;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME: read_hope ; ; PURPOSE: read the Hope grid file converted in NetCdf by xconv ; ; CATEGORY: reading ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: a=read_hope([typein, varnamein]) ; ; INPUTS: ; typein: a string specifing from which type of section the 4D ; array based: 'xy, 'xz', 'yz' ; ; varnamein: a string the name of the cariable to be read (in ; lower or upper case) ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; FILENAME = the name of the file to be read ; ; XLIMITS = a two elements vertor [lonmin, lonmax]] ; the bondary of the longitudes (from 0 to 360) ; ; YLIMITS = a two elements vertor [latmin, latmax]] ; the bondary of the latitudes (from -90 to 90) ; ; ZLIMITS = a two elements vertor [depthmin, depthmax]] ; the bondary of the depth ; ; TLIMITS = a two elements vertor [date1, date2]] ; the bondary of the calendar with date1 and date2 ; folowing the syntaxe yyyymmdd ; ; /ODDPT: activate to read only the sections located on ODD ; points ; ; /EVENPT: activate to read only the sections located on even ; points ; ; /ODDEVENPT: activate to read only the sections located on ; both even and odd points (horizontal sections) ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; -1 if typein and varnamein are undefine (this is the widget ; version) ; ; a structure which but be read by litchamp.pro and is ; necessary to complute the grid associated to the data (see ; the example). ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: common.pro (usefull only for the definition of iodir) ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; 'x', 'y', 'z', 't', 'xt', 'yt' and 'zt' section not coded, xconv ; must be able to works with this kind of fonction. ; The grib file has no zoom possibilities on horizontal ; dimensions. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; When typein and varnamein are defined, the methode to find the ; godd variable is: ; 1) find the variables which are available on this type of ; sections woth this name ; 2) if ODDPT, EVENPT or ODDEVENPT are specified, consider only ; these types of sections ; 3) for an XY section the chosen variable is the one which has ; the most level in the vertical domain specified by ZLIMITS. ; for an XZ section the chosen variable is the one which has ; the most points in the latitude domain specified by YLIMITS. ; for an YZ section the chosen variable is the one which has ; the most points in the longitude domain specified by XLIMITS. ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IDL> a=read_hope('xy','ocpt',filename='CLIM_CNT_1993-1998.nc') ; IDL> help, a,/struct ; ** Structure <82ec344>, 6 tags, length=1860176, refs=1: ; ARRAY FLOAT Array[128, 242, 15] ; UNIT STRING 'deg C' ; NAME STRING 'Ocean potential temperature' ; DATE FLOAT Array[1] ; GRID STRING 'T' ; HOPEGRID STRUCT -> Array[1] ; IDL> help, a.hopegrid,/struct ; ** Structure <82eb9cc>, 8 tags, length=1588, refs=2: ; XAXIS FLOAT Array[128] ; YAXIS FLOAT Array[242] ; ZAXIS FLOAT Array[15] ; FIRSTS LONG Array[3] ; LASTS LONG Array[3] ; TYPE STRING 'xy' ; LINETYPE STRING 'odd-even' ; PTTYPE STRING 'T' ; IDL> help, litchamp(a) ; FLOAT = Array[128, 242, 15] ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY:Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June 2001 ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; pro read_hope_event, event ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; widget_control, event.id, get_uvalue=uval widget_control, event.top, get_uvalue=top_uvalue case uval.name OF ;--------------------------------- 'cancel':begin ; close the file cdfid=*top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'cdfid')] ncdf_close, cdfid ; clear the pointer for i=0,n_elements(top_uvalue)-1 do ptr_free, top_uvalue[i] ; kill the widget widget_control,event.top,/destroy end ;--------------------------------- 'type choice':begin ; find the new type of selected section typeindex=widget_info(event.id,/droplist_select) selectedtype=(*top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'type choice')])[typeindex] ; find the available variables for this type of section sectype = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'sectype')] goodvar = where(sectype EQ selectedtype) namevar = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'namevar')] goodnamevar = namevar[goodvar] ; find the selected var name varchoiceid = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'var choice') varindex = widget_info(varchoiceid,/droplist_select) varchoice = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'var choice')] selectedvarname=varchoice[varindex] ; do we change the variable? if (where(goodnamevar EQ selectedvarname))[0] EQ -1 then begin selectedvarname = goodnamevar[0] varindex = (where(varchoice EQ selectedvarname))[0] widget_control, varchoiceid, set_droplist_select = varindex ENDIF ; displays the different domains selected = goodvar[where(goodnamevar EQ selectedvarname)] rh_alldomains, event.top, selected end ;--------------------------------- 'var choice':BEGIN ; find the new variable varindex=widget_info(event.id,/droplist_select) selectedvar=(*top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'var choice')])[varindex] ; find the available variables for this type of section namevar = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'namevar')] goodvar = where(namevar EQ selectedvar) sectype = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'sectype')] goodtype = sectype[goodvar] ; find the selected type of section typechoiceid = widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'type choice') typeindex = widget_info(typechoiceid,/droplist_select) typechoice = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'type choice')] selectedtype=typechoice[typeindex] ; do we change the type of section ? if (where(goodtype EQ selectedtype))[0] EQ -1 then begin selectedtype = goodtype[0] typeindex = (where(typechoice EQ selectedtype))[0] widget_control, typechoiceid, set_droplist_select = typeindex ENDIF ; displays the different domains selected = goodvar[where(goodtype EQ selectedtype)] rh_alldomains, event.top, selected END ;--------------------------------- 'plot':BEGIN ; plot the array res = createhopestruct(event) ; type of section selected = *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] type = (*top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'sectype')])[selected] ; get the informations of cw_specifie specifieid=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'specifie') widget_control, specifieid, get_value = specifie specifie = struct2string(specifie,/direct2string) case type of 'x':command = 'plt1d,res,''x'','+specifie 'y':command = 'plt1d,res,''y'','+specifie 'z':command = 'plt1d,res,''z'','+specifie 't':command = 'pltt,res,''t'' ,'+specifie 'xy':command = 'plt, res,'+specifie 'xz':command = 'pltz, res,''xz'','+specifie 'yz':command = 'pltz, res,''yz'','+specifie 'xt':command = 'pltt,res,''xt'','+specifie 'yt':command = 'pltt,res,''yt'','+specifie 'zt':command = 'pltt,res,''zt'','+specifie 'xyz': 'xyt': 'yzt': 'xyzt': ENDCASE test = execute(command) if test EQ 0 then stop end ;--------------------------------- 'linechoice':BEGIN if event.select EQ 1 then begin sensitive = bytarr(3) sensitive[where(['odd', 'even', 'odd-even'] eq event.value)] = 1 basedomainodd=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomainodd') widget_control, basedomainodd, sensitive = sensitive[0] basedomaineven=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomaineven') widget_control, basedomaineven, sensitive = sensitive[1] basedomainoddeven=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomainodd-even') widget_control, basedomainoddeven, sensitive = sensitive[2] case (where(sensitive EQ 1))[0] of 0:BEGIN widget_control, basedomainodd, get_uvalue = oddsecchoice oddsecchoiceid=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'oddsecchoice') if oddsecchoiceid NE 0 then $ index = widget_info(oddsecchoiceid, /droplist_select) $ ELSE index = 0 *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = oddsecchoice[index] END 1:BEGIN widget_control, basedomaineven, get_uvalue = evensecchoice evensecchoiceid=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'evensecchoice') if evensecchoiceid NE 0 then $ index = widget_info(evensecchoiceid, /droplist_select) $ ELSE index = 0 *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = evensecchoice[index] END 2:BEGIN widget_control, basedomainodd, get_uvalue = oddevensecchoice oddevensecchoiceid=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'odd-evensecchoice') if oddevensecchoiceid NE 0 then $ index = widget_info(oddevensecchoiceid, /droplist_select) $ ELSE index = 0 *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = oddevensecchoice[index] END endcase endif END ;--------------------------------- 'oddsecchoice':BEGIN widget_control, event.top, update=0 basedomainodd=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomainodd') widget_control, basedomainodd, get_uvalue = oddsecchoice