; $Id$ ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; STRSCI (function) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Given a number, returns a string of that B ; number in scientific notation format ( e.g. A x 10 ) ; ; CATEGORY: ; String Utilities ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = STRSCI( DATA [,keywords] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; DATA -> A floating point or integer number to be ; converted into a power of 10. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; FORMAT -> The format specification used in the string ; conversion for the mantissa (i.e. the ; "A" of "A x 10^B"). Default is '(f12.2)'. ; ; /POT_ONLY -> Will return only the "power of 10" part of the ; string (i.e. the "10^B"). Default is to return ; the entire string (e.g. "A x 10^B" ) ; ; /MANTISSA_ONLY -> return only mantissa of the string ; ; /SHORT -> return 10^0 as '1' and 10^1 as '10' ; ; /TRIM -> don't insert blanks (i.e. return Ax10^B) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; ; SUBROUTINES: ; None ; ; REQUIREMENTS: ; None ; ; NOTES: ; This function does not "evaluate" the format statement thoroughly ; which can result in somewhat quirky strings. Example: ; print,strsci(-9.999) results in -10.0x10^0 instead of -1.0x10^1. ; ; Need a better symbol than the 'x' for the multiplier... ; ; EXAMPLE: ; Result = STRSCI( 2000000, format='(i1)' ) ; print, result ; ; 6 ; ; prints 2 x 10!u6!n, which gets plotted as 2 x 10 ; ; Result = STRSCI( -0.0001 ) ; print, result ; ; 4 ; ; prints -1.00 x 10!u-4!n, which gets plotted as 1.00 x 10 ; ; Result = STRSCI( 0d0, format='(f13.8)' ) ; print, result ; ; ; ; prints, 0.00000000 ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; bmy, 28 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 B ; - now returns string of the form A x 10 ; mgs, 29 May 1998: ; - bug fix: now allows negative numbers ; - keyword MANTISSA_ONLY added ; - default format changed to f12.2 ; bmy, 02 Jun 1998: ; - renamed to STRSCI ("STRing SCIentific notation"), ; mgs, 03 Jun 1998: ; - added TRIM keyword ; mgs, 22 Sep 1998: ; - added SHORT keyword ; - modified handling of TRIM keyword ; mgs, 24 Sep 1998: ; - bug fix with SHORT flag ; bmy & mgs, 02 Jun 1999: ; - now can handle DATA=0.0 correctly ; - updated comments ; mgs, 03 Jun 1999: ; - can now also handle values lt 1 ;-) ; - and doesn't choke on arrays ; ;- ; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Bob Yantosca and Martin Schultz, ; Harvard University ; This software is provided as is without any warranty ; whatsoever. It may be freely used, copied or distributed ; for non-commercial purposes. This copyright notice must be ; kept with any copy of this software. If this software shall ; be used commercially or sold as part of a larger package, ; please contact the author to arrange payment. ; Bugs and comments should be directed to bmy@io.harvard.edu ; or mgs@io.harvard.edu with subject "IDL routine strsci" ;------------------------------------------------------------- function StrSci, Data, Format=Format, POT_Only=POT_Only, $ MANTISSA_ONLY=MANTISSA_ONLY,SHORT=SHORT,TRIM=TRIM ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;==================================================================== ; Error checking / Keyword settings ;==================================================================== ;on_error, 2 if ( n_elements( Data ) eq 0 ) then begin return, '' endif if ( not Keyword_Set( Format ) ) then Format = '(f12.2)' POT_Only = keyword_set( POT_Only ) MANTISSA_Only = keyword_set( MANTISSA_Only ) Short = Keyword_Set( Short ) Trim = Keyword_Set( Trim ) NDat = n_elements(Data) Result = strarr(NDat) for i=0,NDat-1 do begin ;==================================================================== ; If ABS( DATA ) > 0 then we can proceed to take the common log. ; For DATA < 0, place a "-" sign in front of the number ;==================================================================== if ( Abs( Data[i] ) ne 0.0 ) then begin ; take the common log and store in LOG10DATA Log10Data = ALog10( Abs( Data[i] ) ) ; Boolean flag if data < 0 sign = ( Data[i] lt 0.0 ) ; Compute the characteristic (int part) ; Add the 1d-6 to prevent roundoff errors Characteristic = Fix( Log10Data + 1.0d-6 ) if (Log10Data lt 0) then $ Characteristic = Characteristic - 1 ; Compute the Mantissa (frac part) and take its antilog. Mantissa = Log10Data - Characteristic Mantissa = 10.0^Mantissa ; print,data[i],log10data,mantissa,characteristic,format='(3f24.14,i8)' ; String for the coefficient part, ; The coefficient is just antilog of the Mantissa ; Add the minus sign if DATA < 0.0 A = StrTrim( String( Mantissa, Format=Format ), 2 ) if ( Sign ) then A = '-' + A ; String for the power of 10 part B = '10!u' + strtrim( string( Characteristic ), 2 ) + '!n' if ( Short ) then begin if ( Characteristic eq 0 ) then B = '1' if ( Characteristic eq 1 ) then B = '10' endif ; composite string Result[i] = A + ' x ' + B if ( Short AND B eq '1') then Result[i] = A ;==================================================================== ; If DATA = 0, then we cannot take the common log, so return ; zeroes for the result strings. Use the FORMAT string. ;==================================================================== endif else begin A = String( 0d0, Format=Format ) B = A Result[i] = A endelse ;==================================================================== ; Return result to calling program (depending on keyword settings) ; Eliminate blanks if TRIM keyword is set ;==================================================================== if ( POT_Only ) then $ Result[i] = B if ( MANTISSA_Only ) then $ Result[i] = A if ( Trim ) then $ Result[i] = StrCompress( Result[i], /Remove_All ) endfor if (n_elements(Result) eq 1) then $ Result = Result[0] return, Result end