;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; @file_comments ; ; Given the arrays X and Y, which tabulate a function (with the X[i] ; AND Y[i] in ascending order), and given an input value X2, the ; SPL_INCR function returns an interpolated value for the given values ; of X2. The interpolation method is based on cubic spline, corrected ; in a way that integral of the interpolated values is the same as the ; integral of the input values. (-> for exemple to build daily data ; from monthly mean and keep the monthly mean of the computed daily ; data equa to the original values) ; ; @examples y2 = spl_keep_mean(x, y, x2) ; ; @param x {in}{required} An n-element (at least 2) input vector that specifies the ; tabulate points in a strict ascending order. ; ; @param yin {in}{required} an array with one element less than x. y[i] represents the ; mean value between x[i] and x[i+1]. if /GE0 is activated, y must ; have positive values. ; ; @param x2 {in}{required} The input values for which the interpolated values are ; desired. Its values must be strictly monotonically increasing. ; ; ; @keyword /GE0 to force that y2 is always GE than 0. In that case, y must ; also be GE than 0. ; ; @keyword YP0 The first derivative of the interpolating function at the ; point X0. If YP0 is omitted, the second derivative at the ; boundary is set to zero, resulting in a "natural spline." ; ; @keyword YPN_1 The first derivative of the interpolating function at the ; point Xn-1. If YPN_1 is omitted, the second derivative at the ; boundary is set to zero, resulting in a "natural spline." ; ; @returns ; ; y2: the meean value between two consecutive values of x2. This ; array has one element less than y2. y2 has double precision. ; ; @restrictions ; It might be possible that y2 has very small negative values ; (amplitude smaller than 1.e-6)... ; ; ; @examples ; ; 12 monthly values of precipitations into daily values: ; ; yr1 = 1990 ; yr2 = 1992 ; nyr = yr2-yr1+1 ; n1 = 12*nyr+1 ; x = julday(1+findgen(n1), replicate(1, n1) $ ; , replicate(yr1, n1), fltarr(n1)) ; n2 = 365*nyr + total(leapyr(yr1+indgen(nyr))) + 1 ; x2 = julday(replicate(1, n2), 1+findgen(n2) $ ; , replicate(yr1, n2), fltarr(n2)) ; y = abs(randomn(0, n1-1)) ; y2 = spl_keep_mean(x, y, x2, /ge0) ; print, min(x, max = ma), ma ; print, min(x2, max = ma), ma ; print, vairdate([min(x, max = ma), ma]) ; print, total(y*(x[1:n1-1]-x[0:n1-2])) ; print, total(y2*(x2[1:n2-1]-x2[0:n2-2])) ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr): May 2005 ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION spl_keep_mean, x, yin, x2, YP0 = yp0, YPN_1 = ypn_1, GE0 = ge0 ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ;--------------------------------- ; check and initialisation ... ;--------------------------------- ; nx = n_elements(x) ny = n_elements(yin) nx2 = n_elements(x2) ; x must have at least 2 elements IF nx LT 2 THEN stop ; x2 must have at least 2 elements IF nx2 LT 2 THEN stop ; x be monotonically increasing IF min(x[1:nx-1]-x[0:nx-2]) LE 0 THEN stop ; x2 be monotonically increasing IF min(x2[1:nx2-1]-x2[0:nx2-2]) LE 0 THEN stop ; ;--------------------------------- ; compute the integral of y ;--------------------------------- ; if spl_keep_mean is called by the user (and not by itself) we must compute ; the integral of y. yin must have one element less than x IF nx NE ny+1 THEN stop y = double(yin)*double(x[1:nx-1]-x[0:nx-2]) y = [0.0d, temporary(y)] y = total(temporary(y), /cumulative, /double) ; ;--------------------------------- ; compute the "spline" interpolation ;--------------------------------- ; IF keyword_set(ge0) THEN BEGIN ; if the want that the interpolated values are always >= 0, we must ; have yin >= 0.0d IF min(yin) LT 0 THEN stop ; call spl_incr y2 = spl_incr(x, temporary(y), x2, yp0 = yp0, ypn_1 = ypn_1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN yscd = spl_init(x, y, yp0 = yp0, ypn_1 = ypn_1, /double) y2 = spl_interp(x, y, temporary(yscd), x2, /double) ENDELSE ; ; ;--------------------------------- ; Compute the derivative of y ;--------------------------------- ; yfrst = (y2[1:nx2-1]-y2[0:nx2-2])/(x2[1:nx2-1]-x2[0:nx2-2]) ; it can happen that we have very small negative values (-1.e-6 for ex) ; yfrst = 0.0d > temporary(yfrst) RETURN, yfrst ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; END