domainpart, top_uvalue, basedomainodd, oddsecchoice[event.index] *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = oddsecchoice[event.index] widget_control, event.top, update=1 END ;--------------------------------- 'evensecchoice':BEGIN widget_control, event.top, update=0 basedomaineven=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomaineven') widget_control, basedomaineven, get_uvalue = evensecchoice domainpart, top_uvalue, basedomaineven, evensecchoice[event.index] *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = evensecchoice[event.index] widget_control, event.top, update=1 END ;--------------------------------- 'odd-evensecchoice':BEGIN widget_control, event.top, update=0 basedomainoddeven=widget_info(event.top,find_by_uname = 'basedomainodd-even') widget_control, basedomainoddeven, get_uvalue = oddevensecchoice domainpart, top_uvalue, basedomainoddeven, oddevensecchoice[event.index] *top_uvalue[1, findline(top_uvalue, 'selected')] = oddevensecchoice[event.index] widget_control, event.top, update=1 END ;--------------------------------- 'date1':BEGIN date2id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'date2') widget_control, date2id, get_value = date2 if event.value GT date2 then widget_control, date2id, set_value = event.value END ;--------------------------------- 'date2':BEGIN date1id = widget_info(event.top, find_by_uname = 'date1') widget_control, date1id, get_value = date1 if event.value LT date1 then widget_control, date1id, set_value = event.value END ;--------------------------------- else: endcase return end ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; FUNCTION read_hope, typein, varnamein, FILENAME = filename, XLIMITS = xlimits, YLIMITS = ylimits, ZLIMITS = zlimits, TLIMITS = tlimits, ODDPT = oddpt, ODDEVENPT = oddevenpt, EVENPT = evenpt, _extra = ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; usefull only for the definition of iodir if n_elements(filename) EQ 0 then filename = isafile(iodirectory = iodir, _extra = ex) IF size(filename, /type) NE 7 THEN return, -1 filename = isafile(filename = filename, iodirectory = iodir, _extra = ex) ; cdfid = ncdf_open(filename) ; id of the netcdf file wathinside = ncdf_inquire(cdfid) ; structure with global informations ;------------------------------- ; dimensions ;------------------------------- namedim = strarr(wathinside.ndims) ; name of the dimensions typedim = strarr(wathinside.ndims) ; type of the dimensions (x,y,z,t) sizedim = lonarr(wathinside.ndims) ; size of each dimension ; loop on the dimensions to get the names and sizes for dimiq = 0, wathinside.ndims-1 do begin ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimiq, name, value namedim[dimiq] = name case 1 of STRCMP(name, 'lon', 3, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 'x' STRCMP(name, 'lat', 3, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 'y' STRCMP(name, 'z', 1, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 'z' STRCMP(name, 't', 1, /FOLD_CASE):typedim[dimiq] = 't' ELSE:BEGIN ncdf_close, cdfid return, report('Unknown name of dimension') END endcase sizedim[dimiq] = value endfor ; dimlist: structure which contains the name and the value of each ; dimension ; we suppose that there is always a variable which has the ; same name that the dimension and which gives the values of ; this dimension ncdf_varget, cdfid, namedim[0], value dimlist = create_struct(namedim[0], value) for dimiq = 1, wathinside.ndims-1 do begin ncdf_varget, cdfid, namedim[dimiq], value ;get the value dimlist = create_struct(dimlist, namedim[dimiq], value) endfor ;------------------------------- ; variables ;------------------------------- namevar = strarr(wathinside.nvars) ; names of the variables ndimsvar = lonarr(wathinside.nvars) ; number of dim for each variable dimvar = replicate(-1, wathinside.ndims, wathinside.nvars) ; dims of each variables ; loop over the variable ids to fill namevar, ndimsvar and dimvar for varid = 0, wathinside.nvars-1 do begin res = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) namevar[varid] = res.name namevar[varid] = strjoin(strsplit(namevar[varid], '_[0-99]', /EXTRACT, /REGEX)) ndimsvar[varid] = res.ndims dimvar[0:res.ndims-1, varid] = res.dim ENDFOR ; we cut dimvar to select only the interessant part dimvar = dimvar[0:max(ndimsvar)-1, *] ; selection of the data variables which are diffrent from the ; dimension variables ; we suppose that that data variables are 4D array (with sometime ; dimensions equal to 1). they must be different from