;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Build a gif animation ; ; @categories ; Animated drawings. ; ; @param NOMFIC {in}{required} ; It is the name of the gif file containing the animation. ; Comment: this file is placed in the directory defined by iodir. ; ; @uses ; common.pro ; ; @restrictions ; We use the Z buffer to go faster!. ; So, if it failed in animgif, you have to do: ; IDL> device, /close ; IDL> set_plot, 'x' ; IDL> retall ; ; @restrictions ; If we want to delete the \@common, ; we have to define manually the picture's size ; (variables xsize and ysize) just as iodir. ; ; @history ; Guillaume Roullet (grlod@ipsl.jussieu.fr) ; Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 30/4/1999 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ PRO animgif, nomfic ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; ; It recuperates the color palette and put it in red, green, blue. ; tvlct, rouge,vert,bleu,/get ; ; It completes the current palette on 256 colors. ; red = [rouge, replicate(255, 256-n_elements(rouge))] green = [vert, replicate(255, 256-n_elements(rouge))] blue = [bleu, replicate(255, 256-n_elements(rouge))] ; ; It rocks on the z device, allowing to create the picture without display it. thisOS = !VERSION.OS_FAMILY thisOS = STRMID(thisOS, 0, 3) thisOS = STRUPCASE(thisOS) set_plot, 'z' ; size of the picture (in pixel): xsize = 30*(min(page_size, max = ma)*key_portrait + ma*(1-key_portrait)) ysize = 30*(min(page_size, max = ma)*(1-key_portrait) + ma*key_portrait) device, set_resolution = [xsize, ysize] ; ; Beginning of the gif file. Writing of an empty picture. ; reinitplt plot, [0], [0], /nodata write_gif,iodir+nomfic,tvrd(),red, green, blue, /multiple ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Beggining of the part we want to change. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Loop of picture's creation. ; calen = TIMEGEN(366, START=JULDAY(1,1,2000)) debut = where(calen EQ 19810105) debut = where(calen EQ 19790105) debut = debut[0] if debut EQ -1 then begin device, /close CASE thisOS of 'MAC': SET_PLOT, thisOS 'WIN': SET_PLOT, thisOS ELSE: SET_PLOT, 'X' ENDCASE stop endif for i = 0, 73*15-1 do begin ; for i = 0, 3*2-1 do begin ; for i = 0, 73*2-1 do begin ; print, 'Image numero : '+strtrim(i, 2) date = calen[debut+i] erase, 255 plt, nlec('sst', date, 'ATF'), 19, 29, int = .5, /noerase ; plt, nlec('sss', date, 'ATF'), label = 2, /noerase ; plt, nlec('htoth', date, 'RE3')-nlec('hpycn', date, 'RE3'), 10, 60, int = 5, /inv, /noerase ; domdef, 290,340,-5,15 ; plt, norme(nlec('unsurf', date, 'RE3'), nlec('vnsurf', date, 'RE3')), 0, 1.2, int = .1, /noerase ; ; Writing of the picture in the file .gif. ; write_gif,iodir+nomfic,tvrd(),red, green, blue, /multiple ENDFOR ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of the part we want to change. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Closing of the file. write_gif,iodir+nomfic,/close ; Rerock on terminal X mode. ; device, /close CASE thisOS of 'MAC': SET_PLOT, thisOS 'WIN': SET_PLOT, thisOS ELSE: SET_PLOT, 'X' ENDCASE return end