLBACK: For visuals with static colormaps, update the graphics ; after a change by XLOADCT. ;+ ; @hidden ;- pro xp_xlctcallback ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; if ((COLORMAP_APPLICABLE(redrawRequired) GT 0) and $ (redrawRequired GT 0)) then begin XP_REDRAW endif end ;+ ; @hidden ;- pro xp_redraw ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state junk = XP_NEW_COLORS() WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.colorsel, set_value=-1 XP_REPLOT, !p.color, 'F' ; Update the plots of RGB ; Let the caller of XPAL know that the color table was modified XP_ALERT_CALLER end ; XP_REPLOT: Re-draw the RGB plots. Type has the following possible values. ; - 'D': Draw the data part of all three plots ; - 'F': draw all three plots ; - 'R': Draw the data part of the Red plot ; - 'G': Draw the data part of the Green plot ; - 'B': Draw the data part of the Blue plot ;+ ; @param color_index ; ??? ; @param type ; ??? ; ; @hidden ;- pro xp_replot, color_index, type ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr common pscale, r_x_s, r_y_s, g_x_s, g_y_s, b_x_s, b_y_s ; Update the plots of RGB save_win = !D.WINDOW wset, state.plot_win save_p_region = !p.region save_x_margin = !x.margin save_y_margin = !y.margin save_x_s = !x.s save_y_s = !y.s save_x_type = !x.type save_y_type = !y.type !y.margin= [2, 2] !x.margin= [6, 2] if (type eq 'F') then begin !p.region = [0,.6667, 1, 1] plot,xstyle=2, ystyle=3, yrange=[0, 260], r_curr, title='Red' r_x_s = !x.s r_y_s = !y.s !p.region = [0,.333, 1, .6667] plot,/noerase, xstyle=2,ystyle=3, yrange=[0, 260], g_curr, title='Green' g_x_s = !x.s g_y_s = !y.s !p.region = [0,0, 1, .333] plot,/noerase, xstyle=2,ystyle=3, yrange=[0, 260], b_curr, title='Blue' b_x_s = !x.s b_y_s = !y.s endif else begin if ((type eq 'D') or (type eq 'R')) then begin !p.region = [0,.6667, 1, 1] !x.s = r_x_s !y.s = r_y_s oplot, r_curr, color=color_index endif if ((type eq 'D') or (type eq 'G')) then begin !p.region = [0,.333, 1, .6667] !x.s = g_x_s !y.s = g_y_s oplot, g_curr, color=color_index endif if ((type eq 'D') or (type eq 'B')) then begin !p.region = [0,0, 1, .333] !x.s = b_x_s !y.s = b_y_s oplot, b_curr, color=color_index endif endelse empty WSET, save_win !p.region = save_p_region !x.margin = save_x_margin !y.margin = save_y_margin !x.s = save_x_s !y.s = save_y_s !x.type = save_x_type !y.type = save_y_type end ; XP_CHANGE_COLOR: Change current color. Type has the following possible values. ; - 'R': Change the R part of the current color ; - 'G': ... ; - 'B': ... ;+ ; ; @param type ; ??? ; @param value ; ??? ; ; @hidden ;- pro xp_change_color, type, value ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr cur_idx = state.cur_idx XP_REPLOT, !p.background, type if (type eq 'R') then r_curr[cur_idx] = value; if (type eq 'G') then g_curr[cur_idx] = value; if (type eq 'B') then b_curr[cur_idx] = value; tvlct, r_curr[cur_idx], g_curr[cur_idx], b_curr[cur_idx], cur_idx if (XP_NEW_COLORS()) then begin ; Highlight the current position using the marker WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.colorsel, set_value=-1 ; Re-initialize XP_REPLOT, !p.color, 'F' endif else begin XP_REPLOT, !p.color, type endelse ; For visuals with static colormaps, update the graphics ; of the current color. if ((COLORMAP_APPLICABLE(redrawRequired) GT 0) and $ (redrawRequired GT 0)) then begin ; Mark new square tmp = !D.WINDOW wset, state.cur_color_win erase, color=state.cur_idx wset, tmp endif ; Let the caller