;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; @file_comments Close the Postscript mode ; ; when archive_ps ne 0, we add the name and the date ; at the bottom left corner of the postcript page. If the ; postscript is called idl.ps we change its name to number.ps ; (number automatically found to be 1 larger that any of the ; existing ps file) ; ; @keyword INFOWIDGET A long integer giving the id of the information ; widget (created by openps) that we have de destroy at ; the end of closeps (when the postscript is done) ; ; @uses cm_4ps ; ; @history Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 21/12/98 ; June 2005: Sebastien Masson, english version with new commons ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ PRO closeps, INFOWIDGET = infowidget ; ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; IF lmgr(/demo) EQ 1 THEN return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; include commons @cm_4ps IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew ENDIF ; IF !d.name NE 'PS' THEN GOTO, last_part ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; if archive_ps /= 0 we will add its name and the date at the bottom ; left corner of the page (in case if the postscript will be archived ; in printps ;------------------------------------------------------------ IF keyword_set(archive_ps) THEN BEGIN ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; we get the name of the latest created postscript. ;------------------------------------------------------------ psdir = isadirectory(psdir, title = 'Select psdir') nameps = file_search(psdir+'*.ps' $ , /test_regular, /test_write, /nosort) dates = (file_info(nameps)).mtime lastdate = (reverse(sort(temporary(dates))))[0] nameps = nameps[lastdate] nameps = file_basename(nameps, '.ps') ; If this name is idl.ps then we change it to the number.ps IF nameps EQ 'idl' then BEGIN ; get the name of all the *.ps or *.ps.gz files available in psdir allps = file_search(psdir+'*[.ps|.ps.gz|.pdf]', /test_regular, /nosort) allps = file_basename(file_basename(allps,'.gz'),'.ps') allps = file_basename(allps,'.pdf') ; find which of these names corresponds to numbers... ; get ascii codes of the names testnumb = byte(allps) ; longest name maxstrlen = (size(testnumb, /dimensions))[0] ; ascii codes can be 0 or between byte('0') and byte('9') testnumb = testnumb EQ 0 OR $ (testnumb GE (byte('0'))[0] AND testnumb LE (byte('9'))[0]) testnumb = where(total(testnumb, 1) EQ maxstrlen, count) IF count NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; get the largest number psnumber = fix(allps[testnumb]) psnumber = (psnumber[reverse(sort(psnumber))])[0] + 1 ENDIF ELSE psnumber = 0 nameps = strtrim(psnumber, 2) ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; we annote the postscript ;------------------------------------------------------------ date = byte(systime(0)) ; we get the date xyouts, !d.x_px_cm, !d.y_px_cm $ , nameps+') '+string(date[4:10])+string(date[20:23]) $ , /device, charsize = .75 ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; close the postcript mode device, /close ; last_part: ; thisOS = strupcase(strmid(!version.os_family, 0, 3)) CASE thisOS of 'MAC': SET_PLOT, thisOS 'WIN': SET_PLOT, thisOS ELSE: SET_PLOT, 'X' ENDCASE def_myuniquetmpdir colorfile = myuniquetmpdir + 'original_colors.dat' IF file_test(colorfile, /regular) THEN BEGIN restore, colorfile file_delete, colorfile, /quiet ; reload the original colors tvlct, red, green, blue ENDIF !p.font = -1 ; force background color to the last color (white) !p.BACKGROUND=(!d.n_colors-1) < 255 !p.color=0 if !d.n_colors gt 256 then !p.background='ffffff'x ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(infowidget) then $ widget_control, long(infowidget), bad_id = toto, /destroy ;------------------------------------------------------------ return end