NAME: ncdf_quickread SYNOPSIS: This is a routine for reading variables into an IDL session from a NetCDF file, in just a very few commands. DESCRIPTION: 1) Ensure that the supplied routines are installed in your IDL_PATH. 2) Set the string variable NCFILE to the NetCDF filename you wish to write, For example: ncfile='' 3) Optionally set the following variables: ncprefix : prefix to prepend to all variable names when importing from NetCDF variable name into IDL namespace ncverbose : set equal to 1 if you want to include attributes ncfields : Set to a string which is a space-separated list of variables to read. Only the variables specified will be read in (and where ncverbose is set, only the attributes associated with these variables and the global attributes). If unset or the null string, then reads all fields. 4) Type: @ncdf_quickread USAGE EXAMPLES: 1) SIMPLE EXAMPLE. => You have the following NetCDF file: "ncdump -h" reports the following: netcdf mslp.djf { dimensions: longitude = 96 ; latitude = 73 ; msl = 1 ; t = UNLIMITED ; // (100 currently) variables: float longitude(longitude) ; longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; longitude:point_spacing = "even" ; longitude:modulo = " " ; float latitude(latitude) ; latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; latitude:point_spacing = "even" ; float msl(msl) ; msl:units = "level" ; msl:positive = "up" ; float t(t) ; t:units = "days since 1991-09-01 00:00:00" ; t:calendar = "360_day" ; t:time_origin = "01-SEP-1991:00:00:00" ; float p_2(t, msl, latitude, longitude) ; p_2:source = "Unified Model Output (Vn 4.6):" ; p_2:name = "p_2" ; p_2:title = "PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL" ; p_2:date = "01/09/91" ; p_2:time = "00:00" ; p_2:long_name = "PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL" ; p_2:units = "Pa" ; p_2:missing_value = 2.e+20f ; p_2:_FillValue = 2.e+20f ; p_2:valid_min = 97130.55f ; p_2:valid_max = 103777.6f ; // global attributes: :history = "Thu Oct 2 14:34:56 BST 2003 - XCONV V1.90 04-September-2002" ; } => You issue the following commands: ncfile='' @ncdf_quickread => This imports the following into IDL: LATITUDE FLOAT = Array[73] LONGITUDE FLOAT = Array[96] MSL FLOAT = 0.00000 P_2 FLOAT = Array[96, 73, 100] T FLOAT = Array[100] By the way, also a few variables get set as a side-effect, but these can be ignored. NCFILE STRING = '' NCPREFIX UNDEFINED = NCVERBOSE UNDEFINED = __COMMANDS STRING = Array[8] __LOOP INT = 8 __NCID LONG = 1 2) MORE COMPLEX EXAMPLE. => You have the same NetCDF file shown above. => You issue the following commands: ncfile='' ncverbose=1 ncprefix='djf_' @ncdf_quickread => This imports the following into IDL: DJF_HISTORY STRING = 'Thu Oct 2 14:34:56 BST 2003 - XCONV V1.90 04'... DJF_LATITUDE FLOAT = Array[73] DJF_LATITUDE_POINT_SPACING STRING = 'even' DJF_LATITUDE_UNITS STRING = 'degrees_north' DJF_LONGITUDE FLOAT = Array[96] DJF_LONGITUDE_MODULO STRING = ' ' DJF_LONGITUDE_POINT_SPACING STRING = 'even' DJF_LONGITUDE_UNITS STRING = 'degrees_east' DJF_MSL FLOAT = 0.00000 DJF_MSL_POSITIVE STRING = 'up' DJF_MSL_UNITS STRING = 'level' DJF_P_2 FLOAT = Array[96, 73, 100] DJF_P_2_DATE STRING = '01/09/91' DJF_P_2_LONG_NAME STRING = 'PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL' DJF_P_2_MISSING_VALUE STRING = ' 2.00000e+20' DJF_P_2_NAME STRING = 'p_2' DJF_P_2_SOURCE STRING = 'Unified Model Output (Vn 4.6):' DJF_P_2_TIME STRING = '00:00' DJF_P_2_TITLE STRING = 'PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL' DJF_P_2_UNITS STRING = 'Pa' DJF_P_2_VALID_MAX STRING = ' 103778.' DJF_P_2_VALID_MIN STRING = ' 97130.5' DJF_P_2__FILLVALUE STRING = ' 2.00000e+20' DJF_T FLOAT = Array[100] DJF_T_CALENDAR STRING = '360_day' DJF_T_TIME_ORIGIN STRING = '01-SEP-1991:00:00:00' DJF_T_UNITS STRING = 'days since 1991-09-01 00:00:00' BUGS: => Not sure. LIMITATIONS: => IDL variable names are case-insensitive, so there could be a namespace conflict if variable names in the NetCDF file differ only in case AUTHOR: CDF2IDL original: S. Rupert Adapted by Alan Iwi COPYRIGHT: This routine is based on CDF2IDL which is in the public domain. The modifications by Alan Iwi are also in the public domain. But the IDL program itself is subject to copyright restrictions. SEE ALSO: CDF2IDL original: