;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Return the calendar date and time given julian date. ; This is the inverse of the function JULDAY. ; 3 calendars are available according to the value of key_caltype ; (variable of the common file cm_4cal): 'greg', '360d', 'noleap' ; ; @categories Calendar ; ; @param JULIAN {in}{required} ; contains the Julian Day Number (which begins at noon) of the ; specified calendar date. It should be a long integer. ; ; @param MONTH {out} ; Number of the desired month (1 = January, ..., 12 = December). ; ; @param DAY {out} ; Number of day of the month. ; ; @param YEAR {out} ; Number of the desired year. ; ; @param HOUR {out} ; Hour of the day ; ; @param Minute {out} ; Minute of the day ; ; @param Second {out} ; Second (and fractions) of the day. ; ; @keyword NDAYSPM {default=30} ; To use a calendar with fixed number of days per months. ; see also the use of key_caltype (variable of the common file cm_4cal) ; ; @uses cm_4cal ; ; @restrictions ; Accuracy using IEEE double precision numbers is approximately 1/10000th of a ; second. ; ; @history ; Translated from "Numerical Recipies in C", by William H. Press, ; Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky, and William T. Vetterling. ; Cambridge University Press, 1988 (second printing). ; ; DMS, July 1992. ; DMS, April 1996, Added HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND keyword ; AB, 7 December 1997, Generalized to handle array input. ; ; Eric Guilyardi, June 1999 ; Added key_work ndayspm for fixed number of days per months ; ; AB, 3 January 2000, Make seconds output as DOUBLE in array output. ; ; Sebastien Masson, May 2006, add different calendat with key_caltype ; (variable of the common file cm_4cal) ; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro caldat, julian, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, NDAYSPM = ndayspm ;------------------------------------------------------------ @cm_4cal ;------------------------------------------------------------ COMPILE_OPT idl2 ON_ERROR, 2 ; Return to caller if errors IF n_elements(key_caltype) EQ 0 THEN key_caltype = 'greg' if keyword_set(ndayspm) then key_caltype = '360d' CASE key_caltype OF 'greg':BEGIN nParam = N_PARAMS() IF (nParam LT 1) THEN MESSAGE, 'Incorrect number of arguments.' min_julian = -1095 max_julian = 1827933925 minn = MIN(julian, MAX = maxx) IF (minn LT min_julian) OR (maxx GT max_julian) THEN MESSAGE, $ 'Value of Julian date is out of allowed range.' igreg = 2299161L ;Beginning of Gregorian calendar julLong = FLOOR(julian + 0.5d) ;Better be long minJul = MIN(julLong) IF (minJul GE igreg) THEN BEGIN ; all are Gregorian jalpha = LONG(((julLong - 1867216L) - 0.25d) / 36524.25d) ja = julLong + 1L + jalpha - long(0.25d * jalpha) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ja = julLong gregChange = WHERE(julLong ge igreg, ngreg) IF (ngreg GT 0) THEN BEGIN jalpha = long(((julLong[gregChange] - 1867216L) - 0.25d) / 36524.25d) ja[gregChange] = julLong[gregChange] + 1L + jalpha - long(0.25d * jalpha) ENDIF ENDELSE jalpha = -1 ; clear memory jb = TEMPORARY(ja) + 1524L jc = long(6680d + ((jb-2439870L)-122.1d0)/365.25d) jd = long(365d * jc + (0.25d * jc)) je = long((jb - jd) / 30.6001d) day = TEMPORARY(jb) - TEMPORARY(jd) - long(30.6001d * je) month = TEMPORARY(je) - 1L month = ((TEMPORARY(month) - 1L) MOD 12L) + 1L year = TEMPORARY(jc) - 4715L year = TEMPORARY(year) - (month GT 2) year = year - (year LE 0) ; see if we need to do hours, minutes, seconds IF (nParam GT 4) THEN BEGIN fraction = julian + 0.5d - TEMPORARY(julLong) hour = floor(fraction * 24d) fraction = TEMPORARY(fraction) - hour/24d minute = floor(fraction*1440d) second = (TEMPORARY(fraction) - minute/1440d) * 86400d ENDIF ; if julian is an array, reform all output to correct dimensions IF (SIZE(julian, /N_DIMENSION) GT 0) THEN BEGIN dimensions = SIZE(julian, /DIMENSION) month = REFORM(month, dimensions) day = REFORM(day, dimensions) year = REFORM(year, dimensions) IF (nParam GT 4) THEN BEGIN hour = REFORM(hour, dimensions) minute = REFORM(minute, dimensions) second = REFORM(second, dimensions) ENDIF ENDIF END '360d':BEGIN jul = long(julian) f = (jul - floor(jul)) IF total(f NE 0.0) GT 0 THEN BEGIN ;Get hours, minutes, seconds. hour = floor(f*24.) f = f - hour / 24.d minute = floor(f*1440) second = (f - minute/1440.d0) * 86400.0d0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN hour = replicate(0L, n_elements(julian)) minute = replicate(0L, n_elements(julian)) second = replicate(0L, n_elements(julian)) ENDELSE IF keyword_set(ndayspm) THEN BEGIN IF ndayspm EQ 1 THEN ndayspm = 30 ENDIF ELSE ndayspm = 30 ndayspm = long(ndayspm) Z = floor(julian) year = z/(12*ndayspm)+1 month = (z-(12*ndayspm)*(year-1))/ndayspm+1 day = z-(12*ndayspm)*(year-1)-ndayspm*(month-1) WHILE total(day LT 1) GT 0 DO BEGIN tochange = where(day LT 1) month[tochange] = month[tochange]-1 day[tochange] = day[tochange]+ndayspm ENDWHILE WHILE total(month LT 1) GT 0 DO BEGIN tochange = where(month LT 1) year[tochange] = year[tochange]-1 month[tochange] = month[tochange]+12 ENDWHILE ; year 0 does not exist... neg = where(year LT 0) IF neg[0] NE -1 THEN year[neg] = year[neg]-1 END 'noleap':BEGIN jul = long(julian) year = jul/365 + 1 day = jul MOD 365L ; ; zero = where(day EQ 0) ; month = 1 + (day GT 31) + (day GT 59) + (day GT 90) + (day GT 120) $ + (day GT 151) + (day GT 181) + (day GT 212) + (day GT 243) $ + (day GT 273) + (day GT 304) + (day GT 334) month = long(month) ; day = day - 31L * (day GT 31) - 28L * (day GT 59) - 31L * (day GT 90) $ - 30L * (day GT 120) - 31L * (day GT 151) - 30L * (day GT 181) $ - 31L * (day GT 212) - 31L * (day GT 243) - 30L * (day GT 273) $ - 31L * (day GT 304) - 30L * (day GT 334) ; IF zero[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN year[zero] = year[zero]-1 month[zero] = 12L day[zero] = 31L ENDIF END ELSE:BEGIN ng = report('only 3 types of calendar are accepted: greg, 360d and noleap') return END ENDCASE ; zero = where(year ge 600000L, cnt) IF cnt NE 0 THEN year[zero] = year[zero]-654321L ; return END