;----------------------------------------------------------------- function leapyr,year ;+ ; NAME: leapyr ; ; PURPOSE: determine whether the input year is a leap year or not ; Very useful for finding number of days in a year. ; eg. NUM_DAYS_IN_YR = 365 + leapyr(year) ; ; CATEGORY: Utility ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: result = leapyr(year) ; ; INPUTS: year = test if year is a leap year ; year may be a vector and may be in the ; form MCDU eg. 1788 else defaults to 19XX ; ; OUTPUTS: result = 0 then not a leap year ; = 1 then year is a leap year ; = (399+(yr mod 400))/400 - (3+(yr mod 4))/4 ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Trevor Harris, Physics Dept., University of Adelaide, ; 20/09/88 ; ;- ; this function returns with an I*4 value of :- ; 1 if year is a leap year ; 0 if year is not a leap year ; T.J.H. 20/09/88 ; Note: year must be in the form MCDU eg. 1788 else defaults to 19XX yr = year tmp = where(yr lt 100,count) if (count gt 0) then yr(tmp) = yr(tmp)+1900 ;make it the 20th century print,'TOTO' ; return,(399+(yr mod 400))/400 - (3+(yr mod 4))/4 return, 0 end