;+ ; @file_comments ; to find if an (x,y) point is in a quadrilateral (x1,x2,x3,x4) ; ; @categories grid manipulation ; ; @param x {in}{required} ; @param y {in}{required} ; the coordinates of the point we want to know where it is. ; Must be a scalar if /ONSPHERE activated else can be scalar or array. ; ; @param x1 {in}{required} ; @param y1 {in}{required} ; @param x2 {in}{required} ; @param y2 {in}{required} ; @param x3 {in}{required} ; @param y3 {in}{required} ; @param x4 {in}{required} ; @param y4 {in}{required} ; the coordinates of the quadrilateral given in the CLOCKWISE order. ; Scalar or array. ; ; @keyword DOUBLE use double precision to perform the computation ; ; @keyword ONSPHERE to specify that the quadilateral are on a sphere and ; that teir coordinates are longitude-latitude coordinates. In this ; case, est-west periodicity, poles singularity and other pbs ; related to longitude-latitude coordinates are managed ; automatically. ; ; @keyword ZOOMRADIUS {default=4} ; the zoom (circle centred on the (x,y) with a radius of ; zoomradius degree where we look for the the quadrilateral which ; contains the (x,y) point) used for the satellite projection ; when /ONSPHERE is activated. ; 4 seems to be the minimum which can be used. ; Can be increase if the cell size is larger than 5 degrees. ; ; @keyword NOPRINT to suppress the print messages. ; ; @keyword NEWCOORD ; ; @returns ; a n element vector. Where n is the number of elements of ; x. res[i]=j means that the point number i is located in the ; quadrilateral number j with (0 <= j <= n_elements(x0)-1) ; ; @restrictions ; I think degenerated quadrilateral (e.g. flat of twisted) is not work. ; This has to be tested. ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> x = 1.*[1, 2, 6, 7, 3] ; IDL> y = 1.*[1, 3, 3, 4, 7] ; IDL> x1 = 1.*[0,4,2] ; IDL> y1 = 1.*[1,4,8] ; IDL> x2 = 1.*[1,6,4] ; IDL> y2 = 1.*[5,6,8] ; IDL> x3 = 1.*[3,8,4] ; IDL> y3 = 1.*[4,4,6] ; IDL> x4 = 1.*[2,6,2] ; IDL> y4 = 1.*[0,2,6] ; IDL> splot, [0,10], [0,10], xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1,/nodata ; IDL> for i=0,2 do oplot, [x4[i],x1[i],x2[i],x3[i],x4[i]],[y4[i],y1[i],y2[i],y3[i],y4[i]] ; IDL> oplot, x, y, color = 20, psym = 1, thick = 2 ; IDL> print, inquad(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) ; ; On a sphere see clickincell.pro... ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; August 2003 ; Based on Convert_clic_ij.pro written by Gurvan Madec ; ; @version $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION inquad, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ONSPHERE = onsphere, DOUBLE = double, ZOOMRADIUS = zoomradius, NOPRINT = noprint, NEWCOORD = newcoord ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ntofind = n_elements(x) nquad = n_elements(x2) ; IF keyword_set(onsphere) THEN BEGIN ; save the inputs parameters xin = x yin = y x1in = x1 y1in = y1 x2in = x2 y2in = y2 x3in = x3 y3in = y3 x4in = x4 y4in = y4 ; for map_set x = x MOD 360 x1 = x1 MOD 360 x2 = x2 MOD 360 x3 = x3 MOD 360 x4 = x4 MOD 360 ; save !map save = {map:!map, x:!x, y:!y, z:!z, p:!p} ; do a satellite projection IF NOT keyword_set(zoomradius) THEN zoomradius = 4 map_set, y[0], x[0], 0, /satellite, sat_p = [1+zoomradius*20/6371.229, 0, 0], /noerase, /iso, /noborder ; use normal coordinates to reject cells which are out of the projection. tmp = convert_coord(x, y, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) tmp1 = convert_coord(x1, y1, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) tmp2 = convert_coord(x2, y2, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) tmp3 = convert_coord(x3, y3, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) tmp4 = convert_coord(x4, y4, /DATA, /TO_NORMAL, DOUBLE = double) ; remove cell which have one corner with coordinates equal to NaN test = finite(tmp1[0, *]+tmp1[1, *]+tmp2[0, *]+tmp2[1, *] $ +tmp3[0, *]+tmp3[1, *]+tmp4[0, *]+tmp4[1, *]) good = where(temporary(test) EQ 1) ; IF good[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'The point is out of the cells' ; restore the input parameters x = temporary(xin) y = temporary(yin) x1 = temporary(x1in) y1 = temporary(y1in) x2 = temporary(x2in) y2 = temporary(y2in) x3 = temporary(x3in) y3 = temporary(y3in) x4 = temporary(x4in) y4 = temporary(y4in) ; restore old !map... !map = save.map !x = save.x !y = save.y !z = save.z !p = save.p RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; x = tmp[0] y = tmp[1] x1 = tmp1[0, good] y1 = tmp1[1, good] x2 = tmp2[0, good] y2 = tmp2[1, good] x3 = tmp3[0, good] y3 = tmp3[1, good] x4 = tmp4[0, good] y4 = tmp4[1, good] ; tmp1 = -1 & tmp2 = -1 & tmp3 = -1 & tmp4 = -1 ; remove cells which are obviously bad test = (x1 GT x AND x2 GT x AND x3 GT x AND x4 GT x) $ OR (x1 LT x AND x2 LT x AND x3 LT x AND x4 LT x) $ OR (y1 GT y AND y2 GT y