;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Read a text file into a string array. ; ; @param filein {in}{required} ; text file name. ; ; @Keyword ERROR ; =err error flag: 0=ok, 1=file not opened, ; 2=no lines in file. ; ; @keyword QUIET ; means give no error message. ; ; @keyword LINES ; =n Number of lines to read (def=all). ; Much faster if number of lines is known. ; Automatic for IDL 5.6 or later. ; ; @keyword FIND ; search the file in the all !path directories (use ; find.pro) ; ; @keyword HELP ; ; @returns ; ; @history ; R. Sterner, 20 Mar, 1990 ; R. Sterner, 1999 Apr 14 --- Added LINES=n keyword. ; R. Sterner, 2003 Aug 29 --- Automatic lines if IDL 5.6+. ; R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 02 --- Check if file exists first. ; R. Sterner, 2003 Sep 04 --- Fixed error in number of lines in file. ; R. Sterner, 2003 Oct 10 --- Fixed error when no lines. ; R. Sterner, 2004 Jan 27 --- Fixed to work in IDL as old as vers 4. ; ; S. Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) 4 Feb 2002 ; search te file in the all !path directories (use find.pro) ; when using /find keyword. Use spawn, 'cat...' for unix os. ; ; Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory ; This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not ; sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This ; routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties ; whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- function getfile, filein, error=err, help=hlp, quiet=quiet, lines=lines, find = find ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; if (n_params(0) lt 1) or keyword_set(hlp) then begin print,' Read a text file into a string array.' print,' s = getfile(f)' print,' f = text file name. in' print,' s = string array. out' print,' Keywords:' print,' ERROR=err error flag: 0=ok, 1=file not opened,' print,' 2=no lines in file.' print,' /QUIET means give no error message.' print,' LINES=n Number of lines to read (def=all).' print,' Much faster if number of lines is known.' print,' Automatic for IDL 5.6 or later.' return, -1 endif ; if keyword_set(find) then begin file = find(filein) file = file[0] if file EQ 'NOT FOUND' then begin print, ' Error in getfile: File '+filein+' not fouond.' return, -1 endif ENDIF ELSE file = filein if !version.os_family EQ 'unix' then begin spawn, 'cat '+file, res if res[0] NE '' then return, res ELSE return, '' endif if (!version.release+0. ge 5.5) then begin f = call_function('file_search', file, count = c) endif else begin f = findfile(file,count=c) endelse if c eq 0 then begin err = 1 return,'' endif if n_elements(line) eq 0 and (!version.release+0. ge 5.6) then begin lines = file_lines(file) if lines eq 0 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then print,' No lines in file.' err = 2 return,-1 endif minlines = 0 endif else minlines=1 get_lun, lun on_ioerror, err openr, lun, file if n_elements(lines) ne 0 then begin s = strarr(lines) readf,lun,s endif else begin s = [' '] t = '' while not eof(lun) do begin readf, lun, t s = [s,t] endwhile endelse close, lun free_lun, lun if n_elements(s) eq minlines then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then print,' No lines in file.' err = 2 return,-1 endif if minlines eq 1 then s=s[1:*] err = 0 return, s err: if !err eq -168 then begin if not keyword_set(quiet) then print,' Non-standard text file format.' free_lun, lun return, s endif if not keyword_set(quiet) then print,$ ' Error in getfile: File '+file+' not opened.' free_lun, lun err = 1 return, -1 end