;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Same thing that bar_plot but compatible with the whole environnement (common.pro inclued) ; ; @categories Graphics ; ; @keyword COLORS ; A vector, the same size as VALUES, containing the color index ; to be used for each bar. If not specified, the colors are ; selected based on spacing the color indices as widely as ; possible within the available colors (specified by D.N_COLORS). ; ; @keyword COLORS ; Is an integer giving color of all colorbars. (contrarily to colors ; which is a vector giving the color of each colorbar). ; ; @keyword NOREINITPLT ; We active it if we do not want environnement variables !p, !x, !y, !z ; to be reinitilalizted by the procedure reinitplt ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; used to pass your keyword ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; If NOREINITPLT is not activated, all environnement ; variables !p, !x, !y, !z are reinitializtedby the procedure reinitplt ; ; @examples ; IDL> sbar_plot, indgen(10),small = [2,2,2],/rempli ; IDL> sbar_plot, indgen(10),small = [2,2,3],/noerase ; IDL> \@ps ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 10/10/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ PRO sbar_plot, Values, COLORS = colors, NOREINITPLT = noreinitplt, _extra = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; 1) I reinitialize the graphic environment (variables !x, !y et !p): if NOT keyword_set(NOREINITPLT) then reinitplt, _extra = ex ; 2) I place the drawing on the screen like on the postscript IF chkstru(ex, 'overplot')EQ 0 THEN placedessin, 'autre', _extra = ex ; 3) Drawing if n_elements(COLORS) NE 0 then BEGIN if n_elements(COLORS) EQ n_elements(Values) then col = colors $ ELSE col = replicate(colors[0], n_elements(Values)) ENDIF ELSE col = congrid(indgen(!d.n_colors < 256), n_elements(Values)) ; bar_plot, Values, background = !p.background, colors = col $ , xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1, _extra = ex ; 4) End of drawing terminedessin, _extra=ex return end