PRO tst_pltz_old, IMAGE = image ; commons ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ; IF jpk EQ 1 THEN return ; dummy = '' cnt = 1 ; CASE jpi*key_stride[0]+jpj*key_stride[1] OF 180+148:file = '' 360+180:file = '' 720+510:file = '' ENDCASE file = isafile(file, title = 'Where is '+file+' ?', /lookalldir) IF size(file, /type) NE 7 THEN return ; IF key_onearth THEN domdef, 20, 380, -1, 1, 0, max(gdept) $ ELSE domdef, min(glamt), max(glamf), jpj/2-1, jpj/2+1, 0, max(gdept) ; temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) IF key_forgetold THEN help, temp.arr ELSE help, ; pltz, temp, /portrait if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, /portrait, /nocontour if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, /portrait, /color_c if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, /portrait, /nocouleur if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, boite = [6000] if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, boite = [6000], zoom = 1000 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, boite = [6000], zoom = 1000, ysurx = 2 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; pltz, temp, boite = [6000], zoom = 1000, ysurx = 2, hzsurht = .5 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; ; yt plot along the column that contain the largest latitude ; IF key_onearth THEN BEGIN ind = where(gphit EQ max(gphit)) ind = ind[0] MOD jpi domdef, ind, ind, -90, 90, 0, max(gdept), grille = 'T', /xindex ENDIF ELSE BEGIN domdef, jpi/2, jpi/2, min(gphit), max(gphif), 0, max(gdept), grille = 'T', /xindex ENDELSE temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 01231, file = file) pltz, temp, boite = [6000], zoom = 1000, ysurx = 2, hzsurht = .5 if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; ; oblique sections... ; IF key_onearth THEN endpoints = [110, -45, 290, 45] $ ELSE endpoints = [jpi/6, jpj/3, 5*jpi/6, 2*jpj/3] domdef, endpoints = endpoints, type = 'pltz' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) pltz, temp, endpoints = endpoints if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; ; false oblique sections... ; IF key_onearth THEN endpoints = [180, -70, 180, 90] $ ELSE endpoints = [jpi/2+0.25, +0.25, jpi/2+0.25, jpj] domdef, 6000, endpoints = endpoints, type = 'pltz' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) pltz, temp, endpoints = endpoints, boite = [6000] $ , zoom = 1000, ysurx = 2, hzsurht = .5 ; , /showbuild if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png $ ELSE read, dummy, prompt = 'press return for the next plot' cnt = cnt + 1 ; ; comparison between real section and false oblique sections ; IF (where(gphit EQ 0))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF key_onearth THEN box = [20, 380, 0, 0, 0, 6000] $ ELSE box = [0, jpi-1, jpj/2, jpj/2, 0, 6000] domdef, box, grille = 'T' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) pltz, temp, boite = [6000], /portrait, petit = [1, 2, 1] $ , zoom = 500, hzsurht = .5 IF key_onearth THEN endpoints = [20, 0, 380, 0] $ ELSE endpoints = [0, jpj/2, jpi-1, jpj/2] domdef, 6000, endpoints = endpoints, type = 'pltz', grille = 'T' temp = read_ncdf('votemper', 00101, 00131, file = file) pltz, temp, endpoints = endpoints, boite = [6000] $ , zoom = 500, hzsurht = .5 $ , petit = [1, 2, 2], /noerase if keyword_set(image) then saveimage, 'tst_pltz_'+image+'_'+string(cnt, format = '(i2.2)')+'.png', /png cnt = cnt + 1 ENDIF return end