dimension ; variables which have only 1 dimension datavarid = where(ndimsvar eq 4) numberofvar = n_elements(datavarid) namevar = namevar[datavarid] ndimsvar = ndimsvar[datavarid] dimvar = dimvar[*, datavarid] ; sectype = strarr(numberofvar) ; the type of section for each variable :'xy', 'xz', 'yz'... linetype = strarr(numberofvar) ; the line of the points : odd, even or odd-even pointtype = strarr(numberofvar) ; the type of variable : scalar ('T') or vector ('U') for i = 0, numberofvar-1 do begin dimofthevar = dimvar[*, i] sectype[i] = typedim[dimofthevar[0]]+typedim[dimofthevar[1]] xaxisid = dimofthevar[where(typedim[dimofthevar] EQ 'x')] yaxisid = dimofthevar[where(typedim[dimofthevar] EQ 'y')] lineandpt = findlineandpointtype(sectype[i], dimlist.(xaxisid[0]), dimlist.(yaxisid[0]), iodir) linetype[i] = lineandpt.linetype pointtype[i] = lineandpt.pointtype endfor ; ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------- ; definition of the widget ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------- base = widget_base(/column) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; first base: ; droplist to select the type of section ; droplist to select the variable ; button to select type of line : odd, even or odd-even ;--------------------------------------------------- base1 = widget_base(base, /row, /frame) typechoice = sectype[uniq(sectype, sort(sectype))] if n_elements(typechoice) GT 1 then typechoice = typechoice[sortdim(typechoice)] base11 = widget_droplist(base1, title = 'Type of section', value = typechoice, uvalue = {name:'type choice'}, uname = 'type choice') if n_elements(typein) NE 0 then BEGIN selectedtype = strmid(typein, 0, 2) widget_control, base11, set_droplist_select $ = 0L > (where(typechoice EQ selectedtype))[0] ENDIF ELSE selectedtype = typechoice[0] ; varchoice = namevar[uniq(namevar, sort(namevar))] base12 = widget_droplist(base1, title = 'Available data', value = varchoice, uvalue = {name:'var choice'}, uname = 'var choice') if n_elements(varnamein) NE 0 THEN BEGIN selectedname = varnamein widget_control, base12, set_droplist_select $ = 0L > (where(strlowcase(varchoice) EQ strlowcase(varnamein)))[0] ENDIF ELSE selectedname = varchoice[0] ; base13 = widget_base(base1, /row, uname = 'linechoicebase') ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 2: base to select the domain of the odd points ;--------------------------------------------------- base2 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomainodd', /frame) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 3: base to select the domain of the even points ;--------------------------------------------------- base3 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomaineven', /frame) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 4: base to select the domain of the odd-even points ;--------------------------------------------------- base4 = widget_base(base, /column, uname = 'basedomainodd-even', /frame) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 5: calendar ;--------------------------------------------------- base5 = widget_base(base, /row, uname = 'baset', /frame) timename = strlowcase((tag_names(dimlist))[wathinside.recdim]) ; read the time axis in julina days time = ncdf_timeget(cdfid, timename) ; update the dimlist structure dimlist.(wathinside.recdim) = time base51 = cw_calendar(base5, time, uname = 'date1', uvalue = {name:'date1'}) base52 = cw_calendar(base5, time, uname = 'date2', uvalue = {name:'date2'}) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 6: base to select the min, max, ... and others keywords ;--------------------------------------------------- base6 = cw_specifie(base, /column, uname = 'specifie', uvalue = {name:'specifie'}) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; base 7: last base with the action buttons ;--------------------------------------------------- base7 = widget_base(base, /row, uname = 'finalaction') base71 = widget_button(base7, value = 'Plot', uvalue = {name:'plot'}) base72 = widget_button(base7, value = 'Cancel', uvalue = {name:'cancel'}) ;--------------------------------------------------- ; determination of the selected variable ...... ;--------------------------------------------------- goodname = 0 > where(strlowcase(namevar) EQ strlowcase(selectedname)) goodtype = 0 > where(sectype EQ selectedtype) selected = inter(goodname, goodtype) if selected[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN widget_control, base, /destroy ncdf_close, cdfid return, report('impossible combinaison : type of section '+selectedtype+', variable name '+selectedname) ENDIF if n_elements(typein) NE 0 then BEGIN if NOT keyword_set(xlimits) then xlimits = [-1e9, 1e9] if NOT keyword_set(ylimits) then ylimits = [-1e9, 1e9] if NOT keyword_set(zlimits) then zlimits = [-1e9, 1e9] if NOT keyword_set(tlimits) then tlimits = [-1e9, 1e9] ENDIF if n_elements(typein) NE 0 AND n_elements(selected) NE 1 then BEGIN if keyword_set(oddpt) then selected = inter(selected, where(linetype EQ 'odd')) if keyword_set(evenpt) then selected = inter(selected, where(linetype EQ 'even')) if keyword_set(oddevenpt) then selected = inter(selected, where(linetype EQ 'odd-even')) if selected[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN widget_control, base, /destroy ncdf_close, cdfid return, report('impossible combinaison : type of section '+selectedtype+', variable name '+selectedname+' and line type ') endif if n_elements(selected) NE 1 then begin case selectedtype of 'xy':BEGIN ; choice on the vertical axis ; choice based on the variable which has the most available levels ; between the zlimits. if NOT keyword_set(zlimits) then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop ENDIF number = lonarr(n_elements(selected)) for i = 0, n_elements(selected)-1 do begin zdim = dimvar[2, selected[i]] zaxis = dimlist.(zdim) nothing = where(zaxis GE zlimits[0] AND zaxis LE zlimits[1], count) number[i] = count ENDFOR selected = selected[where(number EQ max(number))] if n_elements(selected) NE 1 then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop endif END 'xz':BEGIN ; choice on the latitude axis if NOT keyword_set(ylimits) then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop ENDIF number = lonarr(n_elements(selected)) for i = 0, n_elements(selected)-1 do begin ydim = dimvar[2, selected[i]] yaxis = dimlist.(ydim) nothing = where(yaxis GE ylimits[0] AND yaxis LE ylimits[1], count) number[i] = count ENDFOR selected = selected[where(number EQ max(number))] if n_elements(selected) NE 1 then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop endif END 'yz':BEGIN ; choice on the longitude axis if NOT keyword_set(xlimits) then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop ENDIF number = lonarr(n_elements(selected)) for i = 0, n_elements(selected)-1 do begin xdim = dimvar[2, selected[i]] xaxis = dimlist.(xdim) nothing = where(xaxis GE xlimits[0] AND xaxis LE xlimits[1], count) number[i] = count ENDFOR selected = selected[where(number EQ max(number))] if n_elements(selected) NE 1 then begin print, 'case not coded...' stop endif END endcase endif ENDIF ;--------------------------------------------------- ; definition of the uvalue of the base which allows to share the ; variables between programs. ;--------------------------------------------------- top_uvalue = ptrarr(2, 18, /allocate_heap) *top_uvalue[0, 0] = 'type choice' & *top_uvalue[1, 0] = temporary(typechoice) *top_uvalue[0, 1] = 'var choice' & *top_uvalue[1, 1] = temporary(varchoice) *top_uvalue[0, 2] = 'namevar' & *top_uvalue[1, 2] = temporary(namevar) *top_uvalue[0, 3] = 'dimvar' & *top_uvalue[1, 3] = temporary(dimvar) *top_uvalue[0, 4] = 'sectype' & *top_uvalue[1, 4] = temporary(sectype) *top_uvalue[0, 5] = 'linetype' & *top_uvalue[1, 5] = temporary(linetype) *top_uvalue[0, 6] = 'pointtype' & *top_uvalue[1, 6] = temporary(pointtype) *top_uvalue[0, 7] = 'dimlist' & *top_uvalue[1, 7] = temporary(dimlist) *top_uvalue[0, 8] = 'typedim' & *top_uvalue[1, 8] = temporary(typedim) *top_uvalue[0, 9] = 'sizedim' & *top_uvalue[1, 9] = temporary(sizedim) *top_uvalue[0, 10] = 'cdfid' & *top_uvalue[1, 10] = cdfid *top_uvalue[0, 11] = 'datavarid' & *top_uvalue[1, 11] = datavarid *top_uvalue[0, 12] = 'selected' & *top_uvalue[1, 12] = selected *top_uvalue[0, 13] = 'filename' & *top_uvalue[1, 13] = filename *top_uvalue[0, 14] = 'xlimits' & *top_uvalue[1, 14] = testvar(var = xlimits) *top_uvalue[0, 15] = 'ylimits' & *top_uvalue[1, 15] = testvar(var = ylimits) *top_uvalue[0, 16] = 'zlimits' & *top_uvalue[1, 16] = testvar(var = zlimits) *top_uvalue[0, 17] = 'tlimits' & *top_uvalue[1, 17] = testvar(var = tlimits) widget_control, base, set_uvalue = top_uvalue rh_alldomains, base, selected if n_params() EQ 0 then BEGIN ; we use the widget widget_control, base, /REALIZE xmanager, 'read_hope', base, /no_block return, -1 ENDIF ; get the output output = createhopestruct({top:base}) ; clear the pointer for i = 0, n_elements(top_uvalue)-1 do ptr_free, top_uvalue[i] ; close the file ncdf_close, cdfid return, output end