;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; @file_comments ; Delete arrays which do not have to be drawn thanks to 2 tests: ; 1) Corners of the array must be in the window ; 2) Lengthes of side of triangles expressed in normalized ; coordinates must not surpass a sill length. ; ; @categories ; ; @param TRIANG ; ; @param GLAM ; ; @param GPHI ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass your keywords. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 20/2/99 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION ciseauxtri, triang, glam, gphi, _EXTRA = ex ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT keyword_set(key_periodic) AND NOT keyword_set(key_irregular) $ AND NOT (!map.projection LE 7 AND !map.projection NE 0) $ AND NOT (!map.projection EQ 14 OR !map.projection EQ 15 $ OR !map.projection EQ 18) THEN return, triang ; tempsun = systime(1) ; For key_performance ; taille = size(glam) nx = taille[1] ny = taille[2] tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 z = convert_coord(glam[*],gphi[*],/data,/to_normal) x = z[0, *] y = z[1, *] tempvar = SIZE(TEMPORARY(z)) ; delete z IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: convert_coord data to_normal', systime(1)-tempdeux ; ; Beware, following the projection, some points x or y can become NaN ; (see points behind the Earth in an orthographic projection). ; In this case, we have to remove all triangle which contain one of these points. ; if (!map.projection LE 7 AND !map.projection NE 0) $ OR !map.projection EQ 14 OR !map.projection EQ 15 OR !map.projection EQ 18 then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; test = (x*y)[triang] test = finite(temporary(test), /nan) test = total(temporary(test), 1) ind = where(temporary(test) EQ 0) ; if ind[0] NE -1 then triang = triang[*, temporary(ind)] ELSE return, -1 trichanged = 1b IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: recherche points a NAN', systime(1)-tempdeux endif ; seuil = 5 < (min([nx, ny])-2) ; ; Now we delete tringles whose one side has a size superior to 1/sill from the domain reserved for the drawing. ; if keyword_set(key_periodic) then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; xtri = x[triang] xtri = xtri-shift(xtri, 1, 0) testx = abs(temporary(xtri)) GT ((!p.position[2]-!p.position[0])/seuil) testx = total(temporary(testx), 1) ; ytri = y[triang] ytri = ytri-shift(ytri, 1, 0) testy = abs(temporary(ytri)) GT ((!p.position[3]-!p.position[1])/seuil) testy = total(temporary(testy), 1) ; test = temporary(testx)+temporary(testy) ind=where(temporary(test) EQ 0) ; IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: trouver les triangles trop grands', systime(1)-tempdeux ; tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 if ind[0] NE -1 then triang = triang[*, temporary(ind)] ELSE return, -1 trichanged = 1b IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: virer les triangles trop grands', systime(1)-tempdeux endif ; ; We delete all triangle which are out of the valid frame ; if keyword_set(key_irregular) then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 xtri = x[triang] test1 = xtri GE !p.position[0] test2 = xtri LE !p.position[2] undefine, xtri testx = temporary(test1)*temporary(test2) testx = total(temporary(testx), 1) ; ytri = y[triang] test1 = ytri GE !p.position[1] test2 = ytri LE !p.position[3] undefine, ytri testy = temporary(test1)*temporary(test2) testy = total(temporary(testy), 1) ; test = temporary(testx)*temporary(testy); ; ind=where(temporary(test) NE 0) ; if ind[0] NE -1 then triang = triang[*, temporary(ind)] ELSE return, -1 trichanged = 1b IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: virer les triangles hors du cadre', systime(1)-tempdeux ENDIF ; ; Last sort. ; if keyword_set(trichanged) then BEGIN ; ; We have to check that triangles we keep do not form a triangulation ; in which 2 triangles have a common summit without have a common side. ; ; We constitute the list of rectangles we want to keep (we keep every ; rectangle containing a triangle) ; ; In definetri, we have construct triangles just so the first and the ; last summit are those of the diagonale of the rectangle defined by ; the mesh size. To find from which rectangle a triangle comes, we look ; for the min of the index following x and following y of each triangle. ; Then we go by again this indexion following x and y in an indexion ; following nx*ny/ ; tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 ; y indexes of rectangles indytriang = (triang[0, *]/nx) < (triang[2, *]/nx) ; x indexes of rectangles indxtriang0 = triang[0, *]-nx*(triang[0, *]/nx) indxtriang2 = triang[2, *]-nx*(triang[2, *]/nx) indxmin = indxtriang0 < indxtriang2 ; Beware in the case where the grid is periodic and where we have all points ; following x, triangles which assure the periodicity in x have indexes ; following x which are 0 and nx-1. They belong to rectangles of the column ; nx-1 and not to column 0. if keyword_set(key_periodic) AND nx EQ jpi then BEGIN indxmax = indxtriang0 > indxtriang2 indxtriang = indxmin + (nx-1)*(indxmin EQ 0 AND indxmax EQ (nx-1)) ENDIF ELSE indxtriang = indxmin listrect = nx*indytriang+indxtriang IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: liste des rectangles', systime(1)-tempdeux ; ; Now we have this list, we will make sure that we do not have triangles ; with only a common summit. ; test = bytarr(nx, ny) test[listrect] = 1 dejavire = 1b-test ; tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 vire1 = 0 vire2 = 0 while (vire1[0] NE -1 OR vire2[0] NE -1) ne 0 do begin vire1 = where( (test*shift(test, -1, -1) $ *(1-shift(test, 0, -1))*(1-shift(test, -1, 0))) EQ 1) if vire1[0] NE -1 THEN test[vire1] = 0 ; We delete the rectangle vire2 = where( ((1-test)*(1-shift(test, -1, -1)) $ *shift(test, 0, -1)*shift(test, -1, 0)) EQ 1) ; We delete the top rectangle (same x index but equal to 1) if vire2[0] NE -1 THEN test[vire2+nx] = 0 ENDWHILE ;stop test = test+temporary(dejavire) ; avirer = where(temporary(test) EQ 0) IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: determination des rectangles a virer', systime(1)-tempdeux ; if avirer[0] NE -1 then begin tempdeux = systime(1) ; For key_performance =2 indnx = n_elements(listrect) indny = n_elements(avirer) ind = listrect[*]#replicate(1l, indny) ind = ind EQ replicate(1, indnx)#avirer[*] if indny GT 1 then ind = total(ind, 2) ind = where(ind EQ 0) if ind[0] NE -1 then triang = triang[*, ind] ELSE return, -1 endif IF testvar(var = key_performance) EQ 2 THEN $ print, 'temps ciseauxtri: derniere retouche de la triangulation', systime(1)-tempdeux endif ; ; if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps ciseauxtri', systime(1)-tempsun ; return, triang end