;+ ; ; @file_comments ; warm (or map) an arbitrary quadrilateral onto a unit square ; according to the 4-point correspondences: ; (x0,y0) -> (0,0) ; (x1,y1) -> (1,0) ; (x2,y2) -> (1,1) ; (x3,y3) -> (0,1) ; This is the inverse function of square2quadrilateral.pro ; The mapping is done using perspective transformation which preserve ; lines in all orientations and permit quadrilateral to quadrilateral ; mappings. see ref. bellow. ; ; @categories ; Picture, Grid ; ; @param x0in {in}{required} ; @param y0in {in}{required} ; @param x1in {in}{required} ; @param y1in {in}{required} ; @param x2in {in}{required} ; @param y2in {in}{required} ; @param x3in {in}{required} ; @param y3in {in}{required} ; the coordinates of the quadrilateral ; (see above for correspondance with the unit square). Can be ; scalar or array. (x0,y0), (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are ; given in the anticlockwise order. ; ; @param xxin {in}{required} ; the coordinates of the point(s) for which we want to do the mapping. ; Can be scalar or array. ; ; @param yyin {in}{required} ; the coordinates of the point(s) for which we want to do the mapping. ; Can be scalar or array. ; ; @keyword PERF ; ; @returns ; ; (2,n) array: the new coodinates (xout, yout) of the (xin,yin) point(s) after ; mapping. ; If xin is a scalar, then n is equal to the number of elements of x0. ; If xin is an array , then n is equal to the number of elements of xin. ; ; @restrictions ; I think degenerated quadrilateral (e.g. flat of twisted) is not work. ; This has to be tested. ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> splot,[0,5],[0,3],/nodata,xstyle=1,ystyle=1 ; IDL> tracegrille, findgen(11)*.1, findgen(11)*.1,color=indgen(12)*20 ; IDL> xin = (findgen(11)*.1)#replicate(1, 11) ; IDL> yin = replicate(1, 11)#(findgen(11)*.1) ; IDL> out = square2quadrilateral(2,1,3,0,5,1,2,3, xin, yin) ; IDL> tracegrille, reform(out[0,*],11,11), reform(out[1,*],11,11),color=indgen(12)*20 ; ; IDL> inorg=quadrilateral2square(2,1,3,0,5,1,2,3,out[0,*],out[1,*]) ; IDL> tracegrille, reform(inorg[0,*],11,11), reform(inorg[1,*],11,11),color=indgen(12)*20 ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; August 2003 ; Based on "Digital Image Warping" by G. Wolberg ; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California ; Chapter 3, see p 52-56 ; ; ; @version $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION quadrilateral2square, x0in, y0in, x1in, y1in, x2in, y2in, x3in, y3in, xxin, yyin, PERF = perf ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; tempsone = systime(1) ; ; Warning, wrong definition of (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) at the bottom of ; page 54 of Wolberg's book, see figure 3.7 page 56 for the good ; definition. ; IF keyword_set(double) THEN BEGIN x0 = double(x0in) x1 = double(x1in) x2 = double(x2in) x3 = double(x3in) y0 = double(y0in) y1 = double(y1in) y2 = double(y2in) y3 = double(y3in) xin = double(xxin) yin = double(yyin) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN x0 = float(x0in) x1 = float(x1in) x2 = float(x2in) x3 = float(x3in) y0 = float(y0in) y1 = float(y1in) y2 = float(y2in) y3 = float(y3in) xin = float(xxin) yin = float(yyin) ENDELSE ; ; get the matrix A ; a = square2quadrilateral(x0in, y0in, x1in, y1in, x2in, y2in, x3in, y3in) ; ; compute the adjoint matrix ; IF keyword_set(double) THEN adj = dblarr(9, n_elements(x0)) $ ELSE adj = fltarr(9, n_elements(x0)) ; adj[0, *] = a[4, *] -a[7, *]*a[5, *] adj[1, *] = a[7, *]*a[2, *]-a[1, *] adj[2, *] = a[1, *]*a[5, *]-a[4, *]*a[2, *] adj[3, *] = a[6, *]*a[5, *]-a[3, *] adj[4, *] = a[0, *] -a[6, *]*a[2, *] adj[5, *] = a[3, *]*a[2, *]-a[0, *]*a[5, *] adj[6, *] = a[3, *]*a[7, *]-a[6, *]*a[4, *] adj[7, *] = a[6, *]*a[1, *]-a[0, *]*a[7, *] adj[8, *] = a[0, *]*a[4, *]-a[3, *]*a[1, *] ; IF n_elements(xin) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN xin = replicate(xin, n_elements(x0)) yin = replicate(yin, n_elements(x0)) ENDIF ; ; compute xprime, yprime and wprime ; IF n_elements(x0) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN wpr = 1./(adj[6]*xin + adj[7]*yin + adj[8]) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN wpr = 1./(adj[6, *]*xin + adj[7, *]*yin + adj[8, *]) ENDELSE xpr = xin*wpr ypr = yin*wpr ; IF keyword_set(double) THEN res = dblarr(2, n_elements(xin)) $ ELSE res = fltarr(2, n_elements(xin)) ; IF n_elements(x0) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN res[0, *] = xpr*adj[0] + ypr*adj[1] +wpr*adj[2] res[1, *] = xpr*adj[3] + ypr*adj[4] +wpr*adj[5] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN res[0, *] = xpr*adj[0, *] + ypr*adj[1, *] +wpr*adj[2, *] res[1, *] = xpr*adj[3, *] + ypr*adj[4, *] +wpr*adj[5, *] ENDELSE ; IF keyword_set(perf) THEN print, 'time quadrilateral2square', systime(1)-tempsone RETURN, res END