of XPAL know that the color table was modified xp_alert_caller end ;+ ; @param event ; ??? ; @hidden ;- pro xp_button_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr ; NOTE: The value of these tags depend on the order of the buttons ; in the base. case (event.value) of ; DONE 0: begin empty r_orig = r_curr & g_orig = g_curr & b_orig = b_curr ;new orig color tbl WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, event.top !p = state.old_p end ; PREDEFINED 1: xlct, /silent, group=xpw.base, UPDATECALLBACK='XP_XLCTCALLBACK' ; HELP 2: XDisplayFile, FILEPATH("xpal.txt", subdir=['help', 'widget']), $ TITLE = "Xpal Help", GROUP = event.top, WIDTH = 55, HEIGHT = 16 ; REDRAW 3: XP_REDRAW ; SET MARK 4: begin state.mark_idx = state.cur_idx WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.mark_label, $ set_value=strcompress(state.mark_idx, /REMOVE) end ; SWITCH MARK 5 : if (state.mark_idx ne state.cur_idx) then begin tmp = state.mark_idx state.mark_idx = state.cur_idx state.cur_idx = tmp WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.colorsel, set_value=tmp WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.idx_label, $ set_value=strcompress(state.cur_idx, /REMOVE) WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.mark_label, $ set_value=strcompress(state.mark_idx, /REMOVE) endif ; COPY CURRENT 6 : begin do_copy: cur_idx = state.cur_idx if (state.mark_idx le cur_idx) then begin s = state.mark_idx e = cur_idx endif else begin s = cur_idx e = state.mark_idx endelse n = e-s+1 XP_REPLOT, !p.background, 'D' if (event.value eq 6) then begin r_curr[s:e] = r_curr[cur_idx] g_curr[s:e] = g_curr[cur_idx] b_curr[s:e] = b_curr[cur_idx] endif else begin ; Interpolate scale = findgen(n)/float(n-1) r_curr[s:e] = r_curr[s] + (fix(r_curr[e]) - fix(r_curr[s])) * scale g_curr[s:e] = g_curr[s] + (fix(g_curr[e]) - fix(g_curr[s])) * scale b_curr[s:e] = b_curr[s] + (fix(b_curr[e]) - fix(b_curr[s])) * scale endelse tvlct, r_curr[s:e], g_curr[s:e], b_curr[s:e], s if (XP_NEW_COLORS()) then begin WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.colorsel, SET_VALUE=-1 XP_REPLOT, !p.color, 'F' endif else begin XP_REPLOT, !p.color, 'D' endelse ; Let the caller of XPAL know that the color table was modified xp_alert_caller end 7: goto, do_copy 8: BEGIN COMMON basecommon, bas212, bas222, bas232 base = WIDGET_BASE(/COLUMN, /FRAME) bas1 = WIDGET_LABEL(base, value = 'Save') bas2 = WIDGET_BASE(base, /COLUMN) bas21 = WIDGET_BASE(bas2, /COLUMN) bas211 = WIDGET_LABEL(bas21, value = 'Palette Name : ') bas212 = WIDGET_TEXT(bas21, value = 'Noname', /editable) bas22 = WIDGET_BASE(bas2, /COLUMN) bas221 = WIDGET_LABEL(bas22, value = ' Overwrite palette number : ') bas222 = WIDGET_TEXT(bas22, value = '', /editable) bas23 = WIDGET_BASE(bas2, /COLUMN) bas231 = WIDGET_LABEL(bas23, value = 'file name : ') bas232 = WIDGET_TEXT(bas23, value = 'palette.tbl', /editable) bas3 = WIDGET_BASE(base, /ROW) ok = WIDGET_BUTTON(bas3, value = 'OK',$ /ALIGN_LEFT, /FRAME, UVALUE = 'ok') cancel = WIDGET_BUTTON(bas3, value = 'CANCEL',$ /ALIGN_RIGHT, /FRAME, UVALUE = 'cancel') WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE ; WIDGET_CONTROL, base, SET_UVALUE = drawID XMANAGER, 'xp_button_event', base END else: endcase end ;+ ; @hidden ; @param ev ; ??? ;- PRO xp_button_event_event, ev ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; COMMON basecommon, bas212, bas222, bas232 WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.id, GET_UVALUE = uval