AND y3 GT y AND y4 GT y) $ OR (y1 LT y AND y2 LT y AND y3 LT y AND y4 LT y) good2 = where(temporary(test) EQ 0) ; IF good2[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'The point is out of the cells' ; restore the input parameters x = temporary(xin) y = temporary(yin) x1 = temporary(x1in) y1 = temporary(y1in) x2 = temporary(x2in) y2 = temporary(y2in) x3 = temporary(x3in) y3 = temporary(y3in) x4 = temporary(x4in) y4 = temporary(y4in) ; restore old !map... !map = save.map !x = save.x !y = save.y !z = save.z !p = save.p RETURN, -1 ENDIF ; nquad = n_elements(good2) x1 = x1[good2] y1 = y1[good2] x2 = x2[good2] y2 = y2[good2] x3 = x3[good2] y3 = y3[good2] x4 = x4[good2] y4 = y4[good2] ENDIF ; ; ; the point is inside the quadilateral if test eq 1 ; with test equal to: ; test = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1) GE (x2-x1)*(y-y1)) $ ; *((x-x2)*(y3-y2) GT (x3-x2)*(y-y2)) $ ; *((x-x3)*(y4-y3) GT (x4-x3)*(y-y3)) $ ; *((x-x4)*(y1-y4) GE (x1-x4)*(y-y4)) ; ; computation of test without any do loop for ntofind points (x,y) and ; nquad quadilateral((x1,x2,x3,x4),(y1,y2,y3,y4)) ; test dimensions are (ntofind, nquad) ; column i of test corresponds to the intersection of point i with all ; quadirlateral. ; row j of test corresponds to all the points localized in cell j test = $ ; (x-x1) ((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x1[*]) $ ; *(y2-y1) *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y2-y1)[*]) $ ; GE (x2-x1) GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x2-x1)[*]) $ ; *(y-y1) *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y1[*]))) ;------- test = temporary(test) $ ; *(x-x2) *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x2[*]) $ ; *(y3-y2) *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y3-y2)[*]) $ ; GE (x3-x2) GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x3-x2)[*]) $ ; *(y-y2) *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y2[*]))) ;------- test = temporary(test) $ ; *(x-x3) *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x3[*]) $ ; *(y4-y3) *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y4-y3)[*]) $ ; GE (x4-x3) GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x4-x3)[*]) $ ; *(y-y3) *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y3[*]))) ;------- test = temporary(test) $ ; *(x-x4) *((x[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#x4[*]) $ ; *(y1-y4) *(replicate(1, ntofind)#(y1-y4)[*]) $ ; GE (x1-x4) GE ((replicate(1, ntofind)#(x1-x4)[*]) $ ; *(y-y4) *(y[*]#replicate(1, nquad)-replicate(1, ntofind)#y4[*]))) ; ; check test if ntofind gt 1 ; if ntofind gt 1, each point must be localised in one uniq cell. IF ntofind GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; each column of test must have only 1 position equal to one chtest = total(test, 2) ; points out of the cells IF (where(chtest EQ 0))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'Points number '+strjoin(strtrim(where(chtest EQ 0), 1), ', ')+' are out of the grid' stop ENDIF ; points in more than one cell IF (where(chtest GT 1))[0] NE -1 THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'Points number '+strjoin(strtrim(where(chtest GT 1), 1), ', ')+' are in more than one cell' stop ENDIF ENDIF ; find the points for which test eq 1 found = where(temporary(test) EQ 1) ; if ntofind eq 1, the point may be localised in more than one grid ; cell ou may also be out of the cells IF ntofind EQ 1 THEN BEGIN CASE 1 OF found[0] EQ -1:BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'The point is out of the cells' IF keyword_set(onsphere) THEN BEGIN ; restore old !map... !map = save.map !x = save.x !y = save.y !z = save.z !p = save.p ENDIF return, -1 END n_elements(found) GT ntofind:BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(noprint) THEN print, 'The point is in more than one cell' END ELSE: ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; if ntofind GT 1, found must be sorted ; i position of found. this corresponds to one x,y point forsort = found MOD ntofind ; j position of found. this corresponds to cell in which is one x,y ; point found = temporary(found)/ntofind ; found must be sorted accordind to forsort found = found[sort(forsort)] ENDELSE ; IF keyword_set(onsphere) THEN BEGIN IF arg_present(newcoord) THEN BEGIN found = found[0] newcoord = [[x1[found], y1[found]] $ , [x2[found], y2[found]] $ , [x3[found], y3[found]] $ , [x4[found], y4[found]] $ , [x, y]] ENDIF ; found = good[good2[found]] ; restore the input parameters x = temporary(xin) y = temporary(yin) x1 = temporary(x1in) y1 = temporary(y1in) x2 = temporary(x2in) y2 = temporary(y2in) x3 = temporary(x3in) y3 = temporary(y3in) x4 = temporary(x4in) y4 = temporary(y4in) ; restore old !map... !map = save.map !x = save.x !y = save.y !z = save.z !p = save.p ENDIF ;; RETURN, found END