;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Allows to project a 3d field following a depth array. ; ; @categories ; Without loop ; ; @param ARRAYIN {type=3d array} ; It is a 3d array whose 3rd dimension must be equal to jpk ; ; @param DEPTHIN {type=2d array} ; It is a 2d array indicating for each point n, at which depth to project ; ; @returns ; A 2d array which is the projection of the 3d array following depths indicated by depthin ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; points at !values.f_nan impossible calculation. Land points masked at valmask. ; ; @examples ; we build a possible depths array ; IDL> a=gdept[jpk-1]/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) ; We build an array to project on these depths. For the test, ; we build a 3d array whose each vector following z is the depth. ; IDL> arraytest=replicate(1,jpi*jpj)#gdept ; IDL> arraytest=reform(arraytest,jpi,jpj,jpk, /over) ; We test the projection of the depth array on the depth... ; IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-projectondepth(arraytest,a)),/nocontour ; ->null field at 1e-6 pres ; ; verification projecting the temperature of 20°C for example... ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 15/6/2000 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION projectondepth, arrayin, depthin ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; tempsun = systime(1) ; To key_performance @common ;------------------------------------------------------------ depth = litchamp(depthin) array = litchamp(arrayin) ; Small verifications tailledepth = size(depth) taillearray = size(array) if tailledepth[0] NE 2 THEN return, report('Depth array must have 2 dimensions') if taillearray[0] NE 3 THEN return, report('Array in must have 3 dimensions') ; verification of the coherence between array's size and the domain grille, mask, -1, -1, -1,nx,ny,nz,firstx,firsty,firstz,lastx,lasty,lastz case 1 of tailledepth[1] eq jpi and tailledepth[2] eq jpj:depth=depth[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] tailledepth[1] eq nx and tailledepth[2] eq ny: else:return, report('Probleme d''adequation entre les tailles du domaine et celle du tableau de profondeur') endcase case 1 OF taillearray[3] NE jpk:return, report('2d array must have its 3d dimension equal to jpk') taillearray[1] eq jpi and taillearray[2] eq jpj:array=array[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, *] taillearray[1] eq nx and taillearray[2] eq ny: else:return, report('Probleme d''adequation entre les tailles du domaine et celle du tableau de profondeur') endcase ; ; c''est parti ; flevel = depth2floatlevel(depth) ; we delete points at !values.f_nan notanumber = where(finite(flevel, /nan) EQ 1) if notanumber[0] NE -1 then flevel[notanumber] = 0 ; we sill (delete land points at valmask for example) flevel = 0 > flevel < (jpk-1) ; indexup = level2index(floor(flevel)) indexlow = nx*ny+indexup out = where(indexlow GE nx*ny*jpk-1) if out[0] NE -1 then indexlow[out] = indexlow[out]-nx*ny ; weight = flevel-floor(flevel) res = array[indexup] res = res+weight*(array[indexlow]-res) ; ; We put back points at !values.f_nan if notanumber[0] NE -1 then res[notanumber] = !values.f_nan if out[0] NE -1 then res[out] = !values.f_nan ; We mask land points at valmask if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 then valmask = 1e20 terre = where((temporary(mask))[*, *, 0] EQ 0) if terre[0] NE -1 then res[terre] = valmask ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps projectondepth', systime(1)-tempsun return, res end