IF(TAG_NAMES(ev, /STRUCTURE_NAME) EQ 'WIDGET_BUTTON')$ THEN BEGIN CASE uval OF 'ok' :BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, bas212, GET_VALUE = palname WIDGET_CONTROL, bas222, GET_VALUE = over WIDGET_CONTROL, bas232, GET_VALUE = fichname if over[0] EQ '' then over = 255 ELSE over = long(over) newpalette,palname[0], OVER = over[0], file = fichname[0] WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.top, /DESTROY END 'cancel': WIDGET_CONTROL, ev.top, /DESTROY ENDCASE ENDIF END ;+ ; @param event ; ??? ; @hidden ;- pro xp_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr case (event.id) of xpw.button_base: XP_BUTTON_EVENT, event xpw.rgb_base: begin cur_idx = state.cur_idx if (event.r ne r_curr[cur_idx]) then XP_CHANGE_COLOR, "R", event.r if (event.g ne g_curr[cur_idx]) then XP_CHANGE_COLOR, "G", event.g if (event.b ne b_curr[cur_idx]) then XP_CHANGE_COLOR, "B", event.b end xpw.colorsel: begin cur_idx = state.cur_idx new_pos = event.value ne cur_idx ; Update the RBG sliders if (event.value ne cur_idx) then begin state.cur_idx = (cur_idx = event.value) WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.idx_label, $ set_value=strcompress(cur_idx, /REMOVE_ALL) ; Mark new square tmp = !D.WINDOW wset, state.cur_color_win erase, color=cur_idx wset, tmp WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.rgb_base, $ set_value=[r_curr[cur_idx], g_curr[cur_idx], b_curr[cur_idx]] endif end else: endcase END ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; like xpalette but shorter to write and, moreover, ; possess a hotkey save which (thanks to the newpalette routine) ; allows to save the routine that we have just done. Comment: when we ; press the predefined hotkey, it calls xlct instead of xloadct ; No explicit inputs. The current color table is used as a starting point. ; ; @categories ; Color, Widget ; ; @uses XP_COM: Private to this module. ; ; @restrictions ; XPAL uses two colors from the current color table as ; drawing foreground and background colors. These are used ; for the RGB plots on the left, and the current index marker on ; the right. This means that if the user set these two colors ; to the same value, the XPAL display could become unreadable ; (like writing on black paper with black ink). XPAL minimizes ; this possibility by noting changes to the color map and always ; using the brightest available color for the foreground color ; and the darkest for the background. Thus, the only way ; to make XPAL's display unreadable is to set the entire color ; map to a single color, which is highly unlikely. The only side ; effect of this policy is that you may notice XPAL redrawing ; the entire display after you've modified the current color. ; This simply means that the change has made XPAL pick new ; drawing colors. ; ; The new color tables are saved in the COLORS common and loaded ; to the display. ; ; @examples ; The XPAL widget has the following controls: ; ; Left: Three plots showing the current Red, Green, and Blue vectors. ; ; Center: A status region containing: ; 1) The total number of colors. ; 2) The current color. XPAL allows changing ; one color at a time. This color is known as ; the "current color" and is indicated in the ; color spectrum display with a special marker. ; 3) The current mark index. The mark is used to ; remember a color index. It is established by ; pressing the "Set Mark Button" while the current ; color index is the desired mark index. ; 4) The current color. The special marker used in ; color spectrum display prevents the user from seeing ; the color of the current index, but it is visible ; here. ; ; A panel of control buttons, which do the following when ; pressed: ; ; Done: Exits XPAL. ; ; Predefined: Starts XLOADCT to allow selection of one of the ; predefined color tables. ; ; Help: Supplies help information similar to this header. ; ; Redraw: Completely redraws the display using the current ; state of the color map. ; ; Set Mark: Set the value of the mark index to the ; current index. ; ; Switch Mark: Exchange the mark and the current index. ; ; Copy Current: Every color lying between the current ; index and the mark index (inclusive) is given ; the current color. ; ; Interpolate: The colors lying between the current ; index and the mark index are interpolated linearly ; to lie between the colors of two endpoints. ; save: Allows to save the palette which is currently ; on the screen. When we press this hotkey, there is a ; widget who appear and ask: ; 1) the name of the palette we want to save. ; 2) The number of the palette we may want to erase ; by the new palette. If there is not any number ; specified, the new palette is add to elders. ; 3) The name of the file containing palettes. ; Comment: May follow instructions gave by the prompter. ; ; ; Three sliders (R, G, and B) that allow the user to modify the ; current color. ; ; Right: A display which shows the current color map as a series of ; squares. Color index 0 is at the upper left. The color index ; increases monotonically by rows going left to right and top ; to bottom. The current color index is indicated by a special ; marker symbol. There are 4 ways to change the current color: ; 1) Press any mouse button while the mouse ; pointer is over the color map display. ; 2) Use the "By Index" slider to move to ; the desired color index. ; 3) Use the "Row" Slider to move the marker ; vertically. ; 4) Use the "Column" Slider to move the marker ; horizontally. ; ; @keyword GROUP ; The widget ID of the widget that calls xpal. When this ID is ; specified, a death of the caller results in a death of xpal ; ; @keyword BLOCK {default=1} ; Set this keyword to have XMANAGER block when this ; application is registered. By default the Xmanager ; keyword NO_BLOCK is set to 1 to provide access to the ; command line if active command line processing is available. ; Note that setting BLOCK for this application will cause ; all widget applications to block, not only this ; application. For more information see the NO_BLOCK keyword ; to XMANAGER. ; ; @keyword UPDATECALLBACK ; Set this keyword to a string containing the name of ; a user-supplied procedure that will be called when the color ; table is updated by XLOADCT. The procedure may optionally ; accept a keyword called DATA, which will be automatically ; set to the value specified by the optional UPDATECBDATA ; keyword. ; ; @keyword UPDATECBDATA ; Set this keyword to a value of any type. It will be ; passed via the DATA keyword to the user-supplied procedure ; specified via the UPDATECALLBACK keyword, if any. If the ; UPDATECBDATA keyword is not set the value accepted by the ; DATA keyword to the procedure specified by UPDATECALLBACK ; will be undefined. ; ; @history ; Adaptation of xpalette to add a save button by ; Grima Nicolas (nglod\@ipsl.jussieu.fr) and by Masson ; Sebastien (smlod\@ipsl.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- pro xpal, GROUP=group, BLOCK=block, UPDATECALLBACK=updt_cb_name, $ UPDATECBDATA=updt_cb_data ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; common xp_com, xpw, state common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr IF N_ELEMENTS(updt_cb_name) EQ 0 THEN updt_callback="" $ ELSE updt_callback=updt_cb_name IF N_ELEMENTS(updt_cb_data) GT 0 THEN p_updt_cb_data=PTR_NEW(updt_cb_data) $ ELSE p_updt_cb_data=PTR_NEW() xpw = { xp_widgets, base:0L, $ colorsel:0L, mark_label:0L, idx_label:0L, button_base:0L, rgb_base:0L} state = {old_p:!p, $ ; Original value of !P mark_idx:0, $ ; Current mark index cur_idx:0, $ ; Current index cur_color_win:0, $ ; Current Color draw window index plot_win:0, $ ; RGB plot draw window index updt_callback: updt_callback, $ ; user-defined callback (optional) p_updt_cb_data:p_updt_cb_data} ; data for callback (optional) if (XREGISTERED('XPAL')) then return ; Only one copy at a time IF N_ELEMENTS(block) EQ 0 THEN block=0 on_error,2 ;Return to caller if an error occurs nc = !d.table_size ;# of colors avail if nc eq 0 then message, "Device has static color tables. Can't modify." if (nc eq 2) then message, 'Unable to work with monochrome system.' state.old_p = !p ;Save !p !p.noclip = 1 ;No clipping !p.color = nc -1 ;Foreground color !p.font = 0 ;Hdw font save_win = !d.window ;Previous window IF N_ELEMENTS(r_orig) LE 0 THEN BEGIN ;If no common, use current colors TVLCT, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, /GET r_curr = r_orig b_curr = b_orig g_curr = g_orig ENDIF ; Create widgets xpw.base=WIDGET_BASE(title='Xpal', /ROW, space=30) ; This is a little tricky. Setting the managed attribute indicates ; our intention to put this app under the control of XMANAGER, and ; prevents our draw widgets from becoming candidates for becoming ; the default window on WSET, -1. XMANAGER sets this, but doing it here ; prevents our own WSETs at startup from having that problem. WIDGET_CONTROL, /MANAGED, xpw.base version = WIDGET_INFO(/VERSION) if (version.style='Motif') then junk=510 else junk = 580 plot_frame = WIDGET_DRAW(xpw.base, xsize=200, ysize=junk) c1 = WIDGET_BASE(xpw.base, /COLUMN, space=20) status = WIDGET_BASE(c1, /COLUMN, /FRAME) ncw = WIDGET_LABEL(WIDGET_BASE(status), /DYNAMIC_RESIZE) xpw.idx_label = CW_FIELD(status, title='Current Index: ', value='0', $ xsize=20, /STRING) xpw.mark_label = CW_FIELD(status, title='Mark Index: ', value='0', $ xsize=20, /STRING) c1_1 = widget_base(status, /ROW) junk = WIDGET_LABEL(c1_1, value="Current Color: ") cur_color = WIDGET_DRAW(c1_1, xsize = 125, ysize=50, /frame) names = [ 'Done', 'Predefined', 'Help', 'Redraw', 'Set Mark', $ 'Switch Mark', 'Copy Current', 'Interpolate', 'save'] xpw.button_base = CW_BGROUP(c1, names, COLUMN=3, /FRAME) xpw.rgb_base = CW_RGBSLIDER(c1, /FRAME, /DRAG) junk = WIDGET_BASE(xpw.base) ; Responds to YOFFSET if (version.style='Motif') then junk2=30 else junk2 = 50 xpw.colorsel = CW_COLORSEL(junk, yoffset=junk2) state.cur_idx = 0 state.mark_idx = 0 ; Position RGB slider appropriately WIDGET_CONTROL, xpw.rgb_base, SET_VALUE=[r_curr[0], g_curr[0], b_curr[0]] WIDGET_CONTROL, /REALIZE, xpw.base WIDGET_CONTROL, ncw, $ set_value='Number Of Colors: ' + strcompress(!d.n_colors, /REMOVE_ALL) WIDGET_CONTROL, get_value=tmp, cur_color state.cur_color_win = tmp WIDGET_CONTROL, get_value=tmp, plot_frame state.plot_win = tmp ; Update the plots of RGB junk = XP_NEW_COLORS() XP_REPLOT, !p.color, 'F' WSET, save_win XMANAGER, 'Xpal', xpw.base, event_handler='XP_EVENT', group=group, $ NO_BLOCK=(NOT(FLOAT